Thursday, October 02, 2008

The End of Arrogance: America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Hat tip to our readers abroad! Scottish writer at the Chimes of Freedom site, Rory Winter, sends along an important series of articles from the widely circulated German magazine Der Spiegel. I strongly encourage readers to read what investigations the international press are publishing, especially those that do not make it through the Main $tream Media filters of the corporations here in the United States.

[excerpt] On this sunny Tuesday morning in New York, even his hair seemed messy and unkempt, his blue suit a little baggy around the shoulders, as Bush stepped onto the stage, for the eighth time, at the United Nations General Assembly. He talked about terrorism and terrorist regimes, and about governments that allegedly support terror. He failed to notice that the delegates sitting in front of and below him were shaking their heads, smiling and whispering, or if he did notice, he was no longer capable of reacting. The US president gave a speech similar to the ones he gave in 2004 and 2007, mentioning the word "terror" 32 times in 22 minutes. At the 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations, George W. Bush was the only one still talking about terror and not about the topic that currently has the rest of the world's attention. "Absurd, absurd, absurd," said one German diplomat. A French woman called him "yesterday's man" over coffee on the East River. There is another way to put it, too: Bush was a laughing stock in the gray corridors of the UN. ... Read the complete eye-opening series at SPIEGEL ONLINE

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