Thursday, October 02, 2008

Israelis Attack on Iran "unlikely", Bin Ladin "dead" - Robert Baer's new book.

A reality he lived in ... reveals a strategic catastrophe in U.S. "War on Terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan

Ex-CIA agent (21 years in the Middle East '76 - '97) Robert Baer is interviewed on NPR's "Fresh Air" program about his new book "The Devil We Know: Dealing with the new Iranian superpower" reveals a couple very controversial insights; that members of Israel's Knessett he interviewed acknowledged that an air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities has been considered until the January 20th U.S. presidential transition (18min.) Baer, who the character played by George Clooney in the movie Syriana is loosely based on, also maintains that Osama Bin Laden is dead and qualifies it by recent discussions with CIA operatives who cannot deny or confirm it. This would dovetail with the unusual statement made by the assassinated Pakistan candidate for Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto just prior to her killing. Another interesting tidbit, Baer agrees with others found on my blog and those I have interviewed on Radio Free Kansas, that the American empire is "waning."
Listen to the 30 minute program by clicking here.

From those who have read the new book:

“A masterpiece…Baer's brilliant analysis of Sunni versus Shia, Arab versus Iranian, and Christian versus Muslim is shocking, revealing, and provocative. Baer lifts the veil of Western media hype and challenges the simplistic solutions offered by ‘experts’ whose vision is blurred by the past. Through his knowledge, long-term experience, and ability to assess the changing landscape of this vital region, he not only shatters the foundations of conventional thinking, but also offers a practicable blueprint for turning things around.”
—John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

“The most important and original book on the Middle East to appear in many years. Baer’s subject is the growing power of Iran; his goal is ending the pattern of American failure; his message is that we’ve been backing the wrong horse. This is a book McCain and Obama should ponder.”
—Thomas Powers, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Man Who Kept the Secrets and Intelligence Wars

"The Devil We Know, Bob Baer has once again peered into the future and has brought back uncomfortable truths that won't satisfy any partisan. But his book does force us to do something that, unfortunately, doesn't come naturally to the chattering classes. Think.”
—James Risen, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration

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