Thursday, June 19, 2008

Congressional Democrats and Bush: Impeachment is "off the table" or run from Blackwater gestapo round-ups?

Why is Obama wearing Israel and American flag lapel pins now?

Once I thought Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't want impeachment because she'd been watching Gitmo snuff films in the White House basement with the Bushevik cabal, then I wondered if Rep. John Conyers knew his and other congressionals' phones were bugged by the Department of Homeland Security and was scared something dirty might be "leaked" to the obliging New York Times or the WaPo editorial board.

Finally, eyewitnesses report that as far back as June - July 2007 the cowards in congress were just plain full of white-eyed terror at being rounded up in a Bushevik dragnet of dissidents after martial law is declared and the elections are postponed.

If, or when, Bush drops the bombs on Iran, watch how many fancy pants are soiled and where they run. Talk about feathering some dirty little nests while the corporate wolves are circling the wagons before the national elections.

Chickenhawk millionaires, all!

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