"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Monday, June 30, 2008
Guard chiefs gather at Virgin Islands resort - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times
The largest single consumer of gasoline blends in our country throws a party while the empire's economy goes into convulsions. Think about this while filling your gas tank on the way to work. Many thanks to Anti-war.com for the link! Read it
t r u t h o u t | High Gas Prices Threaten to Drain Small Towns' Populations
A genuine lack of ingenuity, scarcity of jobs with a government and economic system that prefers docile minimum wage slaves to skilled independent craftspeople. Atomized, alienated from our class and communal solidarities, people in the country need to band together and fight back.
Instead of conniving against each other, spreading malicious gossip and trying to ruin our neighbors - we should call all that out as a curse on our way of life in the rural areas.
Instead of bulldozing every square yard of arable land for subsidized petroleum based agriculture, a rural resistance should take place around sustainable food production and direct farmer to market distribution.
Instead of scurrying like rats for the land speculators and real estate developers; cops, judges, doctors, local lawyers and business people should seek to develop an alternative currency, deprive corporate financial interests from invading like alien predators into our countryside.
Instead of welcoming endless wasteful growth, better to intensify our support of locally owned businesses, skilled crafts and true energy autonomy. Better to work for and with our neighbors than the utility and gas companies. There should be millions of roof top electrical wind and solar generating stations, whole villages off the grid and being paid to generate energy for the parasite utility companies.
It doesn't have to be the way as described here.
Bill Moyers blasts Big Oil
Shadow of War Looms as Israel Flexes its Muscle - CommonDreams.org
[excerpt] "The meeting at the home of Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was not supposed to be public. The man invited into Olmert’s official residence in Jerusalem was Aviam Sela, architect of Operation Opera in 1981, when Israel launched a long-range strike against Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor. Regarded as a brilliant aviation tactician, in particular in the field of in-flight refuelling, Olmert’s office tried to play down the meeting. But the rumours in Israel’s defence establishment were already flying. ..." Read more
Guns and Butter: Dr. Michael Hudson "The New Road to Serfdom"
Depression "inevitable for the United States" not worldwide.
"Sharp increase in unemployment... large scale foreclosures, bankruptcies while military expenditures will increase."
A big hat tip to the Radio4All network and the recent "Unwelcome Guests" program from Watkins Glen, NY for the link to this sizzling hot, must listening radio interview on the economy from KPFA radio. Hear Hudson who

