Sunday, October 05, 2008

Michael Hudson - financial economist and historian

[excerpt] In answer to Democracy Now! show host, Amy Goodman's question of what would happen if they didn't do the bail-out of AIG (when they predicted global collapse) - MICHAEL HUDSON: Then you would prepare the ground for writing down the debts of the homeowners that have no way of repaying the exploding mortgages. Those interest rates are going to be jumping up this year. You would be able to bring the debts down to the ability of the economy to pay, and you would save these four million homeowners from defaulting and being kicked out of their houses. Now they’re going to be kicked out of the houses. The houses will be vacant. The cities are going to now say, “Gee, we’re going to have to cut the property taxes to enable the debts to be paid to save the financial system.” So, if they cut the property taxes, they’re going to have to cut back local expenditures, local infrastructure. The economy is being sacrificed to pay the gamblers. ..." Michael Hudson - financial economist and historian

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