Monday, March 17, 2008

The Real News: "Aijaz Ahmad's commentary on Iran - US conflict"

I have been warning everybody about this, demanding support for impeachment of the gang running this bankrupting fraud and it just doesn't soak in among my fellow Kansans. The Bush gangs, including their Democrat counterparts, are determined to dominate planet Earth and it will NOT work. Better plant those vegetables extra large this Spring because your autonomy is going to be a matter of health and well - being in the coming weeks and months ahead. Watch this video - it is almost like peering into the oracle of a seer - I think the power-mad maniacs will do anything, including air bombing Iran, to get the fools out there waving flags and preaching animal oaths of bloody conquest from the church pulpits to the news anchor desks. And bookmark The Real News sign up to their email distribution list.

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