Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Can the Financial Crisis Be Reversed?

What kind of mobs are being created?

Welcome the rise of the New Isolationists, but prepare for Civil War ... against the rich Kleptocrats and their followers.
The ability of the leaders of the United States to preach to, and dominate the world economy will soon be [happily IMHO] thrown into the trash can of history. The world will be better off with America taking care of it's own problems, without US corporations and it's spoiled selfish citizens, robbing and pillaging the world whenever and wherever they choose.

Americans must wisely demand, militantly, a demilitarization of our Pentagon centered economy and quickly shift toward a people-centered economy; including but not limited to, universal health care, healthy food, stable housing, a sustainable and renewable energy grid and fair wages and union centered workplaces.

This will not take place easily, not without a very determined fight on a massive scale. Call it "Revolution," call it "21st Century Socialism," come up with a new name if you must. Unfortunately, most of the population in this part of the country are dumbed-down in gluttony and consumerism, and taught to hate even the word, "socialism." Most have no understanding of even the mildest forms of Socialism in other countries. The struggles to achieve these most basic of living standards for all citizens will be difficult.

Bring the troops home now, shut down all the military bases abroad ...

The unraveling of Eisenhower's "the military industrial complex" must be demanded, but are the American people intelligent enough to phase out Empire to our, the working middle classes' benefit? With all the Cornpone Christian Nazis in the political leadership shoving their nutty, hateful and fearsome messages on these dumbed down people, a dangerous slide into social turmoil is all too likely.

Too many Americans are just too easily manipulated with dumb racist slogans, television "news" sound bites and "feel good" demagogues. We must educate our fellows of our history and the horizons ahead to our mutual benefit.

I'm not hopeful, based on what I see, hear in rural Kansas today. A very vengeful backlash may be brewing, similar to what I experienced during the rise of the Christian militias and abortion wars of the nineties. We progressives, socialists, radical democrats, and critical free thinkers have our work cut out for us as the economic and political sea change takes place in the coming months and years ahead with the Empire in decline. We must decide to do the work and do it well!

Hat tip to
The Kasama Project for the first link to this pertinent article about the economy. Despite the difficulty of reading about economics, I encourage readers to study the article, the times demand it. This is from an Argentinian magazine which should be commended for hustling over and finding one of the oldest few independent socialist analysis available in America, the Monthly Review.

[excerpt] "... Can they avoid a massive devaluation of capital across the board? I doubt it. It is likely too late to stabilize things in this way. Things have gone too far. The crux of the matter is that the whole "Atlantic" economy is in trouble, not just the financial sector. Consumption is collapsing in the United States, where it represents more than two thirds of total demand, and a good part of world demand. Fifteen percent of the population is under water with their mortgages. Real wages in the United States have not risen since the 1970s and people are deeply in debt and their circumstances are eroding. Unemployment is way up and jobs are vanishing. Where the productive base of the economy is weakening drastically, a falling financial superstructure, finding the ground shifting under it, is unlikely to be able to right itself. ..."

You decide the answer by reading "Can the Financial Crisis Be Reversed?" and get prepared for a fight among us, the people. Take history into our hands!

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