Friday, October 31, 2008

The End is at Hand (to Leftist Conspiracy Theories) | This Can't Be Happening!

[excerpt] None of this would matter except that I think the Left’s embrace of conspiracy-theories has become profoundly damaging to the whole progressive movement. Conspiracy thinking produces a deep cynicism towards positive action and towards the kind of long-term organizing upon which real social and political change depends. ... Oh nooooo, Dave is trashing at This Can't Be Happening!

U.S. security chief says cross-border raids necessary | Reuters

We own the world?

Roberts Stands Alone in his Support for Convicted Sen. Ted Stevens | Kansas Democratic Party

[excerpt] Amid calls yesterday for Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska to resign after being convicted on seven felony corruption charges, Sen. Pat Roberts broke from party leadership, saying that it should be up to Alaskans to decide Stevens´ fate. ... Read more at Kansas Democratic Party

Kansan Bob Dole missed his Viagra dose ...

Native Blood: The Myth of Thanksgiving « Kasama

Why the Left should stay alive ... "Away with All Gods" yeah right! Please forward to our Christian relatives and friends ... Native Blood: The Myth of Thanksgiving « Kasama

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Editorial - Loans? Did We Say We’d Do Loans? -

It's all so tiresome ... these corruptions of our empire.

A reader forwards with this comment, "Another reason not to leave the economy up to private banking management." How about a whole empire sold lock, stock and barrel? What Mayor Bloomberg did in demanding and getting an illegal third term in NYC, President Bush would too (if not for his war fatigue) for the USA, and may yet. Come on Election Day! Parade the whole lot down Wall Street in hair robes and chains! Loans? Did We Say We’d Do Loans?

Latest Dispatches from Our Rebellious Colonies: "We have left our garrisons in hot pursuit of shadows ... "

They're drinking the U. S. Empire's Kool-Aid in Kansas City, again.

Gates Expands Bush Doctrine
Thom Shanker, The New York Times: "Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Tuesday that the United States would hold 'fully accountable' any country or group that helped terrorists to acquire or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. The statement was the Bush administration's most expansive yet in attempting to articulate a vision of deterrence for the post-Sept. 11 world. It went beyond the cold war notion that a president could respond with overwhelming force against a country that directly attacked the United States or its allies with unconventional weapons."

US Raids Ignore International Law
Matt Renner and Maya Schenwar, Truthout: "While US officials continue to avoid discussing the weekend strikes that killed eight people in eastern Syria, Middle East experts have condemned the attacks as a violation of international law that threatens to further destabilize US-Syria relations."

Pakistan Protests U.S. Attacks Within Its Borders
By Jane Perlez (NYT, 29 Oct 08) Pakistani officials said they had told the U.S. ambassador that strikes on militants should be “stopped immediately.”

Christopher Hitchens: "The GOP ticket's appalling contempt for science and learning." - Slate Magazine

Hitchen's Minions in Kansas City.
It wasn't that 'appalling' when he, as a drunken lap dog yipping for Bush's wars and snagging kid glove interviews on C-Span's Book TV to hawk his books, told all it was for the good of his new-found country. Why does Hitch want us to read him now? To tell us the obvious about the crowd he courted before the invasions, of course. Let me stray into the mystic regions and ask, "What do we expect from a talented writer who dines with the Devil, then tells us he found heaven?" A reader forwards this post by Christopher Hitchens US imperialist kiss-ass.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

RES 247 Environmental Awareness Network

[excerpt] ... LATEST SHOW NAOMI KLEIN: SHOCK DOCTRINE NOW! Author of "Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" updated to the current financial mess. Hot speech from Santa Cruz. Don't miss it. Ecoshock Show 081024 1 hour 14 MB 24/7 Eco-Shock Radio

Alexander Cockburn: Obama, the first-rate Republican - Opinion - The Independent

[excerpt] ... Obama has crooked the knee to bankers and Wall Street, to the oil companies, the coal companies, the nuclear lobby, the big agricultural combines. He is more popular with Pentagon contractors than McCain, and has been the most popular of the candidates with Washington lobbyists. He has been fearless in offending progressives, constant in appeasing the powerful. ... The Independent

Monday, October 27, 2008

Joe Bageant: The Bailout in Plain English

[excerpt] ... Folks, they've got us all by the nuts and nipples. McCain knows that. Obama knows that. In the end, regardless of the so-called dissenters in the House and the Senate, we will pay up. ... The Bailout in Plain English

t r u t h o u t | Greenspan Says, "Who Could Have Known?"

Liars, liars their pin-striped pants are on fire!

Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - Palin ‘Going Rogue’

Why more and more of my friends and neighbors are leaving the Republican Party in Kansas. Evidence the GOP elephant has gone mad: [excerpt] Sarah Palin’s recent drop in popularity due to the laws of political gravity, or are McCain-Palin campaign advisers to blame? Whatever the reason, Palin is said to be growing frustrated with certain aides and taking her own direction in her latest speeches, with her eye on the White House ... in 2012. Palin ‘Going Rogue’

Truthdig - Reports - Populism Arising—but Will It Be the Killer Kind?

Chris Hedges: [excerpt] ... Elites, when they confuse the artificial court life of Versailles with the real world, die. These capitalist entities, grossly out of touch, incompetent, blinded by greed and power and morally and intellectually bankrupt, are committing collective suicide. ... read more

Discomfit Magazine: Friends of Sustainable Ag and the Family Farm endorse Jim Slattery for Senate

Idiot Nation 2018?

Sarah Palin's Trailer Trash Nation!


vote early, vote often

John McGoo for President

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Daily Kos: Turnout in Kansas

The political tsunami for change begins...

Jason Leopold: "Bush Intervenes in Ohio Voter Dispute" -

Radio Free Kansas guest, Editor Robert Parry writes: ... Facing the possible loss of the White House to a Democrat, President George W. Bush has asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to take the Republican side in a fight over eligible Ohio voters. .. Read correspondent Jason Leopold's latest at

Alaska's Biggest Paper Endorses...Obama

A reader forwards the most recent news from Gov. Palin's state. Alaska's Biggest Paper Endorses...Obama

In This Moment: The real problem with Palin's $150,000 wardrobe

Nancy Jane Moore writes: [excerpt] " ... It also destroys any remaining claim that the McCain/Palin ticket is 'feminist.' Obviously the campaign honchos think it's more important for Palin to look good than to know what she's talking about. You can't come up with a more traditional way of marginalizing women than that. ..." Read more at: In This Moment

Gareth Porter: "US troop deal with Iraq gov't 'crushing defeat' for Bush" - The Real News Network

