Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Can Kansans be honest?

President Bush - "Stay the course."

Can Kansans; Republican, Democrat or Independent really stomach voting for any incumbent politician in office this year?

Dump'em all, every last one of them, who supported the war in Iraq.

Hundreds of our elected leaders, of both political parties have said it on television, including our own Kansas representatives in Topeka and in Washington DC.

This election season should be a time of great reckoning over the graves of all those violently killed in Iraq.

How honest do you think it is to deny your past support of those who said "stay the course?"

Or, will you blame others for these war criminals' folly?

Why lie to yourselves, and later to your children, and then your children’s children about this catastrophe?

There are tough years ahead, what stories will you tell them then?

How many have said this in Kansas?

"Stay the course."

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