Tuesday, June 17, 2008

James Carville, Mary Matalin Break Down On Set Over Tim Russert's Death - Media on The Huffington Post

A readers forward: "Do you think I give a rat's ass about these people's grief?" No. Let the millionaires weep, let their goddamn political marriages get stretched thin, like our food an fuel bills. Let them weep and weep and weep for they do not shed tears for our dead and maimed sons and daughters. Let them weep for their dead compadres that sold this massive bloodletting on a world scale for their tiny kingdoms. Let them weep and let them suffer. Bring them to us, we should be so kind as to put them out of their miserable little circles of wealth and prestige. Pity the tyrants and the liars with power, no more. Look at the picture: Political Reptiles Break Down read the caption and find vengence.

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