Program Summary
"The New Road to Serfdom"
Interview with economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson, on his new book in progress, "The Fictitious Economy: How Finance Is Destroying Industrial Capitalism and Paving a New Road to Serfdom." We examine what is meant by the term "fictitious" as the concept is applied to aspects of today's economy. We take a look at the role of war and the demise of the dollar, the bubble economy, and what could unfold in the future. Visit Dr. Hudson's website at www.michael-hudson.com.
He has previous shows at his web site, but this one addresses current monetary conditions and several very alarming economic scenarios for Americans. Listen to the stream right now click Dr. Hudson on Guns and Butter
Los Angeles CityBeat - House of Cards
“Everything is very clearly thought out and premeditated. Whether it’s having conferences and think tank sessions about how to encourage people to accept more debt [or] to work with merchants – for example, to persuade merchants with empirical information that ... if they use a credit card that they’ll buy 20-25 percent more.”
Manning notes that saving and thrift was historically a positive value in the U.S. As recently as the l980s, the national savings rate was 10 to 11 percent. Since 2005, Americans have saved less than 1 percent of their disposable incomes. In fact, the most recent figures from March show that the savings rate is negative, below zero. ...
Los Angeles CityBeat - House of Cards
Information Clearing House:
Truthdig - Reports - The Truthdig Interview With Naomi Klein
[excerpt] "Klein: Yeah, yeah—we definitely should link to this one. The heading on the document is. ... Well, first of all, the people who attended the meeting were from a variety of right-wing think tanks, as well as the Republican Study Group—highly placed Republican congresspeople. And they came up with 32 free-market solutions for Hurricane Katrina. And it was everything from give parents school vouchers instead of rebuilding the public schools; mixed-use housing instead of repairing the public housing; drill in ANWR [the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] ...; build more oil refineries. I mean, it was just the wish list!
And so what you see there is just, you know, the readiness of the right—aided by these think tanks, funded by multinational corporations and the richest families in the United States—to seize on a crisis that they themselves created with their ideology to push for more of the same. I mean, Katrina was a catastrophe, the flooding of New Orleans was a catastrophe created by heavy weather linked to global warming, because the increase in category 5 hurricanes is directly linked to warming ocean temperatures, and weak infrastructure, which is linked to the systematic neglect of the public sphere as a result of the campaign to destroy the New Deal.
And what is their solution? It’s more fossil fuels ... and destroying the public infrastructure altogether. And the fact is much of this has happened. The public housing in New Orleans is being destroyed. The hospitals—the public hospital in New Orleans is still not open, Charity Hospital. The school system ... has been handed over to charter schools. ..." Read more
Saturday, June 28, 2008
An Attack That Came Out of the Ether - washingtonpost.com
[excerpt] "While Allen was already an expert on the mechanics of politics, she fast began to learn the mechanics of the Internet. She discovered, for instance, that the recipe for launching a chain e-mail attack is not as simple as typing it up and hitting the send button to a long list of recipients. It takes effort to seed a chain mail that spreads as widely as the Obama missive, explained Jeff Bedser, president of the Internet Crimes Group, a company that helps corporations battle such broadsides. "Lighting that fire, getting something to have momentum, takes work," he said. ..."
Read more about An Attack That Came Out of the Ether
Primary Season Over, Barack Channels Hillary | This Can't Be Happening!
Tomgram: Mike Davis, Welcome to the Next Epoch
Some of those that richocet their forwards to me are pissed because I won't post their stuff on the Flyer. They should stick to teaching folks low energy gardening, canning and preserving food, they know all about that kind of stuff, but are absolutely stupid when it comes to how they are being used by corporations and race haters.
Here is an intelligent forward from a reader, thanks! Read it all at: Tomgram and get off my case, come to think of it - just go back to bloody ignorant Hell where you came from! DIE, DIE you fricking idiots.
Obama in KC on Monday! - Democracy For the Heart of America | Google Groups
Israel's dead end, Al-Ahram Weekly, 26 June-2 July 2008
[excerpt] "In 1895, Theodor Herzl, Zionism's chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favour sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to 'try to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across the border by denying it any employment in our own country... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.' He was proposing a programme of Palestinian emigration enforced through a policy of strict separation between Jewish immigrants and the indigenous population. In simple terms, he hoped that, once Zionist organisations had bought up large areas of Palestine and owned the main sectors of the economy, Palestinians could be made to leave by denying them rights to work the land or labour in the Jewish-run economy. His vision was one of transfer, or ethnic cleansing, through ethnic separation. ..."
Read more at this site here .
Iron Sky is coming ...
The Dutch are with us! We must not fail! Radio Free Kansas lives!
Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve's credibility crumbles - Telegraph
England's banks bracing ...
Another forward from a reader citing the United Kingdom's "quality newspaper." We should ask, if the Fed has lost credibility with the Tories, what about us?
The reader suggests reading the commentaries below the piece with: "These comments are all from people in the financial industries all over the world… very educational reading…"
Caution: Spybot software detects malicious advert ware. Click "deny" and the page will still load, read on at the Telegraph
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Kansas City - What Would Woody Do? @Kansas City Kansas Community College - Events - The Pitch
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Glenn Greenwald On Antiwar Radio part 1 of 2
Wiretapping, sucking up emails, do you trust the incompetent boobs working in government or the utility companies to protect our rights?
YouTube - Lieberman Must Go!
t r u t h o u t | The Village That Aims for Energy Autarky
Why couldn't something like this be operating here?
Only our selfish stubborn individualism stands in the way. Read it and do more than dream. Click here .
Radio Free Kansas @ High Noon!