Jim Slattery Endorsed for Senate | Eagle Editorials |

It's official after last week's Kansas City Star endorsement of Jim Slattery for Senate now the Wichita Eagle who has also endorsed incumbent Senator Pat Roberts in previous elections, is backing Slattery in one of the most heated campaigns in the history of Kansas politics. [excerpt] "This race was The Eagle editorial board's most difficult endorsement decision. We have enthusiastically endorsed Republican Sen. Pat Roberts in his past elections, appreciating his capable work on behalf of Kansans. But we concluded that Roberts should be held accountable for his deep involvement in disastrous intelligence decisions and for his smear tactics this election -- particularly when his opponent, Democrat Jim Slattery, is a quality candidate who would also serve Kansas well. Slattery is a big underdog in this race, but he has the experience and knowledge to be an effective senator from Day One. In addition to his 12 years as a Kansas congressman from Topeka, Slattery has a background in farming, banking and real estate. He understands the needs of businesses, large and small. Contrary to the claims by his opponent, Slattery is no big-spending liberal. Rather, he is a commonsense, middle-of-the-road Kansan who believes in fiscal responsibility and working across party lines to solve problems. He supports restoring rules requiring Congress to pay for spending or tax cuts and wants to move more aggressively toward developing alternative energy sources. ... " Endorsements Eagle Editorials

Please Help Cindy Sheehan Run This Great TV Ad Against The Banker's Bailout And Pelosi

A reader forwards this announcement with: " ... When we vehemently opposed the obscenely wasteful and wrong footedbailout for all of Pelosi's Wall Street buddies, she would notlisten. When we pleaded that Congress bring our troops homeimmediately she would not listen. When we demanded that the WhiteHouse be held accountable for their boundless impeachable crimes,Nancy Pelosi would not listen. Please make a donation if you can to make a real change in Congress,and THEN they will ALL listen. ..."
Watch this Great TV Ad Against The Banker's Bailout And Pelosi

Bush Orders DOJ to Probe Ohio Voter Registrations

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.mcclellan.endorse.cnn

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oklahoma's Revelator Issue No. 1 is On-line NOW!

Meet Rachel Jackson one of the founders of the exciting new on-line magazine "The Oklahoma Revelator". Listen in today on Radio Free Kansas and learn some peoples' history from down south! Visit their site and read their first issue at: The Revelator

Howard Zinn: "Taxes and class war"

I'm Calling the Election for Obama | This Can't Be Happening!

Dave Lindorff makes his call: [excerpt] ... I’m ready to call this election. It’s going to be a big win for Barack Obama. I know this because of a story I heard from an employee of a major polling organization. ... This Can't Be Happening!

Adam Engel: "Heartland of Darkness: A Review of Jeffrey St. Clair’s BORN UNDER A BAD SKY"

Now featured at Tom Paine's Corner: [excerpt] " ... St. Clair is to “theoretical” environmentalists like James Lovelock and Kirkpatrick Sale, and even Sitting Bull and Black Elk, who warned long ago about the inevitable burn-out of “The American way of Life.” ... Read it at Heartland of Darkness

Robert Parry: "McCain Enflames 'Partisan Rancor'"

Perhaps the biggest lie of John McCain’s campaign – from a list that is long and growing daily – was his claim during his acceptance speech in early September that he would be the leader who would end “partisan rancor.”

Friday, October 24, 2008

Slattery for Senate

Meet up with his caravan for change in the last days before the election. Slattery for Senate

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Radio Free Kansas: Program Announcement

Radio Free Kansas
a full spectrum sound disorder with Radio Free Kansas "Mysterious Wednesday" - some zany audio clips from as far away as Australia and as close to home as Topeka, Kansas - all about the economy, followed during the last hour a selected "Radio Mystery Theater" episode.
Beginning tonight at 10pm (central), just travel to the Flyer during show time and click the blinking microphone to listen in live. Callers welcome only during the first hour, 646-716-8652.

Slattery for Senate

His campaign out-financed by nearly three to one, hundreds of hours of smear ads from his opponent, Sen. Pat Roberts (40 years in DC and counting), who refuses to debate him in public on television. Slattery launches his final statewide tour. [excerpt] ... Jim Slattery will spend the final days of the campaign traveling across Kansas talking with voters as part of the “Caravan for Change.” The Caravan for Change will launch from Topeka on Thursday, October 23rd at 7:30 a.m. Staff and supporters will be on hand to send Slattery off. Members of the media are invited. ... Read the tour itinerary and consider attending a rally near you! Slattery for Senate

A Conservative's "Economic Realities"

Yoooh! Conservative readers trawling the Flyer, bend your ears around this stunning interview with one of Reagan's Department of the Treasury assistants and what he has to say about the dire predicament we're in and why. Radicals and libs would do well to listen in, too! Hear George Kenney do his best with Paul Craig Roberts, a straight forward discussion not to be missed. Download it or listen on your own bandwidth, 1 hour and 15 minutes, at: Electric Politics EP Podcast: Economic Realities

Robert Parry: "Al-Qaeda Leaders Root for McCain" -

Parry writes as their Fall Fundraiser finishes: "Gloating over the U.S. economic crisis, al-Qaeda strategists are telling each other that a John McCain victory is crucial if the slide of their American enemies is to continue and possibly accelerate. ..." Read on at and consider a donation to one of the first independent investigative websites "since 1995."

The explosion on BBC Newsnight: "Nassim Nicholas Taleb"

Is the Black Swan coming home to roost on the global economy?

Last night's PBS Newshour report had a brief encounter with Mr. Taleb and his mentor, Mr. Mandelbrot, the economic reporter Paul Solman got more than he bargained for. Download here the .mp3 exchange and listen to the shocking prediction they are making for the immediate future.

Fabian Society - Kellner: polls could be under-estimating Obama win

In continuing the discussion from an earlier post from a reader discussing "the Bradley Effect" and the influence of possible vote manipulations at the polls on National Election Day. Take it from the UK’s oldest think-tank and read on.

Flyer reader sends links describing bailout "loopholes"

We're being robbed!
There are at least 3 loopholes in the bailout, and possibly 4:

  1. It allows management to use the bailout money to pay dividends to stockholders.

  2. It allows management to use bailout money to make huge payouts (including bonuses) to staff.

  3. It allows management to squander bailout money on traditional executive perks.

  4. According to a certain presidential candidate, it enables the government to buy up otherwise unsellable mortgages at face-value prices to renegotiate terms with distressed borrowers.

Here are 3 articles -- one for each of the first 3 potential giveaways so far arranged for by the "anti-socialists."

This Bailout Doesn’t Pay Dividends by David S. Scharfstein and Jeremy C. Stein, New York Times

Pay and bonus deals equivalent to 10% of US government bail-out package by Simon Bowers, UK Guardian.

After W., Le Deluge by Maureen Dowd, New York Times Op-Ed

I'd be grateful for references to any arguments that refute any of the 4 claims.

Paul Krugman - The Real Plumbers of Ohio -

What are the working conditions of the real everyday "Joe the Plumber(s)"? A reader forwards this Op-Ed, thanks for helping us set the record straight against Senator Timebomb's distortions.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Block the Vote" : Rolling Stone

A reader forwards with this comment: "Here is an article you will not see in mainstream media, but it is written by a couple of really credible folks: Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast. Please take 10 minutes to read it and then forward it to everyone you know. This is serious. We need to talk about this and make sure that we know about this, so that they don't try to give us a lame excuse like the "Bradley Effect" after the election..." You be the judge and take more than 10 minutes ... read Block the Vote : Rolling Stone

McCain lands at Columbia Regional Airport - Columbia Missourian

The Flyer network of forwarding readers gets out there and delivers the goods! Senator Timebomb arrives to a "crowd" of 15 and motorcades to view the largest city in the middle of the "swing-state" of Missouri.

