Can the man originally from Good Intent, Kansas (near Atchison) bring back grassroot issues and dismantle the "military industrial complex" as personified in Sen. Pat Roberts and Rep. Todd Tiahrt?

Roberts' smear machine has already went on the attack mode with a cartoon, smearing Slattery over his lobbying work in the DC beltway for a firm called Wiley Rein.
Slattery is promising a competitive race against Sen. Pat Roberts and according to a recent Lawrence Journal - World article: "Slattery says he’s proud of the work he did for Wiley Rein. He recently released a list of his clients, which included companies and groups involved in trade disputes. 'I’m happy to take responsibility for the work I’ve done outside of government. It’s time Pat Roberts takes responsibility for his votes the last six years that have brought us record gas prices, a slumping economy, and an unnecessary war' ..." Read more of the Lawrence Journal World article by one of our favorite Kansas journalists, Scott Rothschild here.
Our show will begin at High Noon with music and local news shorts.
Hear Jim Slattery today on Blue Barn radio! He'll be appearing at 1pm (central time zone).
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