He'll be visiting with us at 1pm (CDT) following our local news hour.
Steve Heller became an election integrity activist after the 2000 election debacle in Florida.
He became known to legions of election protection activists as the "Diebold Whistle-blower" in 2004. While working as a word processor at the law firm representing Diebold, Heller saw documents proving Diebold was violating state election laws by knowingly peddling voting machine software that had not received the state certification required by law. All of the press related to his case can be found here.
Faced with a difficult moral dilemma -- either say nothing and respect attorney-client privilege, or expose Diebold's criminal acts against clean elections -- Steve chose to protect our elections, and thus our Republic, by copying and releasing the documents to the press and to California's Secretary of State. Heller acknowledges that he committed a serious crime in breaking attorney-client privilege. But what is illegal is not always wrong.
Partly as a result of Steve's actions, in April 2004, former California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley de-certified Diebold in California for what he called their "fraudulent," "despicable," and "deceitful behavior."
For stealing and exposing legal documents, Steve was charged by the Los Angeles District Attorney with three felonies; unauthorized access to a computer, second-degree burglary, and receiving stolen goods. The charges carried a potential of 12 years in state prison.
Eventually, Heller pleaded guilty to one felony count of unauthorized access to a computer, paid $10,000 in restitution to the law firm, and was sentenced to three years of probation. The other two charges were dropped. At this time, he is still on probation.
His case was featured in the documentary "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections" by David Earnhardt. http://www.uncountedthemovie.com/
In November of 2004, Steve went to Columbus, Ohio as a volunteer with nonpartisan get-out-the-vote efforts. While working on election day, he was appalled to see voter suppression techniques in action. Too few voting machines for inner-city, mostly African American precincts, flyers distributed throughout impoverished, heavily Democratic neighborhoods with misinformation about voting laws and polling place locations, and people waiting to vote having to stand in line for hours on that cold, rainy November day.
As Steve said, "I saw Jim Crow strutting up and down the streets of inner city Columbus." What he witnessed that day made him more determined than ever to bring to light the crimes against the voters and against clean elections; crimes against our very Republic.
More recently, Steve was asked by Brad Friedman of The BRAD BLOG to join him in consultations with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) regarding Rep. Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush.
Steve contributed research, documentation, and information which was used in Article 29, "Conspiracy to Violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965."
He is an election integrity blogger for Velvet Revolution's Election Protection Strike Force.
He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two dogs, and three cats.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Prosecute Bush for murder? Vincent Bugliosi might have something that will stick.
Slattery in Wichita on Boeing jobs: "Roberts should be fired"
Milwaukee: Rumor of Free Food Vouchers Draws 2,500 People to Community Services Center, Fights Break Out, Cops Called, Barricades Established; No Food Vouchers Today
Solar dish may revolutionize energy production - LiveScience- msnbc.com
Monday, June 23, 2008
t r u t h o u t | Congressional Resolution Demands Bush Act on Iran
End of empire - and your "way of life."

