Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tomgram: Mike Davis, Welcome to the Next Epoch

No! I won't post dim-witted forwards about race hate, why whites are better at flood recovery or how "proud to be a farmer" or even why people refuse to buy the energy efficient light bulbs because it's considered, by them, to be an infringement on their "right" to be absolutely stupid and reactionary.

Some of those that richocet their forwards to me are pissed because I won't post their stuff on the Flyer. They should stick to teaching folks low energy gardening, canning and preserving food, they know all about that kind of stuff, but are absolutely stupid when it comes to how they are being used by corporations and race haters.

Here is an intelligent forward from a reader, thanks! Read it all at: Tomgram and get off my case, come to think of it - just go back to bloody ignorant Hell where you came from! DIE, DIE you fricking idiots.

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