Read the news short, but here is a poignant quote from the comment section: [excerpt] ... "So no, I'm not gathering at the airport to wave to McCain -- I'm more worried about my families well-being and how we are going to survive. I don't have time to listen to McCain tell me this is a "mental recession" and how Obama wants to turn us into socialists. I don't have time for the lies, McCain, and many other people don't have time for them either. If you have nothing better to do than to lie to us, just stay home. I drove 140 miles to see Obama on Saturday; I wouldn't waste gas driving 5 miles to see McCain."

I would humbly add, if Social Security, Universal Health Care, education for all, financially secured homes and a thriving decentralized green sustainable economy toward energy independence is "socialist" then I say "Go Big Red!"

Nationalize Big Oil, the Big Banks and shut down the Pentagon!
Bring the troops home now! Shut down all military bases abroad!
Read all about McCain's reception at the Columbia Missourian

Monday, October 20, 2008

A McCain "Win" Will Be Theft, Resistance Is Planned |

Smart forward from another Dear Reader ...

John Bird & John Fortune: British satirists offer a primer on the subprime crisis and the global meltdown.

And who are the "Shafters"?

And so it has come to pass as the Truth.

And it is, as it should be, but wasn't when we were told by our Dear Leaders.

Hat tip to the roaring Scot, Rory Winter from the Chimes of Freedom blogspot for the lead to these posts.

Ontario police arrest man in voter fraud case - Los Angeles Times

Hat tip to the reader who forwards this post about a multi-state Republican voter registration operator who can't fill out his own form accurately.

Perfora Cariño, Perfora! | This Can't Be Happening!

Americans self-destructive binge on oil, leaving the country with storing imported oil in salt mines, and little enough to operate the 24 million barrels a day required is about to kiss ass with Cuba. The latest from Dave Lindorff: [excerpt] ... "According to a report in the British newspaper The Guardian, Cuba may be sitting on some 20 billion barrels of oil, located in Cuban territory under the Gulf of Mexico. If the reports from Cuban, Spanish and other geologists are correct, Cuba, which currently only produces 60,000 barrels of oil per day (about half the country’s domestic demand), is on the verge of joining the ranks of the world’s exporting nations. " ... This Can't Be Happening!

Special prosecutor on election fraud requested from Obama campaign

DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying -

[excerpt] ... "The dynamics of an urban insurgency have resulted in a rapid increase in the number of activities visible in the video field of view," according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. " ...

The Postman always rings twice ... better listen.

The last debate ...

Tomgram: Nick Turse, Going to Extremes in America

The list of suicides, arsons, self-defense and armed conflict is growing by the day in America against foreclosures and bankruptcies ... neighborhoods are forming into defense batallions against forced evictions. People are getting out there and telling the sheriff's deputies to go back to the squad house with their banker's papers. Read Going to Extremes in America

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wall Street bankers in line for $70bn payout | Business | The Guardian

10% of the $700 bn. will go to pay the very crooks running the banks.

Tim Dickinson | Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette


"The GOP's 'FBI-Is-Investigating' Smear" -

In the midst of an important fundraising drive the editor lays out an important article. The Bush administration's leak that the FBI is investigating ACORN's voter registrations lent a helping hand to John McCain's campaign, but such leaks have a troubling history, writes Robert Parry at

Why I'm Voting for Barack Obama on November 4 | This Can't Be Happening!

Dave Lindorff writes a scorching appraisal of the political landscape facing the voters today and his open decision to vote for Obama. Read this and keep in mind that he led several hundred out of the Democratic Party after refusing to impeach the current administration. [excerpt] "Okay, I was going to vote for Ralph Nader this November 4. ..." I was shocked while reading it and thought It Can't Be Happening!

"Now Is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine"

Resistance Radio

Tonight, Sunday, Oct. 19th beginning at 8pm (central), I'll be playing two interviews. One, with Tom Manney, Manhattan, Ks. about the good folks resisting the biological terrorist lab boondoggle poised to be built and poison "The Little Apple" and Jim McGarth, Jefferson County Economic Development Commission about life in our county.

If you won't listen to Radio Free Kansas, especially "Veterans, Farmers Crushed" (top page left) than take advantage of the time and listen to some sound advice from Naomi Klein on what we should be doing to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine"
To listen live "on-air" to Radio Free Kansas, click the blinking microphone in the little blue blogtalkradio box at left, during showtime beginning at 8pm (central) tonight.

Seymour Hersh: The Man Who Knows Too Much |

I sometime worship at his altar, too.

Army to Probe 5 Slayings Linked to Colorado Brigade |

The war is coming home with 18 veterans committing suicide every day (living veterans who have served in all combat theaters) and being literally crushed by police horses outside the New York debate. Listen to Radio Free Kansas, click the show top page left in the blue blogtalkradio box.

Huge Obama Crowds: 100,000 in St. Louis, 75,000 in K.C. |

David Swanson: "Stoning Dubya" - Global Research

A movie review of Oliver Stone's latest movie, well sorta ... [excerpt] "I spent the past couple of days hanging out with Vincent Bugliosi who wants Bush killed for his crimes, following a fair trial of course, and who openly pushes the supposed need for retribution while disclaiming much interest in deterrence or restoration. Then I watched Oliver Stone's new movie, "W," which depicts Bush as a poor, sad fool who's just been trying his hardest to please his daddy all these years. If I have to choose, I'm on Stone's side. ..." Read more Stoning Dubya

Joe Bageant: Not new ideas, but identifying new enemies

[excerpt] " ... Well, the masked political consultant blew through town the other day painting the town with his latest message, this time a big picture message. So big picture in fact, that it makes the ideas such as the "framing concept" of George Lakoff look like mouse farts. ..." T'ain't the plumber Joe, read the real Joe

The Political Graveyard

Expect a new large spread of lots to be laid out here after the national General Election Day this November and in the successive years ahead as the cascading crisis of energy-food-climate change shapes up.

Activists Mislisted as Terrorists Balk at Rules for Seeing Files

First link hat tip to for finding this article. - Spoiled Baby Boomers


Truthdig - A/V Booth - Cleese on Palin: ‘Monty Python Could Have Written This’

Mike Whitney: "No More Investment Banks, turn them into public utilities"  : Information Clearing House - ICH

[excerpt] " ... Paulson never even tried to find out if they are even solvent! On top of that, taxpayer gets no voting rights, no position on the board of directors, and no limits on executive compensation for the $125 billion contribution to Wall Street's biggest white-collar criminals. On Thursday, all of the aforementioned banks reported horrendous quarterly losses, multi-billion dollar write-downs, and more grim warnings on future profits. It's clear that Paulson wanted to deliver the bailout money before the public discovered the extent of the carnage. ..." Read more at ICH

Alexander Cockburn: Blow Ups and Bombers

[excerpt] " ... This era is now over. Around the world, and here at home, this is as ripe an opportunity for the left as we will ever encounter in our lifetimes. ..." Read Alexander Cockburn weekend summary.

