Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mike Whitney: America's Teetering Banking System: "Where did all our deposits go?"      

Matthew Grimm & Red Smear: "One Big Union"

Kudos to Counterpunch for the "website of the day" link.

Have you told somebody today about what we need to do?

Obama shifting to the right on health care?

Kelpie Wilson | Abortion and the Earth

Truthout's Environmental Editor offers the best commentary on the current "controversy" among the U. S. "pro-choice" leaders that I have read recently. I am very proud to have published her essay on corn in one of my last booklets. Gee, we need to get that press running and print more great writers like her. Read and consider Kelpie's historical sweep on women and their hard fought (and slipping) right to reproductive choice! Read Abortion and the Earth

Impeachment: No More Investigations Please !

David Swanson writes from as the last year of Bush's administration starts.
Read David here.!

Operation Desert Slaughter

A Holocaust Memorial for the 21st Century?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Greg Palast: "Off the Rails: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union"


[Excerpt]"There was that tongue again. When the President lies he’s got this weird nervous tick: He sticks the tip of his tongue out between his lips. Like a little boy who knows he’s fibbing. Like a snake licking a rat. ... In his State of the Union tonight the President did his tongue thing 124 times — my kids kept count. ..." Read more Palast.

Also by Greg Palast today, from Tom's Information Clearinghouse:

[Excerpt] "... Here’s your question, class:
In his State of the Union, the President asked Congress for $300 million for poor kids in the inner city. As there are, officially, 15 million children in America living in poverty, how much is that per child? Correct! $20. ...

Here’s your second question. The President also demanded that Congress extend his tax cuts. The cost: $4.3 trillion over ten years. The big recipients are millionaires. And the number of millionaires happens, not coincidentally, to equal the number of poor kids, roughly 15 million of them. OK class: what is the cost of the tax cut per millionaire? That’s right, Richie, $287,000 apiece. ..." Read the rest.

You have been frightened and shocked into giving away your treasure, now we're leaving.


A cherished reader forwards the above post ... I have changed the headline, of course, because the times demand your attention. Attention far beyond the occasional vote in a periodic election for a well advertised icon, your attention is necessary because times are about to get seriously "serious."

Surely you know now... we don't own the world and never have. Those who have led us to believe such imperialist claptrap have scoured the critics, such as myself and many others featured on this blog, from the airwaves and the pages of most newspapers.

The phony "War on Terror" is finally starting to settle into the pages of history as one of the most expensive boondoggles undertaken on a massive scale, designed to inflict maximum profits for the corporate elites and those that Eisenhower, a famous Republican liberal (more liberal than Bill Clinton) warned us of as "the military industrial complex."

The plundering has been so large and so frenzied that the empire is now on the downslide, whether the fall comes about as a quickly lethal free fall into national chaos, or a bumpy glide from plateau to lower plateau, that is all, yet to be decided. You have been frightened and shocked, but now as Naomi Klein has described, the time is "to regroup, to recover."

Another critic commenting on the world class charlatans' recent atttempts to abate this financial crisis that has ensued from this epic debacle as "urinating on raging bon fires." Yet another more humorous critic said of the corporate elites' recent "economic stimulus package" as , "they're comin' to kill us, here's $600, we're outtah here" to describe the immediate future in the U. S.

Last night I was recruiting my 10 year old, type 1 diabetic son, to help me create an audio clip about Bush's last State of the "Union" speech. I half-joked with him, but my quiet thought, if it is his last State of the "Union" -- if he bombs Iran this Spring, the ensuing world catastrophe, my mind reels with the mental image of Bush standing before a similar audience in congress declaring a suspension of the elections and invoking many of the draconian executive orders he and his sick minions have drafted for a final fascist takeover of government.
I didn't speak of that, my son, my family, my neighbors must be protected from my darkest fears. Bush wouldn't do that, would he?
Yet my son and I must have our political fun. My life's work has always been as stated, "to lob literary hand grenades over the political stonewalling careerists' heads." And fun is the necessary ingredient that must be stirred in the mental stew pot.
We both have tremendous fun making these audio and video clips so I was chiding him to help me create an audio skit. Without describing the content too much (I wanted to dub a very short clip from Spielberg's classic "Jaws") my son began to protest.
I stopped and listened to him ... because for the first time he didn't want me to post it "for the whole world to hear" because "the National Guard will come and take you away."