"The horror, the horror ..."
Read the names of who is supporting this "escalation" to war. A Military Blockade of Iran puts us one hair trigger away from economic collapse and abject poverty for tens of millions in America. We must learn to be kind to all our neighbors.
Mike Whitney: The Game is Over
"Mike Whitney : How do you explain the soaring price of oil? Is it mainly a supply/demand issue or are speculators driving the prices up?
Michael Hudson: It’s true that enormous amounts of speculative credit are going into commodity index funds. But bear in mind that as the dollar depreciates, OPEC countries have been holding back supply largely to stabilize their receipts in euros and to offset their losses on the dollar securities they have bought with their past export proceeds. For over 30 years they have been pressured to recycle their oil earnings into the U.S. stock market and loans to U.S. financial institutions. They have taken large losses on these investments (such as last year’s money to bail out Citibank), and are trying to recoup them via the oil market. OPEC officials also have pointed to a political motive: They resent America’s military intrusion in the Middle East, especially in view of how much it contributes to the nation’s balance-of-payments deficit and federal budget deficit.
The U.S. press prefers to blame Chinese, Indian and other foreign growth in demand for oil and raw materials. This demand has contributed to the price rise, no doubt about it. But the U.S. oil majors are receiving a windfall “economic rent” on the price run-up, and are not at all unhappy to see it continue. By not building more refining and shipping capacity, they have created bottlenecks so that even if foreign countries did supply more crude oil, it would not be reflected in refined gasoline, kerosene or other downstream product prices. ..."
Read more about how the The Game is Over
Culture Change - You. Will. Not. Be. Able. To. Get. Food.
The future of energy | Economist.com
The turbulence caused by energy, food and mineral scarcity coupled with uneven capitalist-driven development will shake the very foundations of all 21st century civilizations. The cornucopian dreams envisioned in this article negates the effect of worldwide social upheavel, does not prepare the billions of "the lower depths" for the end of "growth" and instead promotes a capitalist utopia of t

Read The future of energy And remember, that we must make it, with our own autonomous hands, and against the global corporations.
And this too, we shall let pass?
We will not forgive and forget!
A Great Reckoning will be our harvest. Now is the time to sow, and prepare to reap.
Like a stone cast upon the water, this ripples through the internet, ...
A new revolutionary writing group is in the making, can you see it?
4th Amendment: Rest in Peace : Information Clearing House

Have you climbed out from that canyon of grief?
Pain so hard that it challenges your existence?
What does one take to grinding goodness each night?
What forces the candle of your soul to flicker bright - all night?
What is left that might emerge into the foggy gray,
"It seems so dim," you say.
Left you to light this mighty forge.
Alone to walk this dewy path,
Look here, now, and see this flame.
See here how this steel is tempered.
Cindy Sheehan for Congress!
Her latest: R.I.P. 4th Amendment
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Battle shapes up over future of U.S. in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com
U.S. Says Exercise by Israel Seemed Directed at Iran : Information Clearing House
Robert Greenwald: "This Brave Nation"
Anatomy of a Price Surge
Feral Scholar » Blog Archive » Bubble reflation… in oil and food
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dr. Bill Roy: "Medicare for all!"
Printing presses running solar electric film? Wow!
Slattery campaign slams Sen. Roberts protection racket with Big Pharma
Wexler writes to a concerned "Flyer Reader" about McClellan and impeachment.
James Howard Kunstler on NPR - "Suburbia's 'toast'"
Protest the 2008 Republican National Convention!
Friday, June 20, 2008
MyFox Kansas City | War Protesters Use American Idol Theme to Gain Support
Latest news is that he is out of the ICU, but has a very long road toward recovery. A "card of thanks" urging him to get well can be mailed at: Tomas Young, St Luke's Hospital, 4401 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64111
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New Statesman - Poles apart
Congressional Democrats and Bush: Impeachment is "off the table" or run from Blackwater gestapo round-ups?
Why is Obama wearing Israel and American flag lapel pins now?
Once I thought Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't want impeachment because she'd been watching Gitmo snuff films in the White House basement with the Bushevik cabal, then I wondered if Rep. John Conyers knew his and other congressionals' phones were bugged by the Department of Homeland Security and was scared something dirty might be "leaked" to the obliging New York Times or the WaPo editorial board.
Finally, eyewitnesses report that as far back as June - July 2007 the cowards in congress were just plain full of white-eyed terror at being rounded up in a Bushevik dragnet of dissidents after martial law is declared and the elections are postponed.
If, or when, Bush drops the bombs on Iran, watch how many fancy pants are soiled and where they run. Talk about feathering some dirty little nests while the corporate wolves are circling the wagons before the national elections.
Chickenhawk millionaires, all!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In | A WWWD barn dance?
What Would Woody Do?
Obama accuser has long rap sheet - Ben Smith - Politico.com
Impeachment: It Still Matters - CommonDreams.org
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
James Carville, Mary Matalin Break Down On Set Over Tim Russert's Death - Media on The Huffington Post
Illustrations of the New US Embassy in Baghdad - "The Palace"
Bigger than the Vatican!
Our tax dollars at work, as designed by a Kansas City architectural firm - note the tennis courts, swimming pools - just click the illustrations to get a close up. Many thanks for Anti-war Radio and others for the research. Now how can some silly cartoons be a "security breach"? I think they don't want us to know how our money is being spent. Click: The New US Embassy in Baghdad
Ducking Impeachment in Congress and the Newsroom | This Can't Be Happening!
Dave Lindorff, tomorrow on Blue Barn Radio?
Damn right! Listen in then ... beginning at High Noon (central) and meanwhile he's writing: "On Monday last week, something important happened in Washington. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the Democratic representative from Cleveland, OH, who early in the primary season won some of the biggest applause lines in the Democratic presidential candidate debates, introduced 35 articles calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors. You'd be excused if you didn't know this happened. ..." Not now! There's no excuse because you can now read it all at This Can't Be Happening!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Reuters: "Water fueled car invented in Japan"
War on Iran? Scott Ritter speaking in Kansas City this Saturday!
Why Not Nancy? : Information Clearing House
Shipshape Spin for Japan | Center for Media and Democracy
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Electric Politics | An Irish Flack
Fade to black: Is this the end of oil? - The Independent

