You better read this one. I'm afraid Raimondo, who raised an early and hearty support for Obama might have this correct.
Has Obama joined the war mongers for criminal aggression against Iran?
Would Senator Obama know something that we don't?
Does he know that the missile attacks on Iran from first Israel, then the United States are inevitable and soon?
Would this explain what Raimondo calls his recent speech a "capitulation" to Israel's most powerful lobby?
Would he know that the attack will take place before he can win the November elections? Would he prefer the pack logic of the DC beltway and the Wall Street elite? The terminal damage to the world's economy will leave everybody, but them devastated.

Or was it just another campaign speech?
One certainty, it's going to take a helluva lot more than Raimondo's solution of "prayer" after the waves of missiles fly, the blown up ships sink and the draft starts up. Maybe then when over 100,000 come out in protest at least 10,000 will get arrested, instead of treating the trip like a nostalgic vacation to the "flower power" sixties.
It's going to take a major national economic and military disaster to make our fellow arrogant and bloodthirsty Americans to learn and learn again.
I think Raimondo's right, and not just Old Right!
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