My only response was to inform him that most of the Kansas National Guard is being wounded and wasted in foreign lands and almost all their tanks and trucks are being ground up with desert sands ... besides that, the Kansas National Guard is made up of our neighbors.

My son and I agreed to continue on and make the project and when it is completed to conduct a familyvote on whether to post it "for the whole world" to see.

I hope you will listen in to our next Blue Barn Radio show ... to hear the result.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

General Motors CEO: oil has peaked | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse

If you haven't checked out Energy Bulletin's web site - well, now you can, and bookmark it, please. As to GM's CEO recognizing that oil has peaked in world production -- after many of the bigshots have discussed it for months and months -- time to shock us little consuming darlings, then make a tidy profit. Roll out the barrel, it goes with the silly season of electioneering. Read it and pay up!

Elizabeth Holtzman | Impeach Bush and Cheney

Elizabeth Holtzman served in the US House of Representatives from 1973 to 1981.
Read Elizabeth Holtzman

The Raw Story | Democrats standing up to Bush on warrantless wiretap bill

The Little Ones are Standing up to Big Brother?
Why wouldn't they object and "stand up" to the Busheviks? After all, their communications are being watched , too.

CJOnline - Ethics panel investigating Kline's spending

My Opinion Based on Direct Experience:
He launches phony "impartial" and unconstitutional inquisitions, is responsible for feeding the private medical records of women to the national press, destroys the medical careers of doctors who perform abortions, glory hounds to the preachers and geriatric fanatics in the church pews and now steals his own campaign contributors money to pay off private phone bills and parties with his heaven-bound "chosen few" in Johnson county. Someone [hint: Paul Morrison] should have arrested this smirking sniveling scum-bag months ago. Read Scum-bag's latest crime against Kansans

Electric Politics | EP Podcast: Green Grievances

George Kenney's excellent web site just got better with a bug-free comment section and I strongly encourage my readers to consider a looksie! Speaking as an amateur internet writer, I am amazed at the outlaw and unwritten style book of web-based journalism. Kenney brings us great content with integrity, when he moves in this way it inspires me to "do better" ... [Excerpt] "Most Americans want policies neither party has offered them: an end to the occupation of Iraq; return to the rule of law and constitutional protections; workable health care; decent paying jobs; a clean and safe environment; energy security — in short, the replacement of monied special interests by public spirited actors. ..." Did someone say something about a "third party" to the War Parties? Read, listen to Green Grievances

Foreign Policy In Focus | World Beat | Vol. 3, No. 4 | Who Owns the World?

A reader forwards this post to all from a "Think Tank Without Walls" (we do have some intelligent fans out there): [Excerpt] "... The United States acts as if it owns the world. This might seem counter-intuitive. After all, more and more foreign entities are lapping up bargain properties in our "homeland." And aside from U.S. military bases -- a not inconsiderable amount of territory --- the United States is not land-grabbing the way imperial Rome or London did. But since when was ownership all about possessing the deed to the property? Bullies can own the neighborhood, even if they're only renting a room in one of the houses. It has a lot to do with attitude. And the Bush administration has attitude up the wazoo. ..." Who do you think: "Who Owns the World?" Read on.

Ben Terrall: The Future is Unwritten

Also known as "The Rebel Life of Joe Strummer"

Truthdig - Chris Hedges: "The End of the Road for George W. Bush"

Chris Hedges writes every other Monday at Truthdig!: [Excerpt] "The Gilbert and Sullivan charade of statesmanship played out by George W. Bush and his enabler, Condoleezza Rice, as they wander the Middle East is a fitting end to seven years of misrule. Despots stripped of power are transformed from monsters into buffoons. And this is the metamorphosis that is eating away at the Bush presidency. ..." Read more.

