"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
William Rivers Pitt: Blood in the Gutters
It is going to be an ugly week in American politics, to be sure. The scum will rise and the stink will flood the airwaves, and pundits will shake their heads in mock dismay even as they revel in the chance to report on noise instead of news.
It will be bad, but it could be worse.
We could be in Baghdad, where dirty campaigns tend to involve bombs filled with nails and metal fragments, where torture and mutilation are the surest form of persuasion, where democracy means voting to stay inside so as to avoid being shot or abducted, where the failures of this administration and its rubber-stamp Congress are written in the blood flowing down the gutters.
Read the complete essay at: Blood in the Gutters
Monday, October 30, 2006
News from Oaxaco, Mexico: STORMING HEAVEN'S GATES
Read the complete story which has resulted in a "Red Alert" in Oaxaco, today:
A Call from the Zapatistas: Oaxaca Is Not Alone
FT.com / WMD intercept exercise set to begin in the Gulf
Read the developing story at:
FT.com / In depth - WMD intercept exercise set to begin in the Gulf
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Congressman Jim Ryun plays the fear factor.
Tongue talking Kansas Christian – Zionist death cult leader Congressman Jim Ryun is scorching his opponent, penny poor Nancy Boyda with a single campaign ad airing repeatedly on local Kansas television claiming that Boyda will be somehow negligent controlling illegal immigration into the United States from the southern border.
The ad played on WIBW local channel 13 television over four times in one three hour period during a recent evening.
Boyda would be better to pull out the stops and let the public know more and more and more and hilariously more about old crooked Jim and his buddies; Jack Abramhoff, Ralph Reed and Lestor Norquist. Ryun has been part of the greedy pack of cult leaders for years, all deeply involved in twisted real estate deals, hoodwinking old folks in the churches out of their money and generally ripping off Indian tribes and their casinos.
Critics have called it “playing the racist fear card” in a state that has more than enough problems with companies that routinely hire undocumented illegal immigrants with a Republican dominated legislature that does little about it.
And why would the Big Business Republicans in Kansas care?
Companies that build big box chains, like the new Wal – mart Super Center, as recently was erected in North Topeka, have no interest in protecting hard won workers’ rights on the job sites. And, neither does Kansas elected politicians. This place was largely built with workers who could not speak English and faced horrible working conditions.
The city will make millions in local sheeple herding in on the High Cost of Low Price[s] at the place, enough as in the North Topeka Wal – Mart case, to widen and pave avenues, tax abatements to the business, and added sales tax revenues to the city, thus killing more local stores along it’s “eminent domain” “right – of – way” even blowing up bridges to better create a highway to hell and ruin for the dumber – downed bargain crazy voters.
FEAR, FEAR, and more FEAR dominates the campaign air waves today in Kansas and the Republican candidates throw it out like garbage to some poor people living in a landfill. Which Kansas will be if voters don’t get a clue and realize that more and more consumption of clutter and less and less conservation and environmental measures don’t happen and soon in this country.
The Kansas state Republican legislature is dominated by land speculators, large scale ranchers, agri-business and insurance company interests who see no gain in policing employers who hire below scale workers, who work literally at the mercy of employers seeking bigger and bigger profits at the expense of safety and public review.
Kansas news media; forget the facts - smear the messenger.
Again, “Keep the rich happy and all others in constant fear.”
Kansas women’s doctor demonized as a terrorist, again?
A scathing circular bulk mailed to FCF recently had some very important information concerning Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline’s lack of professional care in his office as the chief law enforcement officer in the state. This critical information was largely ignored by the Kansas news media reporting of the circular, which focused instead on further demonizing the authors and a doctor who may have provided some of the funds to print it.
The contemporary news media, soaked in contradictory paid campaign ads have little time to fact check what it is paid to present to the news consumers.
News messengers kill the message.
The doctor who performs abortions in Kansas should have known that after years of being harangued as a “demon” by the many leaders of the religious death cults in Kansas, a news media would sensationalize his efforts to the point that the devoutly irrational and vindictive have on occasion attempted to kill him several times in the past.
And who can blame the hysterical who fund the massive “manufacturers of consent” propagandizing the tightly centralized elite’s message from the village weekly newspaper to the transnational television news network, a widespread message of rampant consumerism and wage slavery to a corporate command economy.
Drilled into their heads [i.e. short term personal financial gain] since infancy in every institution they attend till their inevitable appointment to the funeral parlor, little is offered in place of terror, but bargain shopping and immodest religious belief.
Those who devoutly believe not only the lies of their fearsome preachers, but the oft – repeated lies of their fearsome warmongering national elites are reliably reported to in the compliant Kansas news media.
The factual information imparted about Attorney General Phill Kline’s job performance, or more accurately his lack thereof, is ignored, even discarded by the news messengers as bunk since it is printed on paper that may have been paid for by the “demon doctor.”
Should “news consumers” expect more?
Real advocate investigative journalism is not tolerated in Kansas, most local presses, editors and publishers, largely so conservative and fearful of losing adverts and their dwindling reading audiences that an argument can easily be made that in their pursuit of the “bottom line” the news manufacturers more emulate the ignorance and avarice of the limited intellect of its readers and the advertisers sole interest; i. e. selling services and goods.
This in itself is not pathological, but more a recipe for inevitable catastrophe.
Media in the United States is largely incapable of penetrating anything of much substance, after all, the dwindling reading audiences largely from the business classes seek ever more revenues, the news media at even the local level is largely devoted to advertisements and “know what side of the bread to butter.”
What the local news media did report about the doctor’s efforts on a much broader scale was perhaps more damaging. Damaging in that it was fairly easy to ascertain that the handout came from a Wichita office within the building of a prominent pro – choice organization in Kansas.
The information delivered, quite effectively, was lost in the news coverage about the purported authors.
Reporters, thoroughly university trained in the writing skills suitable for “communicating” to an audience of neurotic nine – year olds, succeeded in demonizing the source.
The source ProKanDo, a rather benign office funded by many well meaning donors and initiated years ago by Dr. George Tiller was reported in such a fashion as to portray it as a front organization for a mass terrorist.
In Kansas, if not most of the United States, among many active members of the Christian death cults terror is the way of the world and the tool of their preference when the world disagrees.
Carefully read the controversial circular below. Then re-read the next to last paragraph citing the sources.
The circular, professionally produced, depicts in large red letters, “WARNING: Your private medical records aren’t safe from the Snoop Dog.”
On the flip-side it poses, “Think law – abiding citizens have a right to privacy? Not while Snoop Dog Kline is in office.”
“The Attorney General has made it a priority to invade our privacy. Instead of going after real criminals, Phill Kline spent the last three years snooping through women’s private medical records on a personal crusade against abortion. [1.]
