I found myself joking with a supporter on the phone a couple days ago who didn't like my humor. I step on peoples' toes and most of the time forget to say "excuse me."
Too many to keep up with, it comes with the big ideas.
My long-time friend was yakking about the essays written over three y
ears ago about "peak oil," the fall of the US empire and "climate change" that he feels are now "coming true." He was exasperated and wanted to "get more involved" since he has more time. Yeah, yeah, yeah .... then I told him that while working on all these movements it might be a good idea (if he had the material and monetary resources) to build a twister resistant hobbit home into a hill and prepare his children for a life-style similar to Europe during the "Middle Ages." Body odor, indentured servitude, bartered food and all. He didn't like to hear that prediction. Maybe a rock castle from Kansas limestone, plentiful along the eastern half, would be a good endeavor for the local villagers? Here's a link to make you think: The Archdruid Report You'll have to scroll up when you get there - he doesn't know how to permalink effectively, yet.
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