image tip: Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb!"
How Iran Has Bush Over a Barrel
If this article from Time magazine on-line seems "realistic" in the face of an enormous pro-war propaganda machine from the White House that's because it is.
Here is a short snapshot of the elites arguing, a wing of the Main$tream Media (M$M) telling the other wings - "watch out!" Bush stutters "sanctions" while on his "last tour" of Europe - he's got more than six months left in office, fer chrissakes, and out pops a drop of truth to the American news consumers. Well, at least for the ones who can still read in the United States.
Iran is going to develop nuclear powered electrical generators, and consequently the ability to secretly make nuclear bombs - just like Israel did over twenty years ago. All those Fox News brain drained junkies screaming "war till the end of the world" with outrage will not stop them. Read a few paragraphs of hard truth at TIME and get over it AND get ready.
Oh Canada, my Canada ....
Wired Magazine: Check the NSA taps on your computer

Russert bullhorned planted lies from White House for Iraq invasion
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Dahr Jamail & Ahmed Ali: "The love stories are gone."
Robert Greenwald: "The Real McCain" viral videos!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Jim Slattery: "Sen. Roberts voted wrong way on renewable energy"
When the US goes to war, corporate America goes too. : Information Clearing House
Nancy Pelosi Pulled Iran Bill On Request of Israel : Information Clearing House
Michelle Obama Becomes GOP Target, Politico: Both Parties Are Trying To Define Democratic Candidate's Wife For The General Election - CBS News
John Pilger: "Obama Is a Truly Democratic Expansionist"
It is my hope that all those under the influence of what history professor, Howard Zinn described as "election madness" consider being as radical as reality is.
It is my opinion that "local is best" when it comes to democracy and elections in the United States. Whither Obama or McCain comes out on top after next November - it matters not whit, when it comes to you and your neighbors survival.
Since I know most of you won't read past these words I place this quote from Pilger's latest: "... It is time the wishful-thinkers grew up politically and debated the world of great power as it is, not as they hope it will be. Like all serious presidential candidates, past and present, Obama is a hawk and an expansionist. He comes from an unbroken Democratic tradition, as the war-making of presidents Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton demonstrates. Obama's difference may be that he feels an even greater need to show how tough he is. However much the colour of his skin draws out both racists and supporters, it is otherwise irrelevant to the great power game. The "truly exciting and historic moment in US history" will only occur when the game itself is challenged." And that game is ending corporate militarism abroad and at home, and American imperialism as a federal government policy.
Read John Pilger
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Truthdig - Reports - Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment
Bill Moyers at the National Convention for Media Reform - 2008
Here's a site countering the Obama smears ....