Barack Obama in Kansas City

A historic turnout with less than three weeks to General Election Day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Banks borrow record $437.5 billion per day from Fed | U.S. | Reuters

[excerpt] "The banking system is going to become addicted to this very cheap money. Unwinding it will be very difficult," said Howard Simons, strategist with Bianco Research in Chicago. ... more at Reuters

Ray McGovern: "Attack on Iran Off the Table?" -

With George W. Bush's days in office counting down, the prospects for an attack on Iran appear to be dwindling too, although former CIA analyst Ray McGovern says the reasons aren't well understood. Read more at and contribute toward their Fall funding campaign.

Reader forward: "Beating a fascist drum?"

Is this Republican congresswoman beating the drum of fascism?

Katrina Vanden Heuvel responds to Bachman's Call for McCarthy like investigations of members of Congress

Friday, October 17, 2008

TomDispatch Audio and Video: Audio: Phone Interview with Mike Davis, contributor to

What are we up against in the coming next few years? Well Tom Dispatch gives us a glimpse and a listen across the Grand Canyon of time crisis. It's only a peek-a-boo, but a site wise enough to break Dr. Chalmers Johnson latest visionary stuff must be considered. Here is an article and short interview from Mike Davis, hat tip for the first link to Jason Miller from Cyrano's Journal, check both the article and the five minute interview , I'll be ruminating on this as a theme throughout this weekend on Radio Free Kansas. Listen in tonight and consider calling during show time (10pm central time zone), click the blinking microphone in the blogtalkradio box, top page left.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Truthdig - Reports - McCain’s Mob

Iraq War vets trampled with police horses outside boring presidential debate, 15 arrested, 3 injured

James Wolcott: : "The News Blues" : Entertainment & Culture:

The author has lived through a lot of hair-raising times—nuclear standoffs, assassinations, 9/11, financial meltdown—but now he’s sure the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And, God knows, the media are only making it worse. ... Vanity Fair

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Dear Leader Sarah in the Oval Office

Need cheering up? Click the above link, turn up the volume and move some furniture around, play with her toys, name her next baby, etc. "It's fun, you betcha!"

Hat tip to Information Clearinghouse for the first link to this one!

Michael Hudson: Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many

Dr. Hudson's latest at Counterpunch, [excerpt] "This means that the postmodern economy as we know it must end – either in financial polarization and debt peonage to a new oligarchic elite, or in a debt cancellation, a Jubilee Year to rescue society. But when the government says that it is reviewing “all” the options, this reality is not one of them. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s first option was to buy packages of junk mortgages (collateralized debt obligations, CDOs) to save the wealthiest institutional investors from having to take a loss on their bad bets. When this was not enough, he came up with “Plan B,” to give money to banks. But whereas Britain and European countries talked of nationalizing banks or at least taking a controlling interest, Mr. Paulson gave in to his Wall Street cronies and promised that the government’s stock purchases would not be real. There would be no dilution of existing shareholders, and the government’s investment would be non-voting. To cap the giveaway to his cronies, Mr. Paulson even agreed not to ask executives to give up their golden parachutes, exorbitant annual bonuses or salaries. ..." Read Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many There is also a huge 55 meg download of a "Guns and Butter" show where Hudson appears for the complete one hour program. It's worth listening to, if you don't have time to read. It is located here, click "The New Kleptocracy" at his web site.

CJOnline - Dr. Bill Roy: Even the enlightened know race is big factor

October 15, 2008: New Energy Economy Emerging in the United States

It's not all bad news on the energy front. Can it outrun the economic downturn? Read Lester Brown and be the judge. New Energy Economy Emerging in the United States

Goodbye, GOP- by Justin Raimondo

Intelligent conservatives in Kansas know this, but try telling that to the fanatics that still run the Republican Party here. Goodbye, GOP- by Justin Raimondo

Nat Parry: "Are You Palling Around with Terrorists?" -

Remember the old saying, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"? My answer is "yes" if I can get a good story to my readers and listeners. [excerpt] "Although John McCain and Sarah Palin have toned down their rhetoric when it comes to associating Barack Obama with “domestic terrorist” Bill Ayers, the damage may already be done -- and not just to Obama's reputation. After hearing Palin repeatedly accuse Obama of “palling around with terrorists,” many McCain supporters seem to believe that Obama is a genuine terrorist, and some fanatics are calling for him to be killed. ..." Read more at and pay no heed to the Department of Homeland Security watch lists, unless you plan on killing people, I don't and never will.

Rob Kall: The Mailer That Put the Final Nail in the McCain Campaign Coffin

Three readers have forwarded this link to me in as many days.
I'll post it with this comment:
Kall misses a few important points, like Bill Clinton's collusion with Phil Gramm in the deregulation during Clinton's adminsitration. Then there are the second tier Democrat operatives which benefited enormously from the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac firms in the last few years. The anger that people are feeling at losing large chunks of their retirement funds should be a rage at the very foundations of the capitalist infrastructure. It's class society that is being set in concrete today and the days ahead. The wealthy will not only be fewer, but permanent, while those falling through the nets from above in the middling classes will be more and more in numbers. The crisis for us is just beginning - while Paulson and the bankers he helped bail out is over. The treachery is one of big time ruling class solidarity against us on the bottom. Read Rob Kall but bear in mind the old saying, "hangings tends to make people concentrate."

The end of the great Corn Boondoggle?

I warned you Old Farts over two years ago about planting every square inch of land in corn. Now you're stuck with one last harvest before piling up the worthless crap, and most have no livestock to feed because it was cheaper to throw every last mortgaged dollar you could get into the speculator's confidence game. The market collapses while the agri-business industry in ethanol folds up around you. I feel your pain, now get ready to plant real food for you and your neighbors. Read it and do not weep, organize.

"The last thing we need ..."

Captain Kirk for Obama! A reader forward from "Boston Legal."

Sarah Palin Rumors: Some People Are Taking The Low Road

I'm guilty of ... Sarah Palin Rumors but then the stock market went up after the taxpayer's paid Big Bankers to not have a crash, again. We'll still be living in our cars ... moving to Jefferson county, Kansas. Sarah will be doing fine while the sirens are wailing around the country.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Truthdig - Vetting Sarah Palin

A country doomed to greasy minimum wage franchise food chains, low-rent dollar stores, payday loan shark stores and exploding unemployment - the typical locked down consumers must have some tricky games to play on the internet. Play Truthdig - Vetting Sarah Palin Never organize rebellion, instead play video games, and live in our cars (without gas).

Degrees of Hank Paulson - ProPublica

A really cool "Web Site of the Day" for you reading snopes who want to know more than how many nude photos are available of our future Dear Leader President Sarah Palin. Hat tip to Counterpunch for this one! Play Degrees of Hank Paulson - ProPublica

We're Sure as Hell are Not in Kansas Anymore!

How far is Iceland from Kansas? Let's do some speculating, everyone else does...

Egad! Is the Government Going Socialist? No. It Only Looks That Way | This Can't Be Happening!

Ha, ha! Dave Lindorff writes: After watching the markets plunge and the credit freeze become glacial, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson backed away from his scheme to rescue his investment banking colleagues by spending hundreds of billions of dollars buying up worthless credit derivatives. His new strategy: follow Britain’s lead and invest that same money--$250 billion for starters—into the banks as equity—specifically into the shares of nine of the country’s largest banks. ... Read more at This Can't Be Happening!