James Carroll: "Our One-Way Trip to Disaster"

Esteemed writer and columnist James Carroll writes of last night's State of the Union address by President George W. Bush: [Excerpt] "... You and everyone you love are riding on a large bus. The bus driver, unskilled and careless, drives too fast, ignores traffic signals, and barrels off the road occasionally. Because the bus is huge, other vehicles swerve to get out of its way, with cars crashing repeatedly. But your driver just keeps going, leaving carnage in his wake. Naturally, you are terrified - but your reactions are irrelevant. ..." Read more.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Raw Story | 'Straight talk' from Senator McCain: More wars to come

State of the Union

The grand delusions of the Empire's leaders knows no bounds. Do any of these people give a rat's ass for you and yours? Do they read, hear or consider anyone, other than their own stubborn opinions? If they are listening, then we must conclude our leaders would prefer us; kept in ignorance, to be plundered, robbed of taxes, our offspring used as cannonfodder to be killed and maimed - wage slaves to their empire. Basta Ya! Turn our backs to them, deny them our audience and support - in any form. Must see video of Granpa McCain going Shaman-crazy and hallucinating before the cult's most adoring of believing Busheviks, here.

Kafe Kiskeya's Event and Program Calender

Next month's calender of events at NE KC's Kafe Kiskeya is posted at Discomfit magazine. Click the title link above.

F, Y. I. - Special event, instead of the phony "State of the Union"



A Reader's forward: "The YWCA at 101 N. 6th St in KCK is the venue for a one-woman performance based on the life of Clarina Nichols, "a passionate advocate for women's rights...a recognized leader of the national movement and a champion of other reform movements." Nichols had a farm in Old Quindaro, and edited the Chindowan newspaper there as well. The portrayal is by Diane Eickhoff, who has also written a fine book on Nichol's life. Starting time is 7 PM, and admission is free."

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions, Tells 60 Minutes Former Iraqi Dictator Didn't Expect U.S. Invasion - CBS News

See, hear ... and feel and you will learn the truth. The real professionalism of how this intelligence agent from the FBI learned the truth from Saddam is something those torturing "enemies" under Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush will never learn.

Robert Reich | Darker Days Ahead?

He qualifies using the "D" word (pssst ... Depression) with a 20% probability, but hedges that the so-called economic stimulus ($150 bln. cash giveaway) is mainly political and dubious at best.

Kucinich Bows Out with Dignity, Bangs Anti-War Drum -

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Russell M. Drake: "Bush-Hitler: Hypnotizing The Masses"

Know many of them?
"Under the spell" - the Busheviks, blind faith, a wide-eyed gaze of obedience, self-assured confident sharing in their righteousness toward what they call God's "Christian Nation" and it's date with "destiny."
Here's an interesting analysis, click: Are you one of them?

Mary Pitt: "Who leads the Independents?"

Now appearing at Discomfit Magazine: "... We have watched as the Green Party struggled to become relevant for many years but this appears to be something quite different. It is beginning to mystify the pundits and bedevil the "king-makers" of both parties. ..." More.

Dave Lindorff: "A Government of Liars Must be Brought Down."

[Excerpt] " ... When journalists are caught lying outright, they can be fired, and can even find their careers terminated. ..." Read more.

Harper's Scott Horton: "The Illustrated President"

W. H. D. Koerner, "A Charge to Keep" (1916)
Excerpt ... "[ President] George W. Bush is famous for his attachment to a painting which he acquired after becoming a 'born again Christian.' ... Bush was so taken by it, that he took the painting’s name for his own official autobiography. ..." Read more. End Excerpt ...
My guess is that Bush is well aware of the painting's province and the historical research cited in this link gives me thought to the possibility that he is not only aware of the fraud, but thinks it a clever deceit for mass consumption. The painting prominently placed in both his office, autobiography, etc. is by his [and maybe, Rove] own design to mythologize the everyman persona cultivated so folks like many of my relatives and neighbors can support him. The psycho-pathology of this dude is damn scary, especially when coupled with a power-mad vice-president for the transnational corporate combines. It lends to the current perception around the world that any global hegemonic catastrophe is possible with hands such as these piloting the world's largest nuclear superpower.
While solving the mystery of just how sick our leaders are, readers would be wise to make preparations as such ... again read Horton's article and think.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Radio KAIOS Scott Horton, Anti-war Radio - two interviews not to be missed!