“He’s not the only one who’s been invading our privacy.
While Attorney General Kline was chasing women’s private medical records, the rate of identity theft increased by nearly 77% [2.] and robberies by more more than 138% [3.]
Snoop Dog Kline.
He’s sniffing out everything but crime.”
Cited in the handout: “Check the facts: [1.] Kansas Supreme Court Case #93-383; [2.] Federal Trade Commission, Identity Theft Complaint Data Figures and Trends in Kansas, 2005; [3.] 2005 Kansas Bureau of Investigation Reported Crime Index.
The circular was from Kansans for Consumer Privacy Protection, 6505 E. Central #106, Wichita, Ks. 67206.
Drive the religious death cults out of government!
Dump'em All! Every single one of the war mongers.
FCF dares you to listen to the outrageous “Do – Nothing” Congress report from Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi on Democracy Now! Or read the complete transcript “no open debates” or hearings, bills piled high with “earmarked” amendments.
“Everything is done behind the scenes” like in a totalitarian dictatorship, wise up voters, dump every last money soaked shithead. A kow – towed opposition “bureaucratically casterated” by new financing laws, allowing more lobbying money that has even the Democrat’s leaders (democraps) afraid of who will profit.
“A great example is that conference committees, where when you have the conference that hammers out the differences between the Senate and the House versions of bills, traditionally both parties work in that conference committee to create the final version of the bill. Well, this congress has sort of pioneered a new method of handling the conferences.
What they'll do is they'll have -- by law, they have to have one conference that includes Democrats. They'll have a five-minute meeting, where the Democrats are there.
They'll take a picture, and then they’ll kick the Democrats out, and they’ll hold the real meeting later, and they won't tell the Democrats where it is. And you get this situation that results -- it's really like, you know, an elementary school thing, where they won't tell the Democrats where it is, so the Democratic minority member will have to go around Congress literally searching for the conference, knocking on doors, saying, ‘Are you inside?’”
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Democracy Now! | Breaking the Silence: Fmr. Israeli Soldier Tours U.S. to Expose Abuse of Palestinians by Israeli Military
"A leading Israeli human rights organization accused Israel on Thursday of breaking international humanitarian law by holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
According to B'Tselem, international law prohibits the transfer of civilians, including prisoners, from the occupied territories to Israel.
On Thursday B'Tselem issued a 53-page report outlining how Israel's prison policies has made it nearly impossible for Palestinians to regularly visit relatives in jail.
Meanwhile, a former Israeli soldier named Yehuda Shaul has just begun a tour of the United States to give an inside look at how the Israeli military treats Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
Shaul is a co-founder of Breaking the Silence - a group of former Israeli soldiers committed to exposing human rights abuses by the Israeli military.
Last year the group revealed that Israel soldiers had been ordered to open fire on unarmed Palestinians. The group has also gathered photographic evidence that proved Israeli soldiers have abused Palestinian corpses. "
Democracy Now! October 24, 2006 - US meddling in Nicaraguan elections, again.
"OAS to U.S.: Don’t Meddle in Nicaraguan Election
Election monitors from the Organization of American States have warned the Bush administration not to interfere in the upcoming presidential election in Nicaragua.
The Bush administration has openly opposed the current front-runner, Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega.
The Organization of American States singled out Paul Trivelli, the U.S. ambassador to Nicaragua, and U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez for meddling in the November 5th election.
Last week Gutierrez said an Ortega victory could scare off foreign investors and jeopardize Nicaragua's participation in the CAFTA free-trade accord with the United States. New opinion polls show Ortega has taken a strong lead and could win the election in one round.
Meanwhile a leading Nicaraguan human rights activist – Vilma Nunez -- is scheduled to testify this week about the U.S. interference before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission in Washington."
Reuters AlertNet - U.S. journalist killed in Mexico's Oaxaca conflict
OAXACA, Mexico, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Gunmen opened fire on protesters in Mexico's colonial city of Oaxaca on Friday, killing a U.S. journalist and wounding several people at road blocks set up by leftists pushing to topple a state governor.
Will Bradley Roland, a cameraman working with Indymedia New York, was shot in the chest and died before reaching the hospital, the independent news group said on its Web site.
Reuters AlertNet - U.S. journalist killed in Mexico's Oaxaca conflict
The Johnson County Sun: former Republican Ks AG Bob Stephan
Stephan hammered Kline's decision to seek the private abortion records of Kansas females. Stephan said the effort made no sense from the start, but he decided only now to speak publicly because he disagreed with Kline's statements last week about the reason for seeking the records.
In a Kansas City Star article, Kline stated he had "never sought the names of adult women" to prosecute late-term abortions. Kline also has stated he wanted the records to investigate child rape cases.
"He said that he didn't want the names of adult women. You know, that's not true," Stephan said. "The truth is they subpoenaed the records of 90 females and nothing in that subpoena said 'minors only.' It was a request for the total records."
[Kline campaign spokesperson Sherriene] Jones disputed Stephan's recollection of the records request.
"A process had already been established by the district court and the Attorney General's Office to redact the personal information of the women's names," Jones said.
Peter Brownlie, president of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri, said he saw nothing about crossing out the names of females in Kline's original request.
"The subpoena that we received in September 2004 was a subpoena for the complete, original, entire, unredacted record - all names, all identifying information," Brownlie said. "What we were told to do, in fact, was to hand over the original record in its entirety."
Stephan said seeking the records without names made no sense.
Read complete article at: The Johnson County Sun
Former Ks AG Carla Stovall slams AG Kline
"Carla Stovall Steckline, Republican attorney general from 1995 to 2003, endorsed Morrison emphatically last week while taking Kline to the woodshed.
'I have known Paul Morrison for 20 years and he is the kind of lawyer that even people who like to bash lawyers must admit to respecting,' Steckline said at a press conference on Friday. 'He's a career prosecutor with a stellar record of nearly 100 convictions in tough cases.'
Steckline's support for Morrison included bashing Kline:
* 'I am confident Paul will not knowingly and intentionally violate the privacy rights of Kansans in an attempt to push a narrow, personal agenda,' a slam at Kline over his decision to seek abortion records in what he calls an effort to combat child abuse;
* 'I am confident Paul will not hire an attorney with 12 arrests and $60,000 in outstanding court costs and fines as the deputy of an important division in the office,' a slam at Kline for hiring Bryan Brown, whose arrests relate to abortion protests; and
* 'I am confident Paul will not skirt the state nepotism law and hire his nephew, who has a suspended driver's license, to be his driver,' a slam at Kline for hiring his nephew as a chauffeur."
Update and correction on USS Eisenhower Strike Group.