Robert Parry: "How America Fell" -

Parry takes apart a scandal that many have forgotten about and puts the now all-too-common use of the smear in politics in historical context: As the American people pick through the wreckage left by the Bush administration, many may wonder how the most powerful nation on earth got so far off track. An illustrative case study is the bogus story of Al Gore’s “Chinagate” scandal. ...

My Depression – or Ours? - by Tom Engelhardt

You know I like Tom, especially so because he publishes my favorite Chalmers Johnson usually first before anyone on the net, but this post is sortta pathetic.

[excerpt] ... Last January, I even posted an essay by Chalmers Johnson, bluntly entitled "Going Bankrupt," suggesting that we were fast heading the way of Argentina 2001. I've certainly long been convinced that we were spinning out of control, that this was madness, and that we were, in some fashion, heading down.
But a near global financial collapse and crash in a matter of weeks? I can't claim that such a possibility even crossed my mind. And anyway, who can ever claim that learned and lived history bear much relation to each other any more than do the experiences of reporting and being reported upon?
That was a thought, a construct. This is my life. That was so much writing on the page. This is the world I'm sending my children into (which depresses me more than anything). I find I have no particular faith that, in the worst of times, the best of things will happen. ...

The possibility crossed my mind several times and I wrote and talked about it with many of my friends. How could people not think about it with energy scarcity, wars for oil, climate change and above all writers and scholars like Chalmers Johnson, Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein telling us the obvious among others?

The solution is rather simple - perhaps that's why no one who believes in capitalism likes it.

Shut down every damn military base outside the United States, bring the troops home now.

Move troops into what is left of the automobile factories and if necessary seize them at gunpoint, and re-tool the plants to make electric cars, electric solar kits for homes and businesses and anything else that will crank out de-centralized electricity.

Bust up the utility companies and the state legislatures that cut sweetheart deals and prevent net metering, where individuals can sell the electricity generated on their homes and businesses back to the power companies.

Use the money saved from cutting back the military toward building universal health care out-patient clinics and hospitals, schools and funding free merit-based education for all. Turn all that money loose on building sustainable food production domestically and re-vamping mass transportation systems, including the railroads.

It all begins with cutting the military budget by at least half, if not more, immediately.

What do we have editors for, if not to read the good articles first, before the public? I'm depressed, alright, read My Depression – or Ours? - by Tom Engelhardt

Sarah Palin booed in Philadelphia before Flyers-Rangers game | The Fabulous Forum | Los Angeles Times

The movie: "Zeitgeist Addendum" is free for the view.

Released October 4th, this sequel to the original is scorching across the libertarian internet links. It is must viewing, if only to stimulate discussions among thoughtful folks.

Can the Financial Crisis Be Reversed?

What kind of mobs are being created?

Welcome the rise of the New Isolationists, but prepare for Civil War ... against the rich Kleptocrats and their followers.
The ability of the leaders of the United States to preach to, and dominate the world economy will soon be [happily IMHO] thrown into the trash can of history. The world will be better off with America taking care of it's own problems, without US corporations and it's spoiled selfish citizens, robbing and pillaging the world whenever and wherever they choose.

Americans must wisely demand, militantly, a demilitarization of our Pentagon centered economy and quickly shift toward a people-centered economy; including but not limited to, universal health care, healthy food, stable housing, a sustainable and renewable energy grid and fair wages and union centered workplaces.

This will not take place easily, not without a very determined fight on a massive scale. Call it "Revolution," call it "21st Century Socialism," come up with a new name if you must. Unfortunately, most of the population in this part of the country are dumbed-down in gluttony and consumerism, and taught to hate even the word, "socialism." Most have no understanding of even the mildest forms of Socialism in other countries. The struggles to achieve these most basic of living standards for all citizens will be difficult.

Bring the troops home now, shut down all the military bases abroad ...

The unraveling of Eisenhower's "the military industrial complex" must be demanded, but are the American people intelligent enough to phase out Empire to our, the working middle classes' benefit? With all the Cornpone Christian Nazis in the political leadership shoving their nutty, hateful and fearsome messages on these dumbed down people, a dangerous slide into social turmoil is all too likely.

Too many Americans are just too easily manipulated with dumb racist slogans, television "news" sound bites and "feel good" demagogues. We must educate our fellows of our history and the horizons ahead to our mutual benefit.

I'm not hopeful, based on what I see, hear in rural Kansas today. A very vengeful backlash may be brewing, similar to what I experienced during the rise of the Christian militias and abortion wars of the nineties. We progressives, socialists, radical democrats, and critical free thinkers have our work cut out for us as the economic and political sea change takes place in the coming months and years ahead with the Empire in decline. We must decide to do the work and do it well!

Hat tip to
The Kasama Project for the first link to this pertinent article about the economy. Despite the difficulty of reading about economics, I encourage readers to study the article, the times demand it. This is from an Argentinian magazine which should be commended for hustling over and finding one of the oldest few independent socialist analysis available in America, the Monthly Review.

[excerpt] "... Can they avoid a massive devaluation of capital across the board? I doubt it. It is likely too late to stabilize things in this way. Things have gone too far. The crux of the matter is that the whole "Atlantic" economy is in trouble, not just the financial sector. Consumption is collapsing in the United States, where it represents more than two thirds of total demand, and a good part of world demand. Fifteen percent of the population is under water with their mortgages. Real wages in the United States have not risen since the 1970s and people are deeply in debt and their circumstances are eroding. Unemployment is way up and jobs are vanishing. Where the productive base of the economy is weakening drastically, a falling financial superstructure, finding the ground shifting under it, is unlikely to be able to right itself. ..."

You decide the answer by reading "Can the Financial Crisis Be Reversed?" and get prepared for a fight among us, the people. Take history into our hands!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wm. Loren Katz: "New York, Slavery & the Truth" -

Consortium News Editor Robert Parry writes: "A little known truth is New York City's role as a center for the slave trade, providing finances, shipping and political support for one of the worst American crimes, notes scholar William Loren Katz. ..." Read Katz at and donate today toward their Fall fundraising campaign and keep "Independent investigative journalism since 1995" on the web.

Truthdig - Reports - America’s Political Cannibalism

A thoughtful reader forwards a reminder that Chris Hedges latest column begins today with: "It is no longer our economy but our democracy that is in peril. It was the economic meltdown of Yugoslavia that gave us Slobodan Milosevic. It was the collapse of the Weimar Republic that vomited up Adolf Hitler. And it was the breakdown in czarist Russia that opened the door for Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Financial collapses lead to political extremism. ..." Read Truthdig Reports

Dave Lindorff: When Money Flies

[excerpt] "... We don't hear much about that on the reporting, even on NPR, about the US bailout, but it is equally true here. The bailout is doing to the nation's public funding in a few short weeks what Ronald Reagan and his budget director David Stockman tried to do over the course of two presidential terms off office: bankrupt the government to kill off social spending. ..." Read more of Dave's latest at Counterpunch!