Articles of Impeachment read on the floor of the House of Representatives
Behind the Midwest's Crazy Weather - TIME
TIME magazine has to say about it.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dave Lindorff on Blue Barn radio - Wednesday, June 18th, 1pm (central)
Dr. Bill Roy: "No 'Social Solidarity' or 'Patriotism' in today's America?"
Emergency Alert! Flash! Press Release | FSRN
Funding Cuts Bring Popular Grassroots Newscast to the Brink
BERKELEY, California - June 6, 2008 - One of the most important alternative news outlets in the country is facing closure after its major supporter substantially reduced funding.
Go to: FSRN and make a donation today!
St. Paul GOP Convention Protest Dispute Returning To Court
The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves :: Pike County Pa Newspapers in Milford, Pa.
Kucinich Forces Vote On Bush’s Impeachment
Jim Slattery on Blue Barn radio, today!
Can the man originally from Good Intent, Kansas (near Atchison) bring back grassroot issues and dismantle the "military industrial complex" as personified in Sen. Pat Roberts and Rep. Todd Tiahrt?

Roberts' smear machine has already went on the attack mode with a cartoon, smearing Slattery over his lobbying work in the DC beltway for a firm called Wiley Rein.
Slattery is promising a competitive race against Sen. Pat Roberts and according to a recent Lawrence Journal - World article: "Slattery says he’s proud of the work he did for Wiley Rein. He recently released a list of his clients, which included companies and groups involved in trade disputes. 'I’m happy to take responsibility for the work I’ve done outside of government. It’s time Pat Roberts takes responsibility for his votes the last six years that have brought us record gas prices, a slumping economy, and an unnecessary war' ..." Read more of the Lawrence Journal World article by one of our favorite Kansas journalists, Scott Rothschild here.
Our show will begin at High Noon with music and local news shorts.
Hear Jim Slattery today on Blue Barn radio! He'll be appearing at 1pm (central time zone).
Mary Pitt: "Put up or shut up!"
Who is the man behind the Obama email hate campaigns?
Ron Paul's own convention? - First Read - msnbc.com

Do you think the Republicans meeting across town on the same night, while they're announcing the nominee for their vice-president, will be soiling themselves?

"They will attend the Paul convention and the campaign is encouraging them to go to the official GOP convention as 'active and positive.' But, Benton added, Paul's supporters are independent-minded and aren't going to be told what to do. 'They’re free individuals, and they can do what they like,' Benton said. 'We want to send a message to the Republican Party, a message to return to its limited government roots ... common sense foreign policy that is non interventionist, reject the Patriot Act and move back to respecting the Constitution and rule of law.'"
Wonder what the war-mongering oligarchs in the sky-boxes will be hissing and pissing about those below?
BBC NEWS | South Asia | What next for Nepal?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Iran warns of painful response if Israel attacks | Reuters
Truthdig - Christopher Hedges: "The Iran Trap"
Monday, June 09, 2008
Another reader forward - more evidence of a grassroots election movement for change?