A busy week
Anti-War Radio
and Radio KAOS Austin, Texas
“It’s the messianic thing that gets me …” Anti-war Radio host, Scott Horton can be heard commenting to former CIA counter-terrorism officer, Philip Giraldi, on the Bush/Cheney juggernaut. Mr. Giraldi mentioned Darth Dick’s latest bitch-fest echoing through the hallways of the Pentagon, claiming that high officers in the JCS and the State Department are “traitors” for not jumping on the bomb Iran express. The interview includes an eye-opening discussion about the revelations of FBI whistle blower Sibel Edmonds. Must listening is here. If Cheney is not steering the Smirking Chimp as much as before then how is an aerial bombardment on Iran going to happen?

While you’re at it consider another great interview by Scott with Dr. Chalmers Johnson concerning the rising tide of systemic bankruptcy (what others are calling an "economic tsunami") for the American empire. The interview cites some startling economic figures concerning the transnational corporate combines responsible for the hollowing out and, according to many of us, the decline and fall of the country. Chalmers mentions it could lead to a revolution. Hear it here.

Building a Sustainable Community with a Peaceful Culture!

March 12-19, 2008
Activities to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq


Community Festival
Peace and Justice
to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
- details available soon -

The March 15 event will include community organization booths, activities and areas for arts, music, theatre, games, workshops, talks, drum circle, puppet parade, children’s activities, etc. on the theme of moving from a path of war to a culture of peace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Ominous Message in Padilla

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: "The 'Brutal World'"

John Pilger: "The Danse Macabre of US-Style Democracy"

Chalmers Johnson | Going Bankrupt

Why the Debt Crisis Is Now the Greatest Threat to the American Republic
Chalmers Johnson

The military adventurers of the Bush administration have much in common with the corporate leaders of the defunct energy company Enron. Both groups of men thought that they were the "smartest guys in the room," the title of Alex Gibney's prize-winning film on what went wrong at Enron. The neoconservatives in the White House and the Pentagon outsmarted themselves. They failed even to address the problem of how to finance their schemes of imperialist wars and global domination.

Continue Reading "Going Bankrupt"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Bush Dollar Trap | This Can't Be Happening!

The Bush Dollar Trap | This Can't Be Happening!: "The first government response to America's sinking economy was denial. We were told as recently as a month ago by administration officials and Wall Street charlatans that the economy was robust and that there would not be a recession. Now we are told that the economy is in trouble, but that the government is taking decisive action to shore it up."

Pictures Showing The Slaughter In Gaza

Apartheid Zionism - U.S. tax dollars at work!
"Pro-life and proud!"

Hat tip to Brave Tom at Information Clearing House for providing this link. Look at what the self-styled "Christian" television preachers, Washington lobbyists, "defense" companies and $5 billion in annual "foreign aid" gets you the American citizen. Oh yeah, of course, as the Busheviks and Big Democraps say, "they hate us because we are free." My young friend and local news photo-journalist, Mohammed Omar, in Gaza reveals: Pictures Showing The Slaughter In Gaza

Monday, January 21, 2008

The A-Infos Radio Project - Program Information

Here is the "Unwelcome Guest" program containing the reference to David Korten that I cited in this week's Blue Barn show. I strongly encourage readers to download and listen to it. click Program Information

Richard K. Moore: "The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis"

Click the title line to read the essay cited in the program linked above. See how easy I have made it for you?

