"Damn, the bastards down below are figuring it out!
Time to cash out and hide."
We in a tight spot!
Ha, Ha, Ha - I is an "internet crackpot" revealed!
Youz thought I wuz crazy all this time.
The end of oil is near! Yee Haw!
The Independent: "Worryingly, for a world reliant on the dirt-cheap energy that oil provided throughout the last century, the idea that oil produ
ction in all nations may soon start to decline just as in the North Sea has been seeping into the mainstream. The 'peak oil' theory – that oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin its decline, bringing potentially catastrophic consequences to the modern world – no longer just comes from internet crackpots and conspiracy theorists; now geologists, market analysts and oil prospectors believe that this scenario is becoming reality. And within the past year, there have been signs that the major oil companies are admitting this themselves. If they are right, high petrol prices could be the least of the world's problems."

image tip: Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb!"
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