Free Land,
Free People and Free Speech!
for the SUMMER?
Blogging at "The Learning Curve" another grassroot effort from Tom W. Fox's blogspot to generate creative yard signs and cards.
Be brave in Kansas, and best of all, like the cards - be free!
An Avid Flyer Reader
Mike Ely: "Eyes on the Maobadi: 4 Reasons Nepal’s Revolution Matters"

Electing a revolutionary party to build a socialist republic in Nepal? Kansans need to know! [excerpt] "... Something remarkable is happening. A whole generation of people has never seen a radical, secular, revolutionary movement rise with popular support. And yet here it is – in Nepal today. This movement has overthrown Nepal’s hated King Gyanendra and abolished the medieval monarchy. It has created a revolutionary army that now squares off with the old King’s army. It has built parallel political power in remote rural areas over a decade of guerrilla war – undermining feudal traditions like the caste system. It has gathered broad popular support and emerged as the leading force of an unprecedented Constituent Assembly (CA). And it has done all this under the radical banner of Maoist communism — advocating a fresh attempt at socialism and a classless society around the world. People in Nepal call these revolutionaries the Maobadi. ..." Read why Mike Ely thinks and writes Nepal’s Revolution Matters
Obama Could Set an Earthquake Under the Established Electoral Map
t r u t h o u t | McClellan to Testify Before House in CIA Leak Case
Poisoning the Well | OurFuture.org
The hate mail against Obama controversy continues ...
WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS .... in response to last Saturday night's Blue Barn Radio where during the last hour readers responded to a hate Obama email I asked about, a reader forwards this link and the one below by Rick Perlstein. Tom Sullivan writes: [excerpt] "...E-mail smears may be a cottage industry of the most radical blog partisans. Or, as with the administration efforts listed above, they might be something more sophisticated. (Anyone with information on the latter is encouraged to speak up.) Either way, the last decade and a half has seen a steady erosion of capital-T truth. Propaganda has been raised to an art form by an administration populated with doubt-free, "right-wing exuberants" disdainful of “the reality-based community.” Because it is mostly invisible, there may be a tendency to dismiss such spam as stupid or unimportant ... But that misses the point. First, it would not circulate so widely if it were not reinforcing what traffickers wish to believe (and what propagandists want them to believe). How widespread this phenomenon is has not been studied, to my knowledge, but should be. It is antithetical to the ideal of an informed electorate. Second, because these e-mails are part of a “death by a thousand cuts” strategy against opponents; they are meant to be disposable, water-cooler lies. Because many are snidely humorous, obvious errors are dismissed in a breezy, Coulteresque “it’s just a joke” way, and forwarded to friends anyway so they can be in on the fun. Thus the poison spreads from in-box to in-box like ant bait. ..."
Have they Poisoned the Well ? Image hat tip where you make your own yard placard!
The Meaning of Box 722 | OurFuture.org
Senator Tom Harkin's Agriculture and Rural Newsletter
I'm Voting Republican
Sunday, June 08, 2008
t r u t h o u t | US Issues Threat to Iraq's $50 Billion Foreign Reserve
Saturday, June 07, 2008
They're worried, we need more sheriffs like this!
America's Medicated Army - TIME
Friday, June 06, 2008
Anti-Empire Report, June 6, 2008
Bill Blum writes: [excerpt] " ... Democracy American Style. You gotta problem wit dat?
Here's White House spokeswoman Dana Perino at a recent press briefing:
Reporter: The American people are being asked to die and pay for this, and you're saying that they have no say in this war?
Perino: I didn't say that ... this President was elected --
Reporter: Well, what it amounts to is you saying we have no input at all.
Perino: You had input. The American people have input every four years, and that's the way our system is set up. ..." Read it all at: Anti-Empire Report, June 6, 2008
Time for Congress to Stand Up in it’s Own Defense: Impeach Bush and Cheney Now! | This Can't Be Happening!
Obama Capitulates- by Justin Raimondo

Mary Pitt: "A 'topsy - turvy' candidate"
Thursday, June 05, 2008
A Dave Lindorff rip: "An immodest proposal"
Bad Seed Organic Market - June 6th
The Archdruid Report: Religion and the Survival of Culture
Too many to keep up with, it comes with the big ideas.
My long-time friend was yakking about the essays written over three y

Democratically elected Maoists in Nepal, encountering resistance to taking offices.
Scott Ritter stirring the pot, in Kansas City!
Advance Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/
(Search for Scott Ritter)