There Is No “War on Terror”

Sunday, January 20, 2008

News 10 Now | 24 Hour Local News | Watertown/North Country | Anti-war group says war crimes are "encouraged"

Hat tip to for trolling this one ... the local news source not only gets the headline wrong, but overlooks that the Bushevik regime has officially sanctioned torture.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

No Tax Rebate's Going to Fix This Mess | This Can't Be Happening!

Ha, ha, ha, ha - Dave Lindorff tells it like it is fer us Podunks. Guess he's one of us, eh? I tole you he was a good guy! Read his household expenses and what he thinks of Nancy and George big giveaway - to stop the next Great Depression, only this time nuthin' is goin' to bail'em out. It's a petro-based civilization at stake and it's lost folks. Get ready, everyday counts -- do something. You're in Dave's boat too here. Read it all.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Electric Politics | Bubbles, Bailouts, and Free Money

The mysterious "Werther" writes again .... read.

Book TV - The Secret History of the American Empire (1:07:55)

Truthdig throws up an excellent reminder.

I dig this guy's work, worth every bit of the ten minutes to watch. Former Marine, Weapons Inspector - Scott Ritter ... on fire. Man, oh man this cat goes for it.

Truthdig - Reports - Those Ungrateful Saudis

His emminence and most excellent luminaries sitting on their most pleasurable arses wearing hair robes in desert tents. Ha, ha, ha .... Robert Scheer

Paul Craig Roberts: "No Escape from War and Unemployment"

Wire Dispatch: :Navy tells Bush Iran incident 'serious'

"Iran also is a main issue of Bush's trip, particularly in the five Arab nations he is visiting. Nervous about Iran's military might and rising influence, the leaders of these nations also are anxious about the confrontation between U.S. and Iranian naval vessels off their shores. Arab allies want assurances that Bush is not interested in starting a war that could threaten military bases on their soil or the lucrative oil trade through the Strait of Hormuz. But they also want security commitments from the president." ... Now what are "security commitments"?

Film maker: David Lynch helps out with some advice.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Plan B — How to Stop Global Warming - TIME

Lester Brown is interviewed by Time Magazine ... 18 minutes of reality therapy for those climate change deniers out there. He also appeared on this last NPR's "Science Friday" with a more in-depth discussion.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Raw Story | Huckabee warns Iranian sailors: 'The next thing you will see is the gates of Hell'

Just what America needs, another crusader for Christ killing and bombing our way across the planet. Superstitious idiots of the world, unite and self-destruct.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Truthdig - Reports - The Coming Attack on Barack

Truthdig - Reports - The Coming Attack on Barack: [Excerpt] ... "... Meanwhile, certain themes are being tested on the Web sites of the extreme right. The basic concept is to suggest that Obama is somehow less wholesome than he appears to be, and to provoke bigoted responses. On these sites and in e-mail barrages, he is being portrayed as the son and stepson of Muslims from Africa and Asia, who as a young boy worshiped in mosques and madrasas. That is a proven falsehood surrounding a tiny grain of fact, but no matter. Repetition will make the poison. ..."

Kansas Public Forums on King Coal in Kansas

Your chance to sound off! Click the title link above.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Food riots of the 21st century : Mail & Guardian Online

Will Dr. Phil and Oprah heal "the hurt" of Britney's pregnant little sister?
Are we doomed to endless re-runs of "Desperate Housewives" and no Oscar ceremonies?
Will Paul Morrison, Fred Phelps & Phill Kline finally take back the Kansas GOP?
Will Americans give up their cell phones and cable television?
Film at eleven.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dynasty fer Dummies ...

Need an argument for birth control? ...

image hat tip: United Against Hillary





The REAL News: "Ron Paul on 'soft fascism'"

While this interview is with Michael Ratner from the Center for Constitutional Rights he speaks frankly about what's good about Congressman Ron Paul, laying out a scorecard on each candidate, Republican and Democrat, and what they are saying about civil rights and the constitution. No speed? Read the transcript. Stupid on Paul's possible bigotry when it comes to race read about it here. Are you Republican, Independent or Democrat? It might be time to start thinking about throwing a monkey wrench into the whole works?

