Monday, March 31, 2008

New age nuclear | COSMOS magazine

A certain power supply for the future, but can it be industrialized and on-line worldwide ahead of climate change and "peak oil"? Read about thorium "sub-critical" nuclear reactors. New age nuclear

Sunday, March 30, 2008

William Blum: "Anti-Empire Report, March 29, 2008"

Propaganda as an Olympic competition
"The latest protests in Tibet and crackdown by Chinese authorities have brought up the usual sermonizing in the West about Chinese government oppression and illegitimate control of the Tibetans. Although I have little love for the Chinese leaders -- I think they run a cruel system -- some proper historical perspective is called for here. ..." Read the rest of Bill's report here .

Lew Rockwell: "Murdering Iranians"

Better hope it's just more wild rumors. Murdering Iranians from the Libertarians? Unlike Alan Greenspan, who considers himself a "libertarian" - oh yes he does, those free markets conquering the world - inevitably lead to empires and empires fall.

Mike Whitney: Bernanke's Next Big Bail Out Plan

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Truthdig - Robert Scheer - War of the Word

Robert Scheer takes a mere nine paragraphs to gut the empty religious controversy in the presidential campaigns. Truthdig - where Vidal buried Buckley - Scheer cuts through the slime and reveals a War of the Word

Siegelman Blames Rove for Prosecution

Another reason why Dems won't support impeachment?

Sara Robinson | Born-Again Americans and That Old-Time (Civil) Religion

Is Obama just another "imperialist politician" peddling "hope" while the real world avalanches toward more war and crisis? Read Sara's breathless rebuttal ... a "progressive" take on That Old-Time (Civil) Religion

Glenn Greenwald: "Michael Mukasey’s Tearful Lies"

Alligator's tears ... new USAG Michael Mukasey worse actor than Bush buddy from Texas Gonzalez.

Richard C. Cook: "Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events?"

And just who is Richard C. Cook?
"Richard C. Cook is a former U.S. federal government analyst, whose career included service with the U.S. Civil Service Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury Department. His articles on economics, politics, and space policy have appeared on numerous websites. His book on monetary reform entitled We Hold These Truths: The Promise of Monetary Reform is in preparation. He is also the author of Challenger Revealed: An Insider’s Account of How the Reagan Administration Caused the Greatest Tragedy of the Space Age, called by one reviewer, "the most important spaceflight book of the last twenty years." His website is at Richard C. Cook is a frequent contributor to Global Research."
Don't you love ruling class whistleblowers? I do. Maybe you ought to read: Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events? before you go and check out his web site.

EPA's Glacial-Speed Approach to Global Warming | Center for Media and Democracy

John McGlynn" "Day of Infamy"

This writer takes you into the murky world of international finance and a sudden announcement last March 20 describing measures to "declare war on Iran." To get at this from another perspective here is an audio download from a recent Anti-war Radio program with the same author. Read Day of Infamy and decipher it yourself.

Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border

Friday, March 28, 2008

On reading Stan Cox's latest "The Germs Next Door"

The Empire comes to Kansas? ...

Neocons and Busheviks, next door, peeking in the bedrooms, spying on your finances, medical records, bringing you "jobs" and "progress."

fly on the wall spoke to me last night in the Blue Barn.

The fly said he had been in some pretty fancy offices. He wouldn't say exactly where. Say in a lonely county courthouse somewhere, like in Topeka, in Washington DC - "somewhere over the Rainbow."

The fly gets around.

He told me I better kiss Sen. Pat Roberts' ass, he said while I was bent over that I should also kiss Johnson County Attorney Phill Kline's ass, kiss all those state legislators' asses, everyone one of them. The fly said to line - up all the citizens and kiss all those fine upstanding empire building Republicrats' asses for this little doozy of "Homeland" security coming our way to beautiful Kansas - Land of Oz.

The fly told me so. He heard them talking about their plans in the big fancy offices.

"Progress" means dollars coming home to the Land of Oz.

Plop a few hundred million tax dollars down, tell the voters it means "jobs" and to shut-up.

Just shut yer cake holes. Expand Ft. Riley, replace the miles of trailer parks with particle board McMansions. Progress. Jobs.

Take it, here, and let's throw in a few more coal fired electric generators, how about sucking all the water available to make ethanol - here's some corn, more corn - oh hell why not some more corn, for your gas tanks.

It means more jobs, shut up. I said shut the f**k up! Throw them crop subsidy checks. Dumb-ass dirt farmers, ranchers - let them eat 1000 cows ground up into a 5 lb. loaf of industrialized imported slop from where? Who cares!

Shut down Emporia's slaughtering house, lay off 1800 workers, in 30 days, who cares? Dumb-ass dirt farmers, ridge running idgits. They'll never figure it out, tell them it was just a bunch of illegal immigrants - Somalis, Mexicans, who cares? Play the "race card" lay-off the whole gawd damn City of Emporia, Ks. Who gives a rat's ass, they're a bunch of cheap immigrant workers and everybody that works - well ... everybody is going to work even cheaper, even Grandma.

Tell them to watch more basketball on the television, drink beer - real rot gut beer. Cheap beer. Tell them it's "progress."

Hear them screaming "make every village, farm and home autonomous" outside?

Home energy producing plants? Are they nuts? Stupid crazy hillbilly anarchists, ridge running deer huntin' peasants. Shut-up! Shut yer gawd damn holes - stop insulting us in Washington DC, in Topeka - we know what's best for you idgits.

We'll just make it illegal. We know what's best for you clod hoppers.

Be politically polite, correct. Shut - up! Tell them to shut-up!

You would never know that Sen. Pat Roberts ate Jefferson county food from Jefferson county dirt. Well he did once a long, long time ago.

You would never know that those that govern us even know where we're at anymore. We don't exist. We're just flys, insects - bugs, germs.

Cheap. Progress. Homeland Security. Protecting us from the big bad bogey TEEEEERRRRRORISTSSS.

Now read Stan Cox: The Germs Next Door and don't forget ... shut up! The fly told me so.

Patrick Cockburn: Basra Erupts

Here we go again, is it an "insurgency" a "civil war" an "illegal occupation" , or a regional grab of "energy reserves"? Who cares? Maybe if we and the kids watch enough basketball games, play enough video games or stick our heads into our garden beds (I plead guilty to that one) it will just go away. Out of sight, ..... Basra Erupts

Norman Soloman: "National Pentagon Radio?"

Parry's "Independent Investigative Journalism since 1995" site is cooking (actually Parry goes all the way back to Reagan's Iran-contra bust) and delivers a guest essay by Norman Soloman. Here is the original link at

Ray McGovern: "Frontline's timid Iraq retrospective"

Robert Parry delivers the original take-down of the latest PBS documentary "Bush's War" that aired early this week. McGovern's article appeared everywhere, but here is the original source. Parry's web site gets it, and McGovern delivers clear criticism of media restraint in Iraq coverage and adds anecdotal accounts of what professional journalists are encountering when covering the vice-president's office. I must add that during the whole four-hour recap on Frontline little if any coverage of the real motivation for this monsterous adventure was given. OIL - and the bloody carnage hasn't produced enough to keep the U.S. from bankrupting itself in the endeavor. Read McGovern's take here.

Mohammed Omer (IPS): Flowers, Strawberries, and Missiles

Follow this guy, he lives there, he knows.

John Pilger: "Truth In War Is Always Subversive."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Naomi Klein and Jeremy Scahill | Antiwar Campaigners Have to Change Electoral Tactics

I appreciate what these two writers are saying, but the curmudgeon in me, begs to come out and say that the "antiwar" base of support is slowly ebbing away. Similar to '68 when antiwar sentiment became widespread, conscription propelled it along, Nixon's war dragged on and on for years. As the former U.N. weapon inspector Scott Ritter, who also has a bit of a curmudgeon in his viewpoints (i. e. the Bush administration bombing Iran before exiting office) correctly stated, "the American people don't like to lose."

It is as simple as that and with the media hoopla about the "surge working" look for less and less fever in the streets against the war. I am continually amazed how much "progressives" underestimate the war like aggression of the people in this country. Let me put it even more bluntly, many in the slippery base against the war would support continued occupations of oil producing countries, if it meant $5, $6 or higher gasoline costs.

"Darth" Dickee's statement of the military forces who, "voluntarily put on the uniform" is identical to what I hear from many out here in the sticks of Kansas. They'll wrap the flag around their very own sons and daughters in the rentals and trailer parks and send them off to the military because it gets the young'uns out of the nest and away from their dining tables. Read consider,
Antiwar Campaigners Have to Change Electoral Tactics and a whole lot more.

Charles Sullivan: "America’s Ruling Clique"

Financial Meltdown: Time For a Holiday From Progressive Politics? -

Hell yes! Just about every "progressive" I know is caught up in the sickness of election politics, self-help spirituality, or stampeding with the imperialist herd (over the cliff) in fear of "islamofascism" or the lack of "green" jobs. Geezus, what happened to cultural revolution? Or even the much maligned "proletariate"?

I think once everybody gets smacked up side the head, as the economy and the bankers are preparing to do - the revolutionaries are, once again going to get caught with their pants down, in a foot race to catchup to the rear end of history. Read it, "reconceive, regroup"

News of Rapid Glacial Melting Raises a Big Question for Presidential Candidates | This Can't Be Happening!

Superb investigative journalist Dave Lindorff pops up like a long lost ice-berg on a sunny day near the imperialist Arctic polar ice circle. BTW, everybody in Big Oil is making plans to exploit, drill and ship across the soon-to-be Big Defrosted area - such a confident bunch of pigs, eh? Read Dave's latest then tell those politicians to check this out because it is happening at: This Can't Be Happening!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Letters to Joe Bageant: "'America is run by gangsters,' he said"


Bageant's proletarian classic, "Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War" receives quite a bit of attention at the author's web site. His readership write him letters with their observations from the world over. Their experiences and acid descriptions of the world and Joe's occasional response make for hilarious reading - even if you haven't read the book. Here's a good one, from an Australian attending a series of impromptu international "learning through drinking college(s)" [an elective course in working class education]. Read more


Can't read too well? Well, Hell's bells watch a short clip of Joe appearing on Australian TV describing life in his hometown, Winchester click here.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: "A Little Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down"

I have trolled, surfed and searched for something new from Dr. Roberts over the last couple weeks. Finally, his most recent work pops up at Tom's Information Clearing House and it is a doozy ... accept the sugared lesson, but take the "red" pill with this one. Read: A Little Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down

Gore Vidal lives! At least, well enough to bury William F. Buckley Jr.!

My take on the current controversy surrounding the literary "burial" officiated by Mr. Gore Vidal of Mr. Wm. F. Buckley Jr.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jerry Ghinelli: "The Crucifixion of Christ, American Style"

Easter Sunday Benediction

[Excerpt] " '"For God so loved the world...' he returned his only begotten son to the land where he shed his grace on thee.

Vindication for the faithful, rejoicing for the true believers, it was the second coming of Christ—and he was coming to America. Not to bring Armageddon, but to save mankind from Armageddon.

Jesus will make his first appearance at the intersection of the streets appropriately named 'Liberty' and 'Church' in New York City, located at what has come to be known as 'Ground Zero.' ...."
Read more

Saudi Shura council to discuss plan for sudden radioactive hazards

Hat tip to for finding this hot one.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama's Passportgate: Historical Echo

The State Department's disclosure that three contractors penetrated Barack Obama's passport files on three occasions this year recalls a similar case in 1992 when President George H.W. Bush's operatives searched through Bill Clinton's files in a bid to challenge his patriotism. Bush's tracks were then covered by a GOP prosecutor. For the full story, go to

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good for her, too bad impeachment remains "off the table."

Boyda is getting smeared big time by what remains of the Kansas Republican death cult.

EXTRA: "Keeping Death Off the Books - Media ignore contractors killed in Iraq"

A Reader forward: [Excerpt] "It is inevitable that in the next few days the Pentagon will announce the 4,000th U.S. military death in Iraq. But as the Iraq War begins its sixth year, a significant number of deaths connected to the invasion have remained off the books, uncounted by the U.S. military and seldom noticed by the media. ..." Read EXTRA!

Robert Parry's investigative triumph "October Surprise" rare book auction

The Political Graveyard

My how time flies?
See you soon.
Bankrupt America, it's ass whipped, once again, in some foreign "protectionist" war of occupation, ass-kissing leaders hell-bent to avoid the word "empire" because it offends the voters. Better to create a Hell on Earth than to tell them the "Party's Over." Good guys, bad guys - everybody ends up in The Political Graveyard .

Michelle Goldberg: "Trusting in America"

She writes: "US elections 2008: By appealing to the intelligence and decency of the American people, Obama placed his fate in their hands. ..." Trusting in America

Joshua Frank: The Kool-Aid That Kills

Frank is a "Red State Rebel" and I like him ... swooning fans need to consider this one. "Obama as Jim Jones"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

William Rivers Pitt | Why?

Five Years of a Disastrous War and the Bills are Coming Due | This Can't Be Happening!

Dave Lindorff writes: [Excerpt] "It’s appropriate that on this week of the fifth anniversary of the criminal US invasion of Iraq, we are also seeing several other things: the death toll of American troops in that doomed adventure is rising past 4000, the economy is sliding into a recession which could be deep and long, and the financial markets are teetering on the edge of a possibly historic collapse. The conjunction of all of these dire things is no coincidence. ..." Tar and Feather Party for the fleeing Chickenhawks along the Potomac River? Read more at: This Can't Be Happening!

Truthdig - A/V Booth - Obama’s Teachable Moment

Hillary's "very glad" he gave the speech, but hasn't watched it. Here's your chance at: Truthdig - A/V Booth - Obama’s Teachable Moment

Resistance is Futile - or is it?

Bankers Bail-out with Fed Parachutes, Stagflation for the Slaves?
Like a million roots pushing a pasture to become a fine green meadow, that's how it grows and that's how resistance to war has grown in this country. It's not all demonstrations and street battles, it's democracy in action on a thousand fronts. Here is linked one of the best articles detailing the history that is still in the making - stopping an illegal war of aggression and occupation. [Excerpt] “Since that day, we’ve been far more active,” Ross said. “We realized you can’t just trust the system. You have to push. ...” Resistance is Futile - Or Is It?

Information Clearinghouse EXCLUSIVE! Mike Whitney: "The Fed is just an Extension of the Banking Establishment; The Bear bailout proves it"

Web Editor Tom Feely of the incredible Information Clearinghouse has announced that this fundraising effort has not met the expenses to pay for the bandwidth. I strongly encourage readers to make a donation. He prefers only what you can afford, micro donations as small as $1 or $5 are more than welcome to keep him up and running. Here is an exclusive about the Fed and the banking establishment, where Mike Whitney names the names.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bush, Iraq war, real cost | Salon

I urge every hide bound conservative out there to follow the links. Those so challenged that they can't or won't go to the trouble to read, then go here and watch it on C-Span's Book TV where the authors speak at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club as recorded last March 4, 2008.

Bush, Iraq war, real cost Salon: "As the authors detail, the Bush administration has used every trick in the book to hide the real price tag -- concealing non-combat casualty figures, keeping double sets of books, not factoring in support troops, and allowing the Pentagon to produce budgets so contradictory, obscure and incompetently presented that there is literally no way to determine how much it has spent. The authors had to use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain much of the information in their book."

The Real News: "Aijaz Ahmad's commentary on Iran - US conflict"

I have been warning everybody about this, demanding support for impeachment of the gang running this bankrupting fraud and it just doesn't soak in among my fellow Kansans. The Bush gangs, including their Democrat counterparts, are determined to dominate planet Earth and it will NOT work. Better plant those vegetables extra large this Spring because your autonomy is going to be a matter of health and well - being in the coming weeks and months ahead. Watch this video - it is almost like peering into the oracle of a seer - I think the power-mad maniacs will do anything, including air bombing Iran, to get the fools out there waving flags and preaching animal oaths of bloody conquest from the church pulpits to the news anchor desks. And bookmark The Real News sign up to their email distribution list.

Why they can never stop us! Jeff Cohen: "Victory for Independent Media"

Iraq Winter Soldier Hearings: Victory for Independent Media: "This time, I watched the dramatic testimony - often buttressed by photographic and video evidence — live online at . This time, I caught hours of coverage on Free Speech TV, the national satellite network that broadcast the panels of testimony and featured interviews with vets and their families in between panels. This time, I received regular video news feeds in my email inbox from The Real News Network. (The hearings were also televised on 20 public access channels from Fayetteville to Palo Alto, and in public gatherings from Florida to Alaska.) On my car radio, I listened to the proceedings live on the Pacifica network, which broadcast the hearings to affiliates nationwide - along with call-ins and email from listeners, including Iraq vets and soldiers not as critical of the war."

"Bernankerupted”: Bear Stearns Fire-sale sends Global Markets Plunging; Dollar Routed by Mike Whitney

Tom Feely at the phenomenal "Information Clearinghouse" has launched a fund raiser. Tom's site runs on a shoe string budget, makes no pretentious claims of world changing importance and provides a continuous string of thought - provoking and sometimes very controversial reading selections. I don't have fundraisers, because the technological tools have been placed into my grimy hands for free by Google. Thank you Tom ... you are at the head of my St. Patrick's Day internet parade. He also has been known to publish our in-house favorite, fellow Kansans Mary Pitt -- if you can spare a micro-donation give accordingly, Tom deserves it and appreciates what little bit you can donate. And then read, Mike Whitney 's latest exclusive as published by Tom.

Tomgram: Philip K. Dick Meet George W. Bush

Or, why the world's biggest bully will not be allowed to steal the lunch money much longer. Engelhardt unapologetically makes us look into the mirror. Read Tomgram

The War Comes Home, A Project of KPFA Radio

Incredible, spell-binding testimonials of Iraq war vets available for everybody's listening.
No matter your political persuasian, or national identity ... download, share them. The radio station KPFA deserves a honored place in our country's history for pulling together the technology and talent with this marathon broadcast. I strongly encourage readers to welcome and listen in to The War Comes Home Exclusive "Bernanke Plays `Whac-A-Mole' With Turmoil in Markets"

Instead of jumping out of sky scraper windows, they are blowing each other's brain's out. They will do better back on the farm growing their own food, worthless bastards. Read of Bernancke's Bust without helicopters.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The resignation of Admiral Fallon will provoke renewed fighting in Iraq [Voltaire]

A recognized international journalist and contrarian lays out why he feels Fallon resigned, and it has more to do with international tensions than attacking Iran. Interesting reading at: [Voltaire] | 03/14/2008 | Judge criticizes Kline’s office in Hall case

Kudos to Anne at Democracy for the Heartland group for sending along this perfect example of the latest rip-off in Johnson county, Kansas. Read how the darling of the reactionary Repubs is blowing a murder, kidnapping case - Read: Judge gives Phill crap

Book TV on C-SPAN2 - Top Nonfiction Authors Every Weekend

Michael Parenti from a August 2003 broadcast about his book: "The peoples' history of the assassination of Julius Ceasar" - great contemporary comments from the past.

Winter Soldier 2008 live hook-up!

Tim Rinne: "Stratcom Rules! The next war will start in Nebraska"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Republicans and “Free Market” Zealots Bring Death to America

He's no dummy. "Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand." Read more of the Great Sell-out!

Salina artist and friends, "Storm Heaven's Gates"

National Guard Sergeant Aaron Hughes: The Dehumanization of War - Listen to the audio clip (or download)

Dahr Jamail & Ahmed Ali: "Childhood is Dying"

Reports "on the ground" from MidEast Dispatches! Now appearing at our sister blog, "Storming Heaven's Gates" an exclusive report on the conditions of children in Iraq. Read "Childhood is Dying"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Lump Sum" coal may not be as plentiful as sold.

Here's a world view of current coal shortages, but with Canada talking about making gasoline from the stuff just how long do you think that will last? Click the title link and follow the yellow brick road, er, black, that is.

Ray McGovern: "Nadler Disses Voters on Impeachment"

[Excerpt] "You would not know it for the news blackout, but New Yorkers of Congressman Jerrold Nadler’s district held a Town Hall/Impeachment Forum on Sunday to encourage Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney. ..." Read more at:

Also recent stories of interest for smart voters in the Democratic Party: "Where Would Obama Take the Nation" by Robert Parry, exploring the possibilities of a Barack Obama presidency. (Feb. 4, 2008) "Stomping on Their Children's Dreams," describing the painful choice that some Clinton supporters face when their children are excited by Obama. (Feb. 11, 2008) ..."

Iraqis bury 10 after blast U.S. says killed no one

Pentagon linguistics stymie M$Media, millions die uncounted, Department of "Defense" shifts jet fuel tanker contracts to "Old Europe" - Americans want McCain for "new" president.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A book worth buying and keeping on your shelf, James Howard Kunstler's "A world made by hand"

And here is the trailer ...

America: Lying Politicians, Gullible Voters and the Long Slide Ahead | This Can't Be Happening!

Dave Lindorff is laying out on a picnic table cloth for us to see. Will you just take a look and keep an open mind? Please read this because, It is Happening!

Jonathan Cook: The Meaning of Gaza's Shoah

He's writing from Nazareth and his articles are getting around, thank goodness, because he's a wonderful correspondent that I have followed for the last several years. Here's his latest as it recently appeared on Counterpunch: The Meaning of Gaza's Shoah

Coming soon to a net hook-up near you: "Iraq War Vets, hearings"

They deserve your audience.

No longer constrained by M$M filters, this coming March 14 - 16th, a thunder will rumble across the country, as our own people who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan will testify to their experiences. Here's a chance to judge for yourself - as the hearings will be streamed on the net for all to see, hear. Get the word out.

Tune in to Winter Soldier Hearings - by Aaron Glantz: "Video and photographic evidence will also be presented, and the Winter Soldier testimony and panels will be broadcast live on nationally Pacifica Radio and satellite television station Free Speech TV Channel 9415. Streaming video on , as well as audio at and, will enable people to tune in across the world."

Also, " ...Antiwar activists are not being encouraged to show up, but are instead being asked to have listening or viewing parties in their own communities."

Showdown in Latin America avoided?

Possible invasion of West Gaza soon?

Now they tell us, "The Financial Predators had a Ball!"


Just in time to allow any number of super-millionaire "Robber Barons" to take flight a recent news article leaked the existence of a super-secret FBI investigation into the country's largest mortgage lender's financial posterior.

Can our G-men uncover and convict them before they take off in their corporate jets?
Before we find ourselves taking wheel barrows of worthless dollars to buy a sack of groceries?

Does it matter?
Will Obama and Hillary have a Vulcan mind meld and make the fed's super-cops take on Cheney's Dark Star empire of plunder and financial collapse?
Who knows? Who cares? We hear the "film is at eleven."
Meanwhile read this latest heavy economic sequel from F. William Engdahl (pt. 5) "Financial Tsunami" - and thanks to LG at this hillbilly anarchist's favorite subversive audio hotspot, "Unwelcome Guests" for the original read.
Are you following me boys?

Bill and Kathy Christison: "Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax "

Two former CIA ranking officers are warning us: [Excerpt] "The overextended state of U.S. ground forces, and Bush’s probable willingness to treat at least small nuclear weapons as ordinary weapons, mean that a war would possibly not be a ground war at all, but would begin with large air attacks and early use of nuclear weapons. While the longer term results of using nuclear weapons would be utterly disastrous, both for the world and for the U.S., the immediate results might be seen as a quick and cheap victory for the U.S. If the apparent military victory occurred before the November 2008 U.S. election, it would probably guarantee a Republican electoral victory. Given Bush’s interest in his own place in history, such a scenario could easily appeal to his gambling instincts. ..." Read more and "make some noise."

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Mary Pitt: "The McCain/GITMO Connection"

As a reminder to our readers of the old celebration for International Women's Day this weekend, we especially feel it appropriate to post the latest from Ms. Pitt: "When I first heard the stories that have been circulating as to whether John McCain is eligible for the presidency due to not having been born on "American soil", it seemed to be a bit of a tempest in a teapot. ..." continued at Discomfit Magazine

Truthdig: Amy Goodman: "As Goes Vermont"

[Excerpt] "... In Brattleboro, the townspeople decided to arrest President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, should they visit. (This may be a moot point, as Vermont is the one state out of 50 that George W. Bush has not visited while president.) The question before the people of Brattleboro read: “Shall the Selectboard instruct the Town Attorney to draft indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for crimes against our Constitution, and publish said indictments for consideration by other authorities, and shall it be the law of the town of Brattleboro that the Brattleboro Police, pursuant to the above-mentioned indictments, arrest and detain George Bush and Richard Cheney in Brattleboro if they are not duly impeached, and prosecute or extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them?' ...”
Read more.

Betsy Hartmann: 'The Election That Might Not Happen"

Friday, March 07, 2008

Mike Hendricks: " It’s time to end the witch hunts in Kansas"

Democracy Now! | Retired Military Generals Criticize President Bush for Preparing to Veto Anti-Torture Bill

AlterNet: Swim Against the Current: Ordinary Americans Can Make Change Happen

Jim Hightower is interviewed and an excerpt from his great new book is included! Don't miss it.

Featured Participatory Project: Join Huffington Post Readers in More Superdelegate Muckraking on Congresspedia | Center for Media and Democracy

Busting Bush & Co. in New England | This Can't Be Happening!

Dave Lindorff fills us in on what the whole country should be doing: [Excerpt] "In Mansfield, CT, the town where I grew up, there were no police. Oh, there was a resident State Police officer with a big cruiser, but mainly, his job was patrolling the stretch of four-lane highway that ran north of us between Hartford and Boston. The University of Connecticut, a sprawling ag school at the time, had a few police, but their job was limited to patrolling the campus. If something happened, like a kid stealing candy from Phil’s, the local Five and Ten, or if there was some kind of domestic dispute, it fell to the local town constable—an elected position—to handle. ..." Read what they're doin'!

Plog - Daily Briefs: Terrorists, Abortionists and Atheists

Maybe Johnson county, Kansas people are smarter than Sedgwick county, Kansas people? Both have been under the influence of pulpit pounding politicians, like current JoCo attorney (former Ks. Attorney General) Christian gestapo capo, Phill Kline ... JoCo grand juries know when it a political waste of time to persecute women who've had abortions. The spying and lieing these Busheviks do is really amazing, especially here in the heart of the heartless Homeland. Great stuff, read it and laugh! At the bottom of the scroll of this link:
Plog - Daily Briefs: Terrorists, Abortionists and Atheists

MRFF Files New Federal Lawsuit Against Defense Department

Filed this week in Kansas City, Kansas federal court, this is great stuff.

MRFF Files New Federal Lawsuit Against Defense Department

Confessions of an Obama Cultist- by Justin Raimondo

Funny and honest, the head honcho over at offers a confessional. Thank you Justin.

Chris Floyd: Admiral Fallon and His Empire

Oil soars to record, dollar hits low after OPEC accuses U.S. of 'mismanagement'

Us , you mean the U. S. - "Mismanagement"? How about just us plain old hawgs? We busted our own oil bubble.

Who leaked what? Nobody but Bush cares.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Too bad my Kansas neighbors, friends and relatives didn't listen.


I have been plugging this guy for over three years and nobody cared! Most still don't because they can't pull their heads off the numerous diversions. As the country continues the long slide downward, maybe they'll listen, watch this old guy as it comes down to economic nut cuttin' time.

Your homework assignment for today:

What is "military Keynesianism"?

And who is Chalmers Johnson?

Chalmers Johnson: 'How to Sink Americä: Why the Debt Crisis Is Now the Greatest Threat to the American Republic"

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton & Jacob Hornberger

"We own the World"
Return of the Wild West Americans?
$3 Trillion War - Bankrupt USA.

What would be wrong with a return to the old "Gold Standard"? I haven't thought much about abolishing the Federal Reserve banking system, since it is so far fetched with these powerful war mongers running the War Parties.
Can libertarian conservatives understand "Red State Fascism" and still be autonomous enough to embrace anarcho-syndicalists? It appears that the self-styled "radicals for capitalism" are trying to be more democratic in dealing with socialistic communitarians.
This is an interview well worth listening to if only to hear Mr. Hornberger commenting on little chickenhawk Billy Kristol's latest neocon smear on Obama. The clip Scott plays of Billy, for all to hear, should scare all those big American "men shaking in their boots" over a terrorist attack in America.

Mr. Hornberger's latest about the latest Iran - Iraq merger should bring the troops home even quicker. I do get the feeling that restoring the old "Gold Standard" and forcing firearms into the hands of every American to defend themselves against the rising number of American "suicide shooters" is a real setback for the country and a return to primitive nativism - of course we're probably headed that way anyhow in the face of the new Great Depression shaping up every day now. Mr. Hornberger appropriately calls the Second Amendment the "ultimate doomsday insurance policy against tyranny" yet today is more about shooting each other.

Strange that the current reality of an armed citizenry consider their professors, school mates or the people down at the local fast food joint are the Tyrants to be killed before blowing their own brains out, or having the local police do it for them. American suicide terrorists, if you ask me, more to come with rising food and energy prices, a certainty with a population devoid, atomized and alienated and so far incapable of basic community solidarity.

I have said it before and why not now, it is my hope [pardon the abused pun] that most of the crazy gunnut militiamen have volunteered to fight and die in the phony "War on Terror" and by "natural selection" wiped themselves out in heroic battle in occupying countries for, wait for it, OIL. Maybe Mr. Hornberger is talking about those "patriots" but I don't think so.
Oh hell what do I know? No more than the next hillbilly anarchist over the ridge yakking about the Hippie Amish neighbors down the creek.

Ps. Also you can scroll down along the left hand margin, here at the Flyer, and under the topic title "Here and There, Then and Now" get the quick history of the White Rose. The group Hornberger discusses in this show.
The show is another great brain teaser and deserves attention.
Listen in to the fun with Jacob Hornberger it is one of the best I've heard in a long time. BTW more Libertarian brain food is now located at our fiery sister blog Storming Heaven's Gates.

Closing of Tyson’s Emporia plant shows downside of Washington meddling

Better to starve the poor, "fill 'er up!": "The company cited high grain prices for the reduced supply of animals, and it connected rising grain prices to the boom in turning corn into ethanol. In short, treating food as fuel has made it too expensive to feed livestock. Tyson did not take the last step that investors and voters should. Ethanol production is booming largely because politicians lighted the fuse."

Northwest Arkansas' News Source

Emporia's misery not felt at Arkansas Tyson HQ: "Shares of Tyson rose 55 cents, or 3. 82 percent, to close at $ 14. 96 in Monday trading on the New York Stock Exchange."

Cattle Network - Connecting The Beef Industry Worldwide

Instead of beef, let us eat cake in our gas guzzling SUV's, Amen.

The Idiot Factor: Todd Tiahrt's folly: Tanker Todd Bombs again

Just another blameless pulpit pounding Kansas politician, endlessly campaigning for Guns, God and our world dominating "Christian Nation." I expect he'll get re-elected, again. | 02/29/2008 | Tyson donates food in Emporia

Get your 'Pie in the Sky' when you die. Get on your knees and beg, beg you Kansans of the Plains. Big Food Corporate parasites become charitable as corn boondoggle deepens, Read .

Kansas Rural Center et. al. : "Clean Energy Day" at Topeka

Kansas is one of a minority of states which does not allow individuals, businesses or small communities to "net - meter" to produce electrical energy and sell it back to the grid. The electric utility companies, including several "rural electric cooperatives" are opposed to "net - metering." Why would they want to have to buy back locally generated power at 150% from the little folks? Because it's more profitable for Big Energy in windy Kansas, better to charge the hell out of the little people, as any other monopoly.
A recent news release from the Kansas Rural Center is directing citizens' attention toward the March 11, 2008 "Clean Energy Day" at Topeka, Ks. - click the link above -

Tell them to Vote NO on Bill 327!
and protect our:
Energy Independence
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
State Capitol Building (3rd floor) (300 SW 10th St. Topeka, KS)

Visit for up-to-date information.
[Excerpt Ends]
To find out more about the Kansas Rural Center click here.

SC Announcement: Coal Plant Abandoned! - Democracy For the Heart of America | Google Groups

Are the Kansas legislators watching this news? I doubt that Bible pounding bunch of hypocrites who consider the "free market" so sacred are, but the state's economy is already suffering with the crummy boondoggle of corn driven ethanol. The beef slaughtering house owned by Tyson next to Emporia is about to be closed down, shoving over 1500 workers out and Big Grain monopoly, Cargill has announced that they are abandoning their plans for a Topeka ethanol plant. Corn, it's good with nuts and fruits for breakfast. Click the title link above and join a great Google group for Democracy!

Democracy Now! | Hours After Jeremy Scahill Exposé, Clinton Proposes Military Contractor Ban

Obama is screwing up ... and it is heartbreaking for the millions of young people who have put their dollars into his campaign. Hillary's dynastic position is repugnant, but her savvy is shining. He's gotta go "over the edge" and get seriously consistent on the "anti-war" position. His proposed sixteen month withdrawal from Iraq then waffling on it in the event of a sectarian civil war does him no good. Clinton seems determined to cut off the money going to Iraq to the private contractors, follow the link above, but that doesn't mean she can overcome the large distaste independent and non-interventionist conservatives share for her. Obama would do better with a strident clear anti-imperialist message, including a NAFTA trashing - something both seem to constantly qualify with "amendments." This "hillbilly anarchist" out here in Kansas still sees nothing wrong with the "isolationist" smear, the country needs to dump the multinationals and get homey and quick. Listen to Stiglitz section above about the $3 trillion price tag for all this oil madness. Read, watch or listen to that exclusive here.
Read their blog entry about Hillary's response time to Scahill's Blackwater bombshell at Democracy Now! |

Monday, March 03, 2008

Noam Chomsky: Why Isn't Iraq in the 2008 Election?

Grand jury refuses to indict Kansas abortion clinic that foes had alleged broke state laws - International Herald Tribune

Jennifer Loewenstein: Gazan Holocaust

At Counterpunch today 'The Day the Earth and Sky Traded Places" Gazan Holocaust [Excerpt] "Around 10:30pm on the night of February 28, M and his wife S spoke in low tones in a dark room dimly lit by a battery-operated lamp. They were trying to decide if it was still safe to send their children to school and decided in favor because the elementary school building is in a safer part of the city near a number of international offices. The electricity in the building had been out 10 hours by then and the couple pulled blankets around them to keep warm in the damp winter air. They live on the 6th floor of Shifa Tower, an 11-story apartment building housing more than a hundred families. ..." Read more from Jennifer here

Forget about that guy .... wait for the next commercial.

Bush Legacy: Farewell to the Monroe Doctrine?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Greg Palast: "Don’t Buy Exxon’s Fable Of The Drunken Captain"

The Exxon - Valdez disaster and the recent hearing before the Supreme Court reveals more than some big money hijinks like Justice Alito owning big-time shares in the energy giant - there's a helluve lot more under this rock. Read investigative journalist, Greg Palast's: Don’t Buy Exxon’s Fable

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Sitting Ducks, Peak Oil and the conflicting interests of the Establishment


"If you're out there wondering . . . what your life is going to be like and you're looking at $4 a gallon, that's uncertain," Bush said. "And when you couple with the idea that taxes may be going up in a couple of years, that's double uncertainty."

Do you really believe this guy?

Beneath the headlines of this week's news lays the very real dynamic of political power. Long dead Chairman Mao once said that ultimately, "political power comes out of the barrel of a gun."

Yesterday, well just a few years ago, we had Scalia hunting ducks with Cheney while deciding secrecy issues in the energy industry soaked White House.

Today it is the establishment's slippery grasp on the billions of barrels of, wait for it, OIL.

It may just be slipping away, for those in political power - pumping the corporations while waving a Christian Bible at you. Supreme court Justice Alito had to recuse himself from the Exxon-Valdez case because of his ownership of a vast number of shares in that damnable company.

All this while that ass in the White House holds a press conference and claims ignorance to gasoline bumping to $4.00 a gallon by this summer - it's already over that in California. The pack of liars, and con-men in power have much more than a petty "conflict of interest" in this matter and they are culpable as international war criminals, yet each and every one of them will be exonerated by their fellow members in the "establishment."

Maybe this voter upsurge has them scared, but will it clean them out?

This country needs a good Big Energy enema. It begins with each and every one of it's citizens getting "off the grid" and food autonomous. Then we might be able to tell them "what's what" in the election polling booths and the streets.

Liza Persson | The Silent Coup

People know it and that is why there is currently an tidal wave, a political tsunami coming this way in this country with the tremendous surge in voter turnouts at the elections. We better all get involved and make the "democratic" character of the "Republic" real again. This is a tremendous essay and I encourage readers to check it out. Read: Liza Persson The Silent Coup

US: Vets Break Silence on War Crimes