US naval war games off the Iranian coastline: A provocation which could lead to War?:
"Revised and updated Oct 25, 2006. Note: Since this report was first published, we have been advised that several press reports concerning USS Eisenhower are incorrect. US military sources have confirmed that USS Eisenhower was in Naples on Oct 23.
We have made appropriate corrections"
Friday, October 27, 2006
Weekend Special Feature - Discomfit Magazine
Lost, way-out, sixties stuff before punk rock and roll. MC5 flash and burn stuff.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Kansas needs CorpWatch
Several skilled workers regularly visit with us at the FCF Blue Barn (yes readers, there really is a Blue Barn) where discussions go on on all manner of subjects; more than marriages, kids and gun violence, we also observe the ever increasing use of undocumented &/or illegal workers in Kansas and the unsafe and unethical exploitation of workers in Kansas.
It's a sensitive subject even among the Blue Barn crowd, some are non-union, middle management in huge telecommunications corporations, union and a few unskilled workers.
Yet, nearly everyone agrees the labor "pool" is fast changing around us and the companies seem to be the ones making the most of it.
An example exists locally, in the construction of the most recent Wal-Mart in North Topeka, Ks. the capital of the state government - there the construction site was flooded with workers, many who could not speak English, by a shadowy group who local skilled workers knew little about.
Apparently, Wal-Mart "jobs out" the construction to regional contract companies that travels the country building their Super Store Centers; excavation, foundation, concrete, electrical and plumbing. Many are workers who are in no position to dispute the owners decisions about the working conditions, pay or benefits.
In the North Topeka construction site several discrepancies were discovered when an inspecting engineer, unlicensed in Kansas, caused Wal-Mart to hire a local electrical company to comply with standard electrical codes.
Since that time, other unethical and questionable practises have been witnessed at this particular job.
Workers, both local and immigrant, had complained that unsafe portable toilets were commonplace, in some cases requiring them to use a stick to push the human waste away to use it. Heat exhaustion, especially among the immigrant workers, was commonly witnessed in one case requiring an ambulance to evacuate one worker.
Inside temperatures under the roof were rumored to approach over 130 degrees (f) this summer and cement block workers were not provided with legally required gear.
The construction jobs at this site are almost over, Wal-mart will make a fortune from the sheeple hunting like hounds for "bargains." While the workers, who built it, both foreign and domestic - gone and forgotten.
CorpWatch : A U.S. Fortress Rises in Baghdad: Asian Workers Trafficked to Build World's Largest Embassy
I find this recent article by David Phinney, an investigative reporter working for Inter Press Service, one of the most damning for the privatized U. S. government.
M. I. T. Professor Noam Chomsky recently commented that the overall economic strategy of the movers and shakers in this country was to "keep the rich happy" and all others "frightened" with job insecurity, wild price fluctuations in the prices of the basics and economic terror for those who can barely manage to make their mortgage payments. It's the stuff to keep us all in line; fear.
The article linked below describes the conditions "foreign" workers endure while building the largest U. S. embassy in the world, just outside of Baghdad. It's something of the world we are seeing more and more of even in Kansas.
The transnationals are doing this everywhere. Why would we think the United States, or for that matter, Kansas would be spared this sickness?
Union busting, unsafe working conditions and exploitation pitting worker against worker is now common place even in the "reddest of red states," Kansas.
CorpWatch : Asian Workers Trafficked to Build World's Largest Embassy
Bush Iran War Plans - 4 Strike Groups in the Persian Gulf
There are now four strike groups in the Persian Gulf and an "interdiction" exercise in the works for Oct. 31st.
Pay attention to the names cited in this report today at:
Bush Iran War Plans - 4 Strike Groups in the Persian Gulf
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Can Kansans be honest?
Can Kansans; Republican, Democrat or Independent really stomach voting for any incumbent politician in office this year?
Dump'em all, every last one of them, who supported the war in Iraq.
Hundreds of our elected leaders, of both political parties have said it on television, including our own Kansas representatives in Topeka and in Washington DC.
This election season should be a time of great reckoning over the graves of all those violently killed in Iraq.
How honest do you think it is to deny your past support of those who said "stay the course?"
Or, will you blame others for these war criminals' folly?
Why lie to yourselves, and later to your children, and then your children’s children about this catastrophe?
There are tough years ahead, what stories will you tell them then?
How many have said this in Kansas?
"Stay the course."
Monday, October 23, 2006
Iraq TV coverage insurgent news report of Falcon Base fire.
The blast in question is viewed around 3:56 during the then live broadcast from Iraq TV. Other sources from the scene reported a large cloud of debris soaring into the air after the explosion.
The Falcon Base is burning out of control and can be seen in the distant skyline from Baghdad, as it appeared the evening of Oct 10, 2006 on Iraq TV. Both U. S. military sources and Iraqis insurgents report that nearly a billion dollars worth of ammunition and supplies were stored at this base.
Would this and the coming elections be the reason for President Bush's three days of meetings with Pentagon generals? At this point Pentagon officials have stated no casualties were reported from the base which contradicts statements from witnesses outside bases and several news sources from that area (see below).
Below a report from a Islamic web site followed by news reports from other sources cited from the web:
Devastating Attack Destroys US Falcon Base
Oct 12, 2006
Muhammad Abu Nasr
Free Arab Voice
The US Falcon base, now described as “burned out wasteland with no buildings” was the scene of American helicopters dumping water on the site Wednesday to extinguish the last flames after resistance fighters managed to carry out a devastating attack that completely destroyed the American base.
In a dispatch posted at 4:15pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a source in the puppet “Iraqi Defense Ministry” had revealed that US forces and their Iraqi puppet allies would begin clearing and cleaning away the US Forward Base Falcon (as-Saqr Base) in Sukkaniya in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah on Wednesday.
The “Defense Ministry” source told Mafkarat al-Islam that the base would never return to the way it had been prior to the attack and that it was now a “burned out wasteland with no buildings.”
The source said that at the present time US helicopters were pouring water intensely on the remains of the arsenal to make sure that the last flames of the fire were finally extinguished. Earlier on Wednesday, US forces announced that the fires were still burning in the arsenal which the Americans admitted was the biggest in Iraq and which they acknowledged had been destroyed. The US military claimed that the devastating explosions that lasted for hours and lit up the skies over Baghdad caused no casualties.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the largest US weapons arsenal depot in the American General Headquarters in the south of Baghdad late Tuesday evening. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the arsenal, located in the as-Saqr Base in the south of Baghdad is the main supplier of equipment to the US forces. At the time of reporting, mountains of American arms and ammunition were continuing to explode in the sky in a huge fire unprecedented in Baghdad’s history.
In response, US aircraft hysterically rocketed and bombed various parts of the city, the correspondent reported, trying to knock out the launch sites of the rockets that blasted into the American arsenal.