The REAL News: "Dennis Kucinich in NH"

"No doubt" the U. S. is on the way to fascism, according to Kucinich. The silly season has the liberal cynics running for Obama, no "courage of convictions" there - it's a horse race, nothing less, nothing more ... listen in willyah.

The REAL News: "Mike Gravel tells it like it is"

Gravel shoots right at the feverish heads of all those jumping on the various bandwagons and makes me think, rationally that by the time next year rolls around, the real nature of the crashing empire will settle in on sober [and impoverished] heads. He is telling the Obama crowd something that they aren't hearing, yet. No speed? Read the transcript.

The Raw Story | Excluded from debate, Kucinich sells voting machines

Gawd is going to damn you rustic idgits and shop-sh*tted sheeple fer lettin' this go on.

The A-Infos Radio Project: UNWELCOME GUESTS, "#392 The CIA, torture & terror"


If you haven't figured it out yet, a mind-opening vista of media information exists outside the advertisment-centered news machines I call "Main $tream Media" and I have tried to provide to readers links and commentary that requires some critical thought and, of course, some humor. However, I'm not joking with this post.
Many of you, the Dear Readers, have contributed to the Flyer's content by sending along news from many sources. I am a little upset with you, my many readers, since you have not informed me of a link like this before. The radio program, "Unwelcome Guests" is a real mother lode of critical knowledge, a treasure chest of audio broadcasts from a collective at Watkins Glen, NY, as broadcast through a network of community radio stations providing news and analysis that will make you sit up in the seat and listen.
I have some very intelligent readers, a few who appear on shows zipping across cyberspace, still more who are from the professional classes and more who work hard at surviving with just their labor. Now why wouldn't you tell me about this wonderfully informative stuff? Now you owe me for finding this one and please, send it along to your friends and folks.

Here is the link to a particular program I heartily endorse, #392, featuring an audio version of one of the most important broadcast journalists working today, John Pilger, as he reports on the on-going "War on Democracy". BTW if you have a fast enough internet connection another Pilger documentary "Breaking the Silence" is on a video bar way down along the right hand margin of our sister blog, Discomfit Magazine. Fear not you copper-wired folks with old computers and slow connections, the audio download linked on the title line above packs in some respects even more punch. Please, feel free, link this post and send it along.

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, "Charlie Wilson's War" An Imperialist Comedy?

[Excerpt] "... I have some personal knowledge of Congressmen like Charlie Wilson (D-2nd District, Texas, 1973-1996) because, for close to twenty years, my representative in the 50th Congressional District of California was Republican Randy "Duke" Cunningham, now serving an eight-and-a-half year prison sentence for soliciting and receiving bribes from defense contractors. Wilson and Cunningham held exactly the same plummy committee assignments in the House of Representatives -- the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee plus the Intelligence Oversight Committee -- from which they could dole out large sums of public money with little or no input from their colleagues or constituents. ..." Read more

Monday, January 07, 2008

Hard News: "Accused killer of U. S. soldiers declared 'hero' in Iraq"

The story of the "Well done, Ceasar" graffitti seen upon the walls of Iraq villages. It is still developing. Will you read it? How long will you listen to ass-end of the political horse race on the television and forget what empire is doing to us? Do you get it? "No War, No Warming" close all military bases abroad!

Everybody knows ... but you.

Tag teaming the hottest lead on the Net ... 9/11, Treason, War - it's all here.

Hot, hot, hot ..... go to this blogspot and get the low down, or follow Justin Raimondo. Click the title line above for even more important stuff to think about, before you deny the necessity of immediate hearings and impeachment.

Sowetan: "Bhutto's murder and intrigue ..."

The news is trickling in to the Blue Barn about the intrigue surrounding Bhutto's murder. Thanks to our readers who forwarded this article for domestics, like us. [Excerpt] : "... Stranger than fiction, in the next moment, she says “and Omar Sheikh, the man who killed Osama Bin-Laden”, yes, you read right. The BBC in London