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Must viewing .... Zeitgeist: Addendum

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Robert Parry: "Why Are McCain Backers So Angry?" -

Tonight a pre-recorded interview (Oct 9th, 2008) with Editor and Publisher Robert Parry on Radio Free Kansas beginning at 8pm (central). An eye-opening discussion about these latest personal attacks against Obama from the McCain - Palin campaign. [excerpt] From Republicans at political rallies to GOP lawmakers on TV talk shows, McCain-Palin supporters are angry, very angry – and they seem to think their anger justifies whatever they do: from calling Barack Obama a “terrorist” to shouting “kill him” and “off with his head” – to getting huffy when their violent rhetoric is challenged. ...

Jason Leopold: "Gov. Palin Cited for Ethics Violation"

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin abused her authority and broke state ethics laws by sanctioning a campaign to pressure subordinates to fire her former brother-in-law, state trooper Mike Wooten, according to an investigative report released by state lawmakers.

McCain's attacks fuel dangerous hatred --

Listen in to tonight's Sunday Night Stakeout on Radio Free Kansas with Robert Parry of Consortium News about this very subject with much more historical context and depth, as only the investigative reporter who blew the lid off the Iran-contra affair, can do. Tonight beginning at 8pm (central), just click the blinking microphone in the blogtalkradio blue box to the left.

Hat tip to Otto's War Room! More music for Radio Free Kansas

Reefer Man

Ready, set - GO! Greg Palast BBC hits the road!

Investigative journalist Greg Palast on BBC Voter Fraud in 2008 Election theft

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Alexander Cockburn: Is McCain a Lot Sicker Than We Know?

[excerpt] .... In the crucial final weeks of the campaign John McCain is mostly doing only one event a day. This is the man of whom his primary care physician at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, said to journalists in a conference call last May 23: “At the present time, Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays extraordinary energy.” ... Read on ... Is McCain a Lot Sicker Than We Know?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Robert Parry: "McCain-Palin Put 'Country Last'" -

I have been hearing that many out here in Republican dominated Jefferson county, Kansas are turning a very nasty racist side to Obama's campaign. Robert Parry is hearing and reporting on it at a national level. [excerpt] "Once Barack Obama emerged as a viable candidate for President – given the nation's grim history of violence toward African-American political figures – the worries began about Obama’s safety, and they have not gone away. Now, with the McCain-Palin campaign’s recent decision to go intensely negative on Obama, those risks appear to be growing, putting added pressure on the Secret Service detail assigned to protect Obama. ..." It's about to get serious, very serious this Election Day. Read and support

Truthdig - Reports - Bruce Fein: "Palin vs. Palin"

First link kudos to Truthdig's A/V booth!

Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - Obama Buys His Own TV Special

That's right, a half hour special on "at least two networks" less than one week before Election Day. Genius candy here - I only hope he will drag on cast members of Saturday Night Live, Oprah and Jon Stewart to make it an entertaining half hour. Dr. Phil could run counseling hot lines for Republicans wanting rehab. Dig it, read more at: Truthdig

Wall Street crashes amid mounting signs of global recession

No idealogical clashes of the Gods, personality cults or long windy philosophical diatribes in this article. Give me good hard hitting factual based journalism analyzed regularly from a scientific point of view. They're "socialists" - big deal, well it is a big deal. Read more here.

Thursday, October 09, 2008 launches important fundraising goal.

Independent journalism means never having to say you're sorry ...

One of the first and most important news web sites, Consortium News, publishing "independent investigative journalism since 1995", has launched a fundraising goal of a paltry $15,000.
Robert Parry, the main man there (pictured below, center, between his sons), has delivered important factual backgrounders for decades (with sources that any red-blooded journalist worth a spit would drool over), breaking many of the news stories that blew the cover off the Iran-contra controversy of the infamous Reagan administration.

His work continues today with his most recent "Election '08: Here Comes the Sludge" concerning the history of the latest of the McCain-Palin Republican smears about Obama "palling around with terrorists."

[excerpt] ... Several top Republicans told the Washington Post that “McCain and his Republican allies are readying a newly aggressive assault on Sen. Barack Obama’s character, believing that to win in November they must shift the conversation back to questions about the Democrat’s judgment, honesty and personal associations.” McCain aides also left no doubt that the strategy would have a McCarthyistic tinge by highlighting Obama’s limited connections to Ayers, who as a young man in the late 1960s and early 1970s, veered off into violent radicalism in protest of the slaughter going on in the Vietnam War. ...

Read more at and consider a donation, today.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Pepe Escobar: McCain's 'reptile' behavior at the 2nd debate

The "... that one ..." debate moment.

Naomi Wolf: "Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out "Crowd Control" | AlterNet

Picked to direct the Wall Street bailout: Who is Neel Kashkari?

Intellectual Cleansing - Media Lens, 7 October 2008

Jonathan Cook writes of newspaper work: “In other words, success at the newspaper was gauged in terms of obedience to figures of authority, and the ability not to alienate powerful groups within the community. Ambitious journalists learnt to whom they must turn for a comment or a quote, and where ‘suitable’ stories could be found. It was a skill that presumably stayed with them for the rest of their careers. ... Those who struggled to cope with these strictures were soon found out. They either failed their probationary periods and were forced to move on, or stayed on in the lowliest positions where they could do little harm.” Read more at his web site about a story seldom told by reporters "Intellectual Cleansing"

New Appeal to Reason: "Kansas GOP and Libertarians make no presidential candidate filing with Ks Secretary of State's office"

Chimes of Freedom: "Britain's Robber Barons steal ... "

Is McCain's temper a National Security concern?

Mary Pitt: "View of the debate from the Great Flyover"

I was watching the candidates as they deplaned for the debate. First, Obama skipped down the steps alone and galloped over to shake the hands of the flight crew. When the McCains arrived, Cindy walked down the steps first. ... Jump to Discomfit Magazine click here.

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, The Ultimate Election

[excerpt] "... In his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama called the forthcoming presidential election a "defining moment" in this country's history. It is conceivable that he is right. There are precedents in American history for an election inaugurating a period of reform and political realignment. Such a development, however, is extremely rare and surrounded by contingencies normally beyond the control of the advocates of reform. So let me speculate about whether the 2008 election might set in motion a political reconfiguration -- and even a political renaissance -- in the United States, restoring a modicum of democracy to the country's political system, while ending our march toward imperialism, perpetual warfare, and bankruptcy that began with the Cold War. ..." Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, The Ultimate Election

 A crisis made in the Oval Office : Information Clearing House - ICH

Counter-culture Freak (毛-ist ): Westar of Kansas – Bad service, but you pay for their mistakes

Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - Anger After Cheerleaders Stage Mock Execution at Pep Rally | US News

"U. S. A.", "U. S. A.", "U. S. A.", "U. S. A.", "U. S. A."

"No More Bailout Votes Until Congress Hears From Some REAL Economists" - Cindy Sheehan

A fight worthy of a candidate who deserves to win ...

An excerpt from her supporters email received at the Flyer expressing their outrage at the bailouts from congress with taxpayers' money: "... By arrogantly ignoring our literally millions of phone calls and emails vehemently opposed to this lunatic policy blunder, Congress has demonstrated that they are for the most part beyond redemption. We have only one practical recourse. Vote the losers out of office as soon as possible, and replace each and every one of them with strong progressives who WILL be accountable to the people.

We MUST Help Cindy Sheehan defeat Nancy Pelosi.

