Monday, June 30, 2008

t r u t h o u t | High Gas Prices Threaten to Drain Small Towns' Populations


A genuine lack of ingenuity, scarcity of jobs with a government and economic system that prefers docile minimum wage slaves to skilled independent craftspeople. Atomized, alienated from our class and communal solidarities, people in the country need to band together and fight back.

Instead of conniving against each other, spreading malicious gossip and trying to ruin our neighbors - we should call all that out as a curse on our way of life in the rural areas.

Instead of bulldozing every square yard of arable land for subsidized petroleum based agriculture, a rural resistance should take place around sustainable food production and direct farmer to market distribution.

Instead of scurrying like rats for the land speculators and real estate developers; cops, judges, doctors, local lawyers and business people should seek to develop an alternative currency, deprive corporate financial interests from invading like alien predators into our countryside.

Instead of welcoming endless wasteful growth, better to intensify our support of locally owned businesses, skilled crafts and true energy autonomy. Better to work for and with our neighbors than the utility and gas companies. There should be millions of roof top electrical wind and solar generating stations, whole villages off the grid and being paid to generate energy for the parasite utility companies.

It doesn't have to be the way as described here.

Photo credit: Tristan Caddell

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