PARDON ME, CAN WE SKIP THE 'DOG-EAT-DOG' PART, PLEASE? The turbulence caused by energy, food and mineral scarcity coupled with uneven capitalist-driven development will shake the very foundations of all 21st century civilizations. The cornucopian dreams envisioned in this article negates the effect of worldwide social upheavel, does not prepare the billions of "the lower depths" for the end of "growth" and instead promotes a capitalist utopia of t

echnological dreams. [excerpt]
"Such a failure of imagination has been at the heart of the debate about climate change. The green message—use less energy—is not going to solve the problem unless economic growth stops at the same time. If it does not (and it won't), any efficiency saving will soon be eaten up by higher consumption per head. Even the hair-shirt option, then, will bring only short-term relief. And when a dire prophecy from environmentalism's jeremiad looks as if it is coming true, as the price of petroleum rises through the roof and the idea that oil might run out is no longer whispered in corners but openly discussed, there is a temptation to believe that the end of the world is, indeed, nigh. ..." [end excerpt]
The future of energy And remember, that
we must make it, with our own autonomous hands, and against the global corporations.
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