A source in the Iraqi puppet regime told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance blasted the American arsenal, known as Camp Falcon, with Grad and Katyusha rockets. The source admitted that dozens of Americans had been killed or wounded in the blasts that were still ripping the American arsenal apart. The source said that the US forces were unable to do anything to stop the massive inferno of flame and explosions that was lighting up the Baghdad sky like fireworks.
Reuters reported the puppet regime’s “Iraqiyah” television network as showing pictures of a huge fire lighting up the night sky. Reuters reporters in central Baghdad heard more than 30 explosions, which began at about 11pm local time Tuesday night. The puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry” said the explosions had rocked three neighborhoods close to Forward Operating Base Falcon in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.
Losses Could Top US$1 Billion
So-called Iraqi officials expect that the losses sustained by the US military as a result of the destruction of the Falcon Arsenal that would total more than a billion US dollars.
Major General Bilal Ahmad al-‘Ithawi, an adviser to the “Iraqi Defense Minister” for transport and supply, visited ad-Durah on Wednesday morning and told Mafkarat al-Islam that the attack had inflicted enormous losses on the US military that could total more than US$1 billion.
General al-‘Ithawi said that the Falcon base was the biggest US arsenal in central Iraq and was the launching point for US military operations. The arsenal contained more than 50 tanks; numerous artillery pieces; a landing strip for Chinook helicopters, some of which were parked there when the place exploded in addition to armories containing weapons and ammunition. He said that all the buildings and furnishings of the base had been totally destroyed along with the archive records.
General al-‘Ithawi said however that the biggest fear among Iraqi puppet officials during the night was that the Americans might have stockpiled low grade nuclear arms or chemical weapons like those used in the Second Battle of al-Fallujah on the base. Had such weapons been there, the death toll of Iraqi residents of Baghdad could have been in the thousands.
US Troops Seen Hauling Away At Least 30 Burned Out Tanks, Armored Vehicles
In a dispatch posted at 11:15pm Makkah time Wednesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that as of 5:30pm Wednesday afternoon Baghdad time, at least 30 US Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles were known to have been destroyed in the devastating Resistance attack on the Falcon Arsenal in southern Baghdad.
Eyewitnesses from the ar-Rashid section of southern Baghdad were quoted as saying that the US had used 13 huge military transport trucks to haul completely charred American armored vehicles out of the remains of the American Falcon base. The US forces hid the burnt wreckage of the vehicles behind the vegetable wholesale market known as the ‘Ulwat ar-Rashid Commercial Market.
Witnesses also reported that about 15 minutes before sunset Wednesday, the procession of vehicles under US helicopter air cover and escorted by Humvees took the wrecked vehicles, estimated to number at least 22, to the back wall of the ‘Ulwah. The Americans then set up a guard post to control access to the wrecked vehicles.
The Americans also set up a checkpoint 2km away where they confiscated cell phones with built-in cameras because travelers on their way to the village of as-Sa‘idat would be able clearly to see the wrecked armored vehicles.
Meanwhile, residents of the al-Khadra’ neighborhood and a number of Iraqi traffic wardens told Mafkarat al-Islam that they had seen giant American trucks carrying charred US tanks. The witnesses said that the vehicles had no apparent damage to their external shells, as usually is the case when they are burned in the explosion of a roadside bomb or shoulder-fired rockets.
Witnesses said that the number of burned tanks being hauled through their area was between eight and 12.
As of the time of reporting men of the American 4th Engineering Division were still working together with a cleanup unit of Iraqi puppet army to haul away wrecked US vehicles and other wreckage of the American base with the help of American helicopters and cranes.
US forces have completely blocked the road that runs by the ruined base. Residents of the al-Mahdiyah al-Ula section of the city whose houses are opposite the base reported that there were US vehicles that had been totally destroyed and were still inside the base waiting for the teams of cleanup troops to get to them. The witnesses also told Mafkarat al-Islam that high-ranking American officials had visited the site during the first hours of Wednesday under very heavy guard.
Iraqi Army Orders Troops To Baghdad To Fill Gap Left By Decimated US Forces
The so-called Iraqi “Defense Ministry” has issued orders to two regiments of the Iraqi army currently based in the city of al-Kut, 150km southeast of Baghdad in Wasit Province, to move out within 24 hours and take up positions in southern Baghdad. The transfer of the forces was intended to fill the gap left by the heavy losses of US troops in the southern Baghdad area as a result of Tuesday night’s devastating attack on the Falcon arsenal.
Nine Huge American Transport Planes Unload Casualties From Devastating Strike
In a bulletin posted at 2am Makkah time before dawn Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported its correspondent as saying that the US military hospital at the massive American-occupied air base in al-Habbaniyah had begun to receive dead and wounded personnel from the devastating Resistance rocket assault on the US Falcon arsenal in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. Just before midnight Tuesday, the Iraqi Resistance fired barrages of Katyusha and Grad rockets into the arsenal, the largest such facility in occupied Iraq, causing the ordnance to begin to explode. Western news reports stated that the blasts continued for hours lighting up the nighttime sky over Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported at that hour that three huge US transport aircraft emblazoned with the Red Cross had flown into the base, and casualties were being unloaded and sent into the hospital at the al-Habbaniyah base, located some 70km west of Baghdad.
Later, in a dispatch posted at 2:45am Makkah time Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that two more huge transport planes had arrived in the US-occupied al-Habbaniyah airbase, 70km west of Baghdad carrying casualties from the devastating Resistance assault on America’s Falcon Base in the US-occupied as-Saqr (Falcon) Forward Base in Sukkaniya located in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. Eyewitnesses in the village of al-Bu Mar‘i, about 2km from the US-occupied air base were quoted as saying that as of that time, a total of five enormous transport planes had flown into the base emblazoned with the red cross. The transports came in under fighter escort, the fighter planes remained aloft circling al-Habbaniyah as the transports set down.
The witnesses said that the US occupation forces illuminated the base, something they do not normally do, as swarms of American helicopters prowled the skies around the area, trying to prevent Resistance rocket attacks.
Then in a dispatch posted at 5:15pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at 7am Wednesday morning the last of a total of nine huge transport planes had landed at the US-occupied al-Habbaniyah airbase, site of America’s largest military hospital in the country, during the night.
The al-Habbaniyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the transport planes continued to land and take off all night and into Wednesday morning ferrying back and forth under fighter escort from Baghdad loaded with dead and wounded Americans.The correspondent reported eyewitnesses as saying that the aircraft did indeed fly into al-Habbaniyah from Baghdad. The huge transport planes arrived over al-Habbaniyah with fighter escort and then would break away from the warplanes land at the airfield and then take off again after about 20 minutes.
A source in the Iraqi puppet army told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US forces transported more than 90 Iraqi puppet troops to hospital for treatment after the blasts began to shake the southern part of the city. This number was confirmed by Dr. ‘Umar ‘Abdallah ar-Rawi of ar-Ramadi Hospital who told Mafkarat al-Islam that “90 wounded Iraqi troops were brought to us late in the night.” He indicated that the Americans requested his hospital to clear a wing for them and they did so.
Residents of al-Habbaniyah agreed that nine massive transport planes arrived at various times during the night and into the morning bringing casualties to the US military hospital at the base. The first three planes arrived at 1am local time, witnesses said. The fourth plane landed at about 1:30am, then a fifth about 10 minutes later. Then at 3:30am two more large transports arrived at al-Habbaniyah airbase, and the last two transports were seen coming in at 7am local time Wednesday morning.
Although the nighttime curfew is usually lifted at around 6am each morning, the correspondent reported that US forces only opened the roads and lifted the automobile curfew in al-Habbaniyah at 8am Wednesday morning.
In its announcements regarding the attack, US officials denied that the attack on the arsenal caused any casualties at all. Mafkarat al-Islam observed, however, that the landing of nine massive transport planes carrying US casualties was an important indicator that the number of Americans killed or wounded in the Resistance assault on Falcon arsenal was very substantial.
The new American military hospital in al-Habbaniyah, reportedly the largest in occupied Iraq, was opened on 12 May this year in response to rising US casualties.
We remind our viewers that the opinions and points of view expressed in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of JUS, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff. In addition, JUS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of third party content.
From TBRNews.org by Brian Warring:
The explosions, all of them termed “immense” by BBC reporters, continued throughout the night.
In response, US aircraft indiscriminately rocketed and bombed various parts of the city, BBC and AFP correspondents eported, trying to knock out the launch sites of the rockets
The BBC's Andrew North, in Baghdad, said the explosions started at about 2300 (2100 BST) and were becoming "ever more frequent" as the huge fires spread throughout the base, punctuated by tremendous explosions as more fuel and ammunition dumps ignited.
“Intelligence indicates that civilians aligned with a militia organization were responsible for last night’s mortar attack,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Withington, spokesman for the U.S. 4th Infantry Division.
An after action report, issued by the Department of Defense, stated that: “On October 10, 2006, at approximately 10:40 p.m., a 82mm mortar round, fired by militia forces from a residential area in Abu T-Shir, caused a fire at an Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) at FOB Falcon. The ASP, containing tank and artillery rounds, in addition to smaller caliber ammunition, set off a series of large explosions. About 100 troops from the 4th Infantry Division were reported to be stationed at the base at the time, but no injuries were reported.” (Emphasis added.) "The damage to the area will not degrade the operational capability of MND-B (Multinational Division Baghdad),"
When the flames had been brought under control on the morning of the 11th of October, primarily because the entire camp had been gutted, nine large American military transports with prominent Red Cross markings were observed by members of the foreign media taking off, laded with the dead and the wounded.
Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad.
Narrative of a reporter from within the Green Zone.
From Camp Falcon Ammo dump explosion/ Old American Century, White Rose Society message board. A very interesting message forum board that monitors international world news reports and discusses filtered news coverage.
Courtesy of Novosti Press Agency
The Green Zone Follies
Baghdad, 12 Oct 06:
“On Tuesday, I was in my quarters, writing a letter to a friend that I knew will be censored so I was being very unspecific about conditions here.About 2300 there was a huge explosion to the south of the Green Zone, followed at intervals by other, very heavy, explosions that numbered about thirty or forty and lasted all night.
I went up onto the roof and saw a great fountain of flames, billowing smoke and flaming debris shooting up into the air like Fourth of July fireworks.Personnel were running all over the building, wide-eyed with terror and wondering if our compound was going to “get it” next.
Usually, we hear distant explosions scattered throughout Baghdad on a daily basis as another convoy is blasted by the insurgent bombs but this ongoing mess was louder, and longer, than anything I have ever encountered.
It was impossible to sleep what with all the explosions and in the morning, I shaved and went to my office.
As a note here: I am lucky to have quarters with no windows facing outwards towards Baghdad. The insurgents have sniper rifles, usually U.S. .50 caliber, set up in buildings that have a distant overlook and more than once, personnel shaving in front of a bathroom window have had their brains splattered all over the tile walls as a sniper zeroes in on them. The sound of the shot follows and never, not once, have our security people ever found the sniper’s nest.
In the office I learned that ‘Forward Operating Base Falcon,’ one of our light-headed senior officer’s idea to set up fortified positions in various places, such as the capital of the Al Anbaar province as-Saqr was hit by enemy action, set on fire and suddenly exploded as tons of stored ammunition cooked off. Camp Falcon at Sukkaniya is located in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.. ‘Forward Operating Base Falcon’ was one of the newest and most heavily armed fortified positions. There now exists a very high threat of suicide bombers in Ramadi who might attempt to ram Falcon with a vehicle packed with explosives, and so heavy concrete barriers were placed around the base designed to prevent such attacks.
This did not deter the members of the Resistance movement who lobbed the same type of mortar shells into Falcon as they have been lobbing into the so-called “super secure” headquarters areas of the Green Zone. Falcon had also become the largest US weapons arsenal depot in the American General Headquarters in the south of Baghdad and a very tempting target.
This time, we heard later, (and officially denied!) the Resistance used Grad and Katyusha rockets instead of mortars and the results were immediate, prolonged and completely devastating. The installation itself is full of smoking rubble, and fires were still burning the following day. Although it is still very early to be accurate, reviews here of Falcon’s inventory indicates that losses will certainly exceed $1 billion. That addresses the loss of property.
The loss of life is even worse
Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents, U.S. translators and contractors were killed or injured outright or died immediately afterwards en route to hospital or in hospital and over 125 seriously injured, requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries
By accounts, charred and totally unrecognizable fragments of personnel were scattered over an eight block area. 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad.
U.S. medical personnel at al-Habbaniyah initially stated that the US military hospital at the massive American-occupied air base there had begun to receive dead and wounded personnel. The military hospital in al-Habbaniyah, the largest in occupied Iraq, was opened on 12 May this year in response to sharply rising (and redacted) US casualties.
Initially three large military transport aircraft with the red cross displayed under the wings and on the fuselages, had flown into the base, and casualties were being unloaded and sent into the hospital at the al-Habbaniyah base, and officially, we predictably released a flood of ‘official statements’ that claimed there were “only a few personnel wounded and no fatalities whatsoever.”
Also predictably, our people overreacted by launching a wild series of bomb and rocket attacks on random parts of Baghdad, killing an estimated 120 Iraqi civlinans and injuring an unknown number as well as setting fires that were still burning the next morning. There were strong ruimors that a container of artillery shells containing some kind of a nerve gas (for use against Iraqi militant strongholds…shades of Hussein!) turned out to be false.
What was involved were a kind of tear gas, thank God, or we would all be dead now!
By now, it should be clearly obvious that the reporting of fatal casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan are really under stated. For example, we had a young officer in here about three days ago who was talking with several of us. He is assigned to the air field from which the dead are shipped back to Dover, Md.
According to him, last month, he supervised the loading of over one hundred and seventy military caskets but amazingly, the official DoD reportage had only a fraction of that. Of course he has no names, only numbers, and perhaps some high officer or Halliburton thief is shipping dope or underaged girls back to the states inside the boxes but this man had no reason to lie.
It will be interesting to see if the DoD website shows the deaths over the Falcon incident.
Time may tell but they won’t.”
Guardian - Sean Smith in Iraq
8 minute short news video "exploding the myth" that Iraqis are ready to take over for US forces and instead of cooperating are subverting their training and weaponry provided.
Guardian Sean Smith Video in Iraq
The American Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group joins US build-up opposite Iran
Tuesday, Oct. 17, the Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group steamed into the Persian Gulf to join the US naval, air and marine concentration piling up opposite Iran’s shores. It consists of the amphibious transport dock USS Nashville, the guided-missile destroyers USS Cole and USS Bulkeley, the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea, the attack submarine USS Albuquerque, and the dock landing ship USS Whidbey Island.
The Iwo Jima group is now cruising 60 km from Kuwait off Iran’s coast. As DEBKAfile and DEBKA-Net-Weekly reported exclusively two weeks ago, three US naval task forces will be in place opposite Iran in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea by October 21. The other two are the USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group and the USS Enterprise Strike Group.
The US build-up opposite Iran
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Environmental Disaster: Ice shelf falls larger than Rhode Island.
A new study shows that the catastrophic collapse of the Larsen B shelf, four and a half years ago, was man-made, not an "act of God". It is thought to have been the first time that a major disaster has been proved to have been caused by global warming.
Independent Online Edition > Environment
Coverup of US military base disaster in Iraq?

"Another Disastrous Coverup: Forward Base Falcon Disaster"
Brian Harring writes from TBR News of a serious disaster and possible military cover-up of huge casualties from a rocket and mortar attack on a US military supply base this last mid-October.
The story cites several sources and writes in detail of the destruction of the base engulfed in explosions and foreign journalists counting the number of wounded being transported out to another base.
A complete list of casualty names, ranks and attachment (including some CIA officers) is listed on down the scroll after the initial article.
Read the complete article at: TBRNews.org
Bush blowback: How stupid are his supporters?
And it is happening in the midst of a particularly ugly, and especially vacuous, election season. There is probably no worse time to begin a serious discussion about Iraq policy than two weeks before a close, bitter election. But now that the discussion has begun, it must continue, as honestly and openly as possible. It is time for the American people to confront all the things that the president never had the guts to tell them about for three and a half years. "
The book "The Best War Ever" is available down the scroll along the left hand margin of the FCF.
A smart reader writes logic at LJWorld.com on Kline’s latest campaign point against Morrison:
“To believe Kline, you would have to accept that the entire legislature, and governor have all been guilty of all the malfeasance portrayed in Klines ads. Soft on crime? Hardly. By any and every measure..Klines political advertising is simply baseless and terribly corrupt, and plays to peoples fears of crime and criminals.
And it should be criminal to elect an Attorney General who resorts to these tactics.
But that level of intellectual honesty is what I and others have learned to expect as typical from Mr. Kline.
The whole topic of his taking advantage of good honest church going people is another topic, but related to his lack of intellectual honesty.”
Phil will dump that response in his cluttered backyard shed.
How many out there would have your wife take a hefty check from a local church to store your junk in your backyard shed?
There ought to be a law against it.
And there is, sort of, take a look at a Sept. 16 “update” on a Kline cockroach attack in Wichita, Ks.
It hasn’t made the news, but that doesn’t mean much in Kansas.
It’s interesting who are Kline’s most devout supporters and where they come from.
Watch Kansas television and one would walk away thinking it’s a bunch of nuns and grandmothers in sneakers.
Take a look at this really cool video filmed down south where it’s always intense about sex.
The very independent news posse, Maggot Punks got some great shots of a campaign crew unloading Phill Kline campaign signs from a delivery truck in Wichita.
The intrepid cameraman wrote an update recently:
“The detective on duty at the Metroplex contacted me to finish up details on the incident where Troy Newman, careless of the concerns of his child, went on a Russell Crowe style rampage and attacked a cameraman. The episode was caught on videotape and eyewitnesses were present. The charge is currently one count of battery and possibly a charge of endangerment of a child. The report will go to district attorney Nola Fulston.”
Who are those people working for Kline?
The woman in the dress is none other than Cheryl Sullenger who lives as
a convicted conspirator in a clinic bomb plot.
The Maggot Punks news posse writes:
“Sullenger’s past is one of criminal acts and failed terrorist plots. She began her drive towards terrorism as a member of Dorman Owen’s Bible Missionary Fellowship (a hate group which advocates the execution of homosexuals) … Dorman Owens organized a series of clinic attacks. He, along with Sullenger and other members of that faith based terrorist organization were responsible for the 1987 clinic bombing of the Alvarado Medical Center in San Diego.
Owen’s was also responsible for the 1984 bombing of the Birth Control Clinic San Diego. In 1988 Sullenger plead guilty to conspiring to blow up the Alvarado Medical Center for which she received a prison sentence of 2.5 years. She supplied fellow terrorist Eric Svelmoe with gunpowder, gasoline, fuses and other chemical materials. Her husband, Randall, although active in her terrorist plot, was not charged with any crimes.”
Want more about this? Go to the source and click "Cheryl Sullenger - Fanatical Fundy Freak"
She’s now a regular Wichita clinic protester and anti-abortion leader in Wichita.
Troy Newman is the guy who stiff arms the cameraman and from the look of the video damaged the camera in the process.
Remember the guy who worked in the Kansas Attorney General’s office that was arrested twelve times for clinic protests?
He wasn’t there this time.
Outstanding graphic from the Maggot Punks archives.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Crocked, but not a cheerleader like you know who ... likes to "talk to clapping." Burp!
Black Agenda Report, Out Now!
Bruce Dixon comments in an audio essay from the inaugural issue of Black Agenda Report click the following link to hear about War is the Health of the State .
Thursday, October 19, 2006
"It's all about the oil," soldier in Farenheit 9/11
Bush's Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq's Oil
Stan Goff: Get Real on Iran
An excerpt:
If they DID drop a nuke on Iran, and if we didn't immediately start an open revolt that shut the whole f**king country down, we would deserve everything we get right until the next Zhukov walked his artillery across our own Berlin. We need to be telling them that. Drop a nuke, and we break things. I'll go on the record right here and right now... modeling it for you... George W. Bush, if your administration drops a nuclear weapon on anyone anywhere, you need to lock me up before you do it. Because at that point, anything except open rebellion against you makes me no better than all the 'good Germans.' I will not be your good German.
Boo! yourself, Georgie.
Cripes, people! The only power these a**holes have is what we continue to collectively grant them.
Meanwhile.... BACK IN IRAQ, where there is an actual war... we need to keep throwing wave after wave of opposition over them. Build an impeachment movement in the streets. Keep educating people about what is really going on there." [FCF emphasis]
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Journal World Expose: Fundraising rift spills out public between Republicans

Now let's try to get this straight from an explosive news story by Scott Rothschild in the best daily newspaper in Kansas.
Are you ready for this Kansas Christian shit storm?
The campaigning incumbent, KS Attorney General Phill Kline, is having a Topeka church pay his wife's company to store his campaign materials in a shed behind their house.
And it was leaked by the long-time Republican and a former state Attorney General Bob Stephan?
Read it all at:
Stephan questions Kline fundraising LJWorld.com
New York Sound Posse: Seymour Hersh and Scott Ritter (10/16/06)
Listen or download the complete discussion with Scott Ritter, former Chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq before the occupation, and New Yorker correspondent Seymour Hersh at the New York Society for Ethical Culture.
The discussion lasts approximately 1hr. 30mins and is about 16 megs in size.
Go to:
New York Sound Posse: Seymour Hersh and Scott Ritter (10/16/06)
Democracy Now! | Scott Ritter on "Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change”
Read, listen or watch his recent appearance on Democracy Now!:
Scott Ritter on "Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change”
Guardian Unlimited: The courts are starting to accept that the war against Iraq is a crime
Several legal precedents may be in the making for establishing the invasion and occupation of Iraq as an international war crime.
George Monbiot writes at:
Guardian Unlimited: The courts are starting to accept that the war against Iraq is a crime
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hot new book out now! And here's the video promo!
You'll be hearing, reading and seeing more of this book in the near future.
Tell your grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters to watch this short video and ask them to count how many politicians they voted for who believe their own propaganda.
Then encourage the relatives and friends to stop "drinking the kool - aid" and encourage them to bravely vote against the fear peddling politicians no matter what party: Repugnut or Democrap; dump'em all this November!
If you hear a politician start yakking the war yak. Don't vote for them!
Dump all those that support this phony war this November!
Send a powerful rebel message from the grassroots up to all the politicians running for offices this November - before the new wars start in Iran and Syria.
Dump'em all this November!
The World Can't Wait, Drive out the Bush Regime!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Short scroll below for Kansas "local" news links and editorials, but here's the plan!
Sam Husseini as part of his new Sunday features has launched an ingenious independent enterprise called "Sunday Morning Stakeout".
He and his independent news crew do "stakeouts" outside the big media centers that have the infamous and corporate managed "talking heads" shows.
When the big shots come out they usually stop and answer questions to reporters standing around waiting for their exit from the big network shows.
FCF is almost ready to start similar news runs across Kansas at the "newsmakers" and war managers across the state. If you would like to donate let us know by leaving an email at the address: bluebarnnewscentral@hughes.net
In this episode Husseini asks a "star" question to DNI John Negroponte about Israel's use of nuclear weapons. Note a previous report by Jonathan Cook posted on the scroll below about the BBC propaganda take on Israel and Iran war.
FCF needs a digital cam corder and a few bucks in gas money to get to the places we want to do our stake outs in Kansas, consider helping out for independent news.
And don't forget to bookmark Sam's site for future "under the radar" independent news coverage at:
Here's Sam's transcript of the event:
John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence questioned outside Fox studios in Washington, Sunday, September 17, by Sam Husseini.
Husseini: Ambassador, why did your office approve the Fleitz Report on Iran's nuclear program, even though according to the IAEA, the report contained 'erroneous, misleading, and unsubstantiated information' about Iran's nuclear program?
Negroponte: We did not -- of course, as you know, that report was written by a staff member of the House Intelligence Committee, we did not originate it, and we weren't commenting so much on the content, as we were -- we dealt with it from a declassification point of view, what could be published in an unclassified format, so I wouldn't associate us one way or another, we didn't comment one way or another on the conclusions that were drawn by that report.
Husseini: Ambassador, do you know that Israel has nuclear weapons?
Negroponte: I don't want to get into a discussion about Israel's nuclear powers.
Husseini: You can't comment on whether Israel has nuclear powers?
» Continue reading "John Negroponte Questioned"
If you are already on a similar endeavor in Kansas, "let's hook up!"
Submit your news stuff, or tell us how to find it and we'll consider posting it.
Camp Democracy on Book TV: Panel discussion takes on War coverage & the media!
C-span archives on Book TV for a limited time at this web page link, so watch it soon. Great media commentary by leaders in independent media.
Your daughter, sister, mother, grandmother - why sacrifice their privacy for your religious beliefs?
Even the Republicans want Kline out!
The guy he hired was a clinic protester - it might have been a donation to the Eric Rudolph Defense Fund.
Wallowing in the insane "glory" of being one of the most hated regimes worldwide in the history of the United States; leave it to the Kansas Busheviks to go one more step toward the cliff.
The "God Hates Fags" posse of the all time craziest of Christian death cults gathered in squealing delight at Topeka's Maner Conference Center to hear Vice President Mad Dick Cheney utter absolutely nothing new about anything.
Can one imagine paying $1000 to have a picture of yourself with a war criminal?
One God, One Religion, One Party, One Great Big Bunch of whining Hypocrites!
The local Busheviks are quoted below:
“It just makes us feel that much more special to know he would do that for someone we love so much,” says Pat Timmons of Lawrence, a personal friend of Ryun.“We have a great president living in the white house, and he deserves to have a congress that works for him, not against him,” says Cheney.
[ ... ]
“It's good to be able to hear the Vice President, and we think Jim Ryun is the greatest,” says Larry Meadows, Tonganoxie.
[ ... ]
“I thought it was a once in a life time opportunity to hear someone so powerful and supportive of Jim Ryun,” says Hanna Ribelin.
Another "card of thanks" to Amanda Kinseth, Channel 27, KSNT, Topeka, Ks. for at least trying to hold a job and her dignity together covering this war fest.
Read it all at:
KSNT - Local News - Cheney Supporting Congressman RyunWIBW | Who Paid for It?
Channel 13, WIBW-TV, Topeka, Ks. is no longer the aggressive news station that it once was more than 30 years ago. The reporters hands are tied in tight budgets and the herd mentality of advertisement driven editorial 'guidelines.'
Owned by one of the most right wing Republican slanted corporations in the United States, far from Topeka, Ks. the staff of reporters must labor under some pretty tough rules. Like don't piss off anybody, especially Republicans buying campaign ads!
A "card of thanks" goes out to Lisa Boschert who tried to report on just how much money Congressman Ryun spent to get Vice President Mad Dick Cheney to Topeka last week, but she failed by news time last week.
It is hard to come up with any investigative reporting working under the "It's So Good" canned format of Happy Face Mindless Boosterism called television journalism in Kansas.
Here is an excerpt with something of a dollar figure mentioned:
"Ryun's campaign paid a certain amount of money in the tens of thousands of dollars to the RNC to pay for Cheney's visit. She says after the visit the White House gave a bill to the Republican National Committee and whatever money is left over goes back to Ryun.
Ryun spent somewhere in tens of thousands of dollars to bring the vice president here, but made more than $200,000 in fundraising."
FCF is sure that after two more years of the Bush Regime even the figures of how much collected will be classified under Department of Homeland Security news guidelines.
Read what's left of her story at:
WIBW Who Paid for It?
Kansas anti-abortion chief physically attacks an independent journalist - on videotape.
While a Democratic state legislator is being prosecuted on simple assault charges in Topeka; i. e. possibly interfering with an anti-abortion demonstrator disrupting a public campaign meeting.
An independent journalist is openly assaulted on videotape down south during a Kline - Morrison debate.
Some free - thinkers say, "Christian terrorists always get away from pro-life cops in Kansas."
Wonder why?
Read it all and follow the links to watch the video:
Christian leader Troy Newman physically attacks Independent journalist
A Kline Kansas Christian militia Fundraiser?
Stuff 'carry and concealed' permitted firearms into the pants of the Christian militias patrolling around women's clinics. Hire serial arrested anti - abortion militant, place in chief law enforcement office, sneak through the campaign law for church campaign funding, wave flags, guns and Bibles at the grandmas and grandpas. Get re-elected. Reporter's reading this should follow the links.
Subject: Personal
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:24:31 -0500
From: M--- H----
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Saints, this is a personal e-mail from United States and Kansas Citizen M--- H------.
United States citizen M--- H----- would like to personally and cordially invite you to a coffee/tea fundraiser with Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline (in person) at my home at 5-- S. L----l Ct., Wichita, Kansas (just 1/4 mile SW of 119th & Maple) 7--.5353, next Saturday, October 14th in the late morning at 11:00 a.m. This invitation and all expenses are paid for by me. The deep pockets of abortionist George Tiller are funding Kline's opponent.
IMPORTANT, PLEASE RSVP BY calling me at 7--.5353 or e-mailing me at pastor@spiritonecc.org (this specific e-mail is being used for personal business only)
In Christ Jesus,
M--- E. H-----
Follow the link below for possible campaign election ethic violations in Kansas:
View topic - Kline Fundraiser
Saturday, October 14, 2006
PASS THE f*##$% FLyeR aRound to yer fOlks!
Get the word around, while you can!
Elections, last chance for change the old way.
Well, maybe not that old, eh?
Or let's just see how it goes, after the blockade in Iran starts.Just a reminder to the amnesiac mom, dad, grandma and all those fuddy duddies gone Repugnutty!
Our younger readers, and some older have emailed to ask for a regular music video selection to listen to while cruisin' the FCF scroll.
So we have decided to drop some in each Friday night to give the ear a little somethin' - somethin' while checking out the latest.
An American woman's startling tale of life in Iraq . NOW | PBS
Her work which later got her scored on a Department of Homeland Security with it's highest threat rating will air this coming October 25, 2006 on PBS show POV (Point of View).
Read show notes, listen or download the audio from the NOW portion at:
An American woman's startling tale of life in Iraq . NOW PBS
Arianna Huffington on Woodward's State of Denial, Sarah Anderson on Wal-Mart's pundits

Listen online &/or download the mp3 file from Counterspin's broadcast on media analysis. Important links below:
Fairness &
Arianna Huffington on Woodward's new book detailing the lies and incompetence in "State of Denial,"
Also, Sarah Anderson on Wal-Mart's pundits
Huffington on Woodward's State of Denial, Sarah Anderson on Wal-Mart's pundits
CorpWatch: Democracy Now!: Afghanistan Inc: New Report Says "Contractors Making Big Money for Bad Work"
Democracy Now!: Afghanistan Inc: New Report Says "Contractors Making Big Money for Bad Work"by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
October 5th, 2006
Watch or listen to the interview.
As Afghanistan enters its fifth year under foreign occupation, we take a look at the state of the US-led reconstruction of the country. We speak with Afghan-American journalist Fariba Nawa, author of a new report from Corpwatch, "Afghanistan Inc." [includes rush transcript]
In Afghanistan, NATO has now taken command of most foreign troops across the country. The handover of power comes just days before the fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan of 2001. The U.S. continues to have more troops than any other country in Afghanistan.
The U.S. will also retain full control of Bagram Air Force base where the Bush administration is holding hundreds of prisoners.
* Daan Everts, NATO's senior civilian representative in Afghanistan.
Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist admitted that the war against the Taliban might never be won. He said there are now too many Taliban fighters and that they have too much popular support. Frist said backers of the Taliban should be brought into the Afghan government.
Jump to the complete article at their web site by clicking:
CorpWatch: Democracy Now!: Afghanistan Inc: New Report Says "Contractors Making Big Money for Bad Work"
Israel's Plan for a Military Strike on Iran, Counterpunch, 12 Oct 2006
Israel's Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
The BBC and Israeli Propaganda
October 12, 2006
The Middle East, and possibly the world, stands on the brink of a terrible conflagration as Israel and the United States prepare to deal with Iran's alleged ambition to acquire nuclear weapons. Israel, it becomes clearer by the day, wants to use its air force to deliver a knock-out blow against Tehran. It is not known whether it will use conventional weapons or a nuclear warhead in such a strike.
At this potentially cataclysmic moment in global politics, it is good to see that one of the world's leading broadcasters, the BBC, decided this week that it should air a documentary entitled "Will Israel bomb Iran?". It is the question on everyone's lips and doubtless, with the imprimatur of the BBC, the programme will sell around the world.
The good news ends there, however. Because the programme addresses none of the important issues raised by Israel's increasingly belligerent posture towards Tehran.
Read the complete article below, or click the title headline above, and go immediately to Mr. Cook's web site managed from Nazareth, Israel:
Israel's Plan for a Military Strike on Iran, Counterpunch, 12 Oct 2006