This is our only real chance for the next two years. Nothing would send a stronger message that the voice of the people actually COUNTS for something than a resounding victory for Cindy Sheehan in the Congressional race for the 8th district of California against Nancy Pelosi in just 4 weeks.

NOTHING would send a stronger message to the gutless wimps in Congress that their reign of cowardice is over.
What we need is literally a tsunami of donations to put Cindy Sheehan's new TV spot on the air, where she pulls no punches about the abject failure of Pelosi to lead. ..."

Why not hit the top-tier wealthy Democrats where it hurts them the most? Support an Independent candidate in their own backyard that stands with us! Watch Sheehan's video and send her a donation, volunteer to phone bank from your home to get a progressive independent candidate from San Francisco in the House of Representatives.

Click No More Bailout Votes Until Congress Hears From Some REAL Economists.

The Markets Have Just Given a Big Raspberry to Paulson, Bernanke, Bush and Congress | This Can't Be Happening!

Boy, investors don't fool around, do they?

When they see a dud, they let you know it. And that's exactly what they've done with regard to that $700 billion bailout bill Congress passed on Friday. This Can't Be Happening!

Otto 子's War Room: More on the debate

Global Fears of a Recession Grow Stronger -

[excerpt] ... While the Bush administration’s bailout package offers help to foreign banks, it seems to have done little to reassure investors, particularly in Europe, where banks are failing and countries are racing to stave off panicky withdrawals after first playing down the depth of the crisis. ... Global Fears of a Recession Grow Stronger - American Author of Anti-Obama Book Detained in Kenya - International News

Fox would call him an "author." Right-wing smear machine of Swift Boat fame is detained in Kenya after papparazzi push on Obama.

Keating Economics - McCain Economics

Railroading Rexrode: Fish & Game Goes Hunting, Bruce Anderson

A classic example of stupid, seizure hungry local law enforcement - turning against the very community it serves. I venture to write that county governments would rather cut back road and bridge maintenance, county public health departments and whatnot than risk being attacked by the well funded and over armed garrisons popping up at every county seat in the nation. Read Bruce Anderson

Bank Failures during the 1930s Great Depression

Monday, October 06, 2008

Democracy Now! | Naomi Klein: Wall St. Crisis Should Be for Neoliberalism What Fall of Berlin Wall Was for Communism

Daily Kos: Palin offends small town Kansans

Soon the radical Kansas Christians will be tired, broke ... and dangerous
I say she's nothing but a pretty sock puppet for the wealthy who need empty headed religious nut-jobs, like her, to win the election and ram through a Cornpone Nazis dictatorship they need for the immediate future.

And the wealthy (Christian or otherwise) do not think of anything but their immediate future.

The drunk Kansan Republicans that I run into, and there's plenty of them who march to Church every Sunday, want to vote for her just so they can dream of having sex with her (and I'm being polite about what words they really use) ... Maybe there's more reasons to be damn suspicious about supporting her and Senator "Cancerous Timebomb" McCain but in the meantime:

"This is the thing, for all Palin's talking about how she's just a regular hockey mom, I don't think she's connecting with voters here in the Republican strong-holds. Oh, I don't think that Obama has any shot in hell of winning Kansas...after all the state overwhelming voted for Bush. But, I do wonder if people in Kansas, many of whom still support Bush, are thinking about sitting this election out, I wonder how many small town folks in swing states are thinking the same thing? ..." Palin offends small town Kansans

The Idiot Factor: Todd Tiahrt's folly: Tiahrt took $3,000 from Northrop Grumman during the 2008 election

Bust'em Dan-oh!

MRFF Newsletter details brutal suppression of military service members who are not Christian!

Breaking News! A rise in intolerance in the ranks: "... A U.S. Army soldier was brutally beaten by other soldiers in his platoon earlier this month following two incidents in which a drill sergeants allegedly used anti-Semitic slurs to address the soldier. Pvt. Michael Handman, 20, who has just completed his fifth week of basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia, was recently released from a hospital where he was treated for a concussion, facial wounds, and severe oral injuries following the attack, according to the boy’s father, Jonathan Handman. The soldier’s father said he received a disturbing telephone call last week from his son’s commanding officer “to tell me that my son is OK and out of the hospital.” ... this is just one of the recent outrages detailed at the October MRFF Newsletter Mikey Weinstein courageously anchors for all of us.

Truthdig - Reports - Dennis Kucinich on the Democrats’ Bailout Betrayal

Is there anything to what Naomi Wolf is talking about?

Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters,
KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle. (28 min.)

Naomi Wolf: The Battle Plan II: Sarah "Evita" Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State

I first thought Wolf was sensationalizing the issue of a fascist America to sell books, but now I'm not so sure. Are we stupid enough to elect what James Howard Kunstler calls a "Cornpone Nazis" into power?[excerpt] ... I realized early on with horror what I was seeing in Governor Palin: the continuation of the Rove-Cheney cabal, but this time without restraints. I heard her echo Bush 2000 soundbites ("the heart of America is on display") and realized Bush's speechwriters were writing her -- not McCain's -- speeches. I heard her tell George Bush's lies -- not McCain's -- to the American people, linking 9/11 to Iraq. I heard her make fun of Barack Obama for wanting to prevent the torture of prisoners -- this is Rove-Cheney's enthusiastic S and M, not McCain's, who, though he shamefully colluded in the 2006 Military Tribunals Act, is also a former prisoner of war and wrote an eloquent Newsweek piece in 2005 opposing torture. I saw that she was even styled by the same skillful stylist (neutral lipstick, matte makeup, dark colors) who turned Katharine Harris from a mall rat into a stateswoman and who styles all the women in the Bush orbit --but who does not bother to style Cindy McCain. ... Read more Sarah "Evita" Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State

The End of America: Trailer

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Electric Politics | EP Podcast: Surge, Splurge, Gurge

Former State Department official and host to the very professional Electric Politics, George Kenney, interviews Wayne White. Mr. White is a recently retired intelligence analyst from the State Department who specialized in Iraq and the Middle East. Must listening for appraising the likelihood of more upcoming catastrophic developments in that region of the world. It's audio and quality listening at the important Electric Politics

Noam Chomsky: "The Problems of Latin America and the Caribbean" : Information Clearing House - ICH

[excerpt] On the current market crisis in an address at Caracas, Venezuala: ".... This wonderful anti-market system designed by self-proclaimed market enthusiasts is now being implemented in the United States, to deal with the very ominous crisis of financial markets. In general, markets have well-known inefficiencies. One is that transactions do not take into account the effect on others who are not party to the transaction. These so-called "externalities" can be huge. That is particularly so in the case of financial institutions. Their task is to take risks, and if well-managed, to ensure that potential losses to themselves will be covered. To themselves. Under capitalist rules, it is not their business to consider the cost to others if their practices lead to financial crisis, as they regularly do. In economists' terms, risk is underpriced, because systemic risk is not priced into decisions. That leads to repeated crisis, naturally. At that point, we turn to the IMF solution. The costs are transferred to the public, which had nothing to do with the risky choices but is now compelled to pay the costs - in the US, perhaps mounting to about $1 trillion right now. And of course the public has no voice in determining these outcomes, any more than poor peasants have a voice in being subjected to cruel structural adjustment programs. ..." Read from the beginning at: Information Clearing House

Naomi Klein on John Amato's "Crooks and Liars" and "Al Jazeera - English Riz Khan's One on One"

Scratchy audio, but still it's the latest from Naomi Klein, author of "The Shock Doctrine."

Riz Khan's informative "One on One" show on Al Jazeerah - English presents a backgrounder on Naomi Klein and her method of work.

On Air America's "The Young Turks" Sept. 22nd

Selections from last week's The REAL News: Dr. Chalmers Johnson and Editor Robert Parry

Selected videos from Russia Today network news.

Michael Hudson - financial economist and historian

[excerpt] In answer to Democracy Now! show host, Amy Goodman's question of what would happen if they didn't do the bail-out of AIG (when they predicted global collapse) - MICHAEL HUDSON: Then you would prepare the ground for writing down the debts of the homeowners that have no way of repaying the exploding mortgages. Those interest rates are going to be jumping up this year. You would be able to bring the debts down to the ability of the economy to pay, and you would save these four million homeowners from defaulting and being kicked out of their houses. Now they’re going to be kicked out of the houses. The houses will be vacant. The cities are going to now say, “Gee, we’re going to have to cut the property taxes to enable the debts to be paid to save the financial system.” So, if they cut the property taxes, they’re going to have to cut back local expenditures, local infrastructure. The economy is being sacrificed to pay the gamblers. ..." Michael Hudson - financial economist and historian - September 2008

Outstanding audio interview (with some static) of the latest from Dr. Michael Hudson, recorded Sept. 29, 2008. Humorous and to the point, Hudson "American companies are looting their Canadian affiliates." Must listening at the: - September 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008


"Small People." : Information Clearing House - ICH: Independent candidate for Congress in Nancy Pelosi's district, Cindy Sheehan writes: "I am watching the debate on CSPAN over HR 1424 the 'Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.' As you can imagine there is empty rhetoric on both sides of the issue and there is bi-partisan support and opposition. If anything, it's a little more interesting than usual. Rep Gary Miller (R-Ca), in a rare lapse of guarded 'poli-speak' said that this bill would help the 'Small People.' Meaning, you and I. Fundamentally, that's what we are to the Congressional-Wall Street Cabal---the 'Small People.'" ... Cindy's got it right, read the rest here.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on bailout: "We Had Alternatives" |

Mary Pitt: "Where is Justice?"

As a small voice from the back of the room, I have one question regarding the discovery of the illiquidity of all the huge corporate conglomerates who have taken over the finances of this ostensibly democratic nation. When is somebody going to jail? ... Follow Mary at the jump to Discomfit magazine.

Storming Heaven's Gates: $100,000 reward for rigged voting whistleblowers

A VIP reader sends along this forward from Hollywood .... pssst do something!

The Revolution that Failed | This Can't Be Happening!

The grassroots rebellion that led to the House’s rejection of the Bush Administration’s Wall Street bailout bill on Monday flamed out on Friday, overwhelmed by a massive lobbying campaign by Wall Street and by a propaganda push in the corporate media in favor of passage. ... Read more to learn the lessons of last week. This Can't Be Happening!

Friday, October 03, 2008

How far will they go to bail out their wealthy buddies?

Rep. Brad Sherman spills his guts on C-span - some were blackmailing them with threats of Martial Law!

This should piss-off every freedom-loving American, no matter our partisanship. What a bunch of dirty rotten scoundrels to even discuss this in their back chambers. Hat tips to the proud Scot, Rory Winter at the Chimes of Freedom for sending this to the Heartland. For more on this despicable extortion racket read this article from the World Socialist Web Site.

Radio Free Kansas show reminder - presidential candidate Jerry White for the Socialist Equality Party will be live Saturday night beginning at 8pm (central), callers welcome!

Joe Bageant: Sarah Palin, through the Toast Crumbs Dimly

The perfect post-debate summation of dear Sarah.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The End of Arrogance: America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Hat tip to our readers abroad! Scottish writer at the Chimes of Freedom site, Rory Winter, sends along an important series of articles from the widely circulated German magazine Der Spiegel. I strongly encourage readers to read what investigations the international press are publishing, especially those that do not make it through the Main $tream Media filters of the corporations here in the United States.

[excerpt] On this sunny Tuesday morning in New York, even his hair seemed messy and unkempt, his blue suit a little baggy around the shoulders, as Bush stepped onto the stage, for the eighth time, at the United Nations General Assembly. He talked about terrorism and terrorist regimes, and about governments that allegedly support terror. He failed to notice that the delegates sitting in front of and below him were shaking their heads, smiling and whispering, or if he did notice, he was no longer capable of reacting. The US president gave a speech similar to the ones he gave in 2004 and 2007, mentioning the word "terror" 32 times in 22 minutes. At the 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations, George W. Bush was the only one still talking about terror and not about the topic that currently has the rest of the world's attention. "Absurd, absurd, absurd," said one German diplomat. A French woman called him "yesterday's man" over coffee on the East River. There is another way to put it, too: Bush was a laughing stock in the gray corridors of the UN. ... Read the complete eye-opening series at SPIEGEL ONLINE

Israelis Attack on Iran "unlikely", Bin Ladin "dead" - Robert Baer's new book.

A reality he lived in ... reveals a strategic catastrophe in U.S. "War on Terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan

Ex-CIA agent (21 years in the Middle East '76 - '97) Robert Baer is interviewed on NPR's "Fresh Air" program about his new book "The Devil We Know: Dealing with the new Iranian superpower" reveals a couple very controversial insights; that members of Israel's Knessett he interviewed acknowledged that an air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities has been considered until the January 20th U.S. presidential transition (18min.) Baer, who the character played by George Clooney in the movie Syriana is loosely based on, also maintains that Osama Bin Laden is dead and qualifies it by recent discussions with CIA operatives who cannot deny or confirm it. This would dovetail with the unusual statement made by the assassinated Pakistan candidate for Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto just prior to her killing. Another interesting tidbit, Baer agrees with others found on my blog and those I have interviewed on Radio Free Kansas, that the American empire is "waning."
Listen to the 30 minute program by clicking here.

From those who have read the new book:

“A masterpiece…Baer's brilliant analysis of Sunni versus Shia, Arab versus Iranian, and Christian versus Muslim is shocking, revealing, and provocative. Baer lifts the veil of Western media hype and challenges the simplistic solutions offered by ‘experts’ whose vision is blurred by the past. Through his knowledge, long-term experience, and ability to assess the changing landscape of this vital region, he not only shatters the foundations of conventional thinking, but also offers a practicable blueprint for turning things around.”
—John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

“The most important and original book on the Middle East to appear in many years. Baer’s subject is the growing power of Iran; his goal is ending the pattern of American failure; his message is that we’ve been backing the wrong horse. This is a book McCain and Obama should ponder.”
—Thomas Powers, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Man Who Kept the Secrets and Intelligence Wars

"The Devil We Know, Bob Baer has once again peered into the future and has brought back uncomfortable truths that won't satisfy any partisan. But his book does force us to do something that, unfortunately, doesn't come naturally to the chattering classes. Think.”
—James Risen, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration