Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton & Jacob Hornberger

"We own the World"
Return of the Wild West Americans?
$3 Trillion War - Bankrupt USA.

What would be wrong with a return to the old "Gold Standard"? I haven't thought much about abolishing the Federal Reserve banking system, since it is so far fetched with these powerful war mongers running the War Parties.
Can libertarian conservatives understand "Red State Fascism" and still be autonomous enough to embrace anarcho-syndicalists? It appears that the self-styled "radicals for capitalism" are trying to be more democratic in dealing with socialistic communitarians.
This is an interview well worth listening to if only to hear Mr. Hornberger commenting on little chickenhawk Billy Kristol's latest neocon smear on Obama. The clip Scott plays of Billy, for all to hear, should scare all those big American "men shaking in their boots" over a terrorist attack in America.

Mr. Hornberger's latest about the latest Iran - Iraq merger should bring the troops home even quicker. I do get the feeling that restoring the old "Gold Standard" and forcing firearms into the hands of every American to defend themselves against the rising number of American "suicide shooters" is a real setback for the country and a return to primitive nativism - of course we're probably headed that way anyhow in the face of the new Great Depression shaping up every day now. Mr. Hornberger appropriately calls the Second Amendment the "ultimate doomsday insurance policy against tyranny" yet today is more about shooting each other.

Strange that the current reality of an armed citizenry consider their professors, school mates or the people down at the local fast food joint are the Tyrants to be killed before blowing their own brains out, or having the local police do it for them. American suicide terrorists, if you ask me, more to come with rising food and energy prices, a certainty with a population devoid, atomized and alienated and so far incapable of basic community solidarity.

I have said it before and why not now, it is my hope [pardon the abused pun] that most of the crazy gunnut militiamen have volunteered to fight and die in the phony "War on Terror" and by "natural selection" wiped themselves out in heroic battle in occupying countries for, wait for it, OIL. Maybe Mr. Hornberger is talking about those "patriots" but I don't think so.
Oh hell what do I know? No more than the next hillbilly anarchist over the ridge yakking about the Hippie Amish neighbors down the creek.

Ps. Also you can scroll down along the left hand margin, here at the Flyer, and under the topic title "Here and There, Then and Now" get the quick history of the White Rose. The group Hornberger discusses in this show.
The show is another great brain teaser and deserves attention.
Listen in to the fun with Jacob Hornberger it is one of the best I've heard in a long time. BTW more Libertarian brain food is now located at our fiery sister blog Storming Heaven's Gates.

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