Tuesday, October 31, 2006

William Rivers Pitt: Blood in the Gutters

He writes so damn good you have to check out this excerpt:

It is going to be an ugly week in American politics, to be sure. The scum will rise and the stink will flood the airwaves, and pundits will shake their heads in mock dismay even as they revel in the chance to report on noise instead of news.

It will be bad, but it could be worse.

We could be in Baghdad, where dirty campaigns tend to involve bombs filled with nails and metal fragments, where torture and mutilation are the surest form of persuasion, where democracy means voting to stay inside so as to avoid being shot or abducted, where the failures of this administration and its rubber-stamp Congress are written in the blood flowing down the gutters.

Read the complete essay at: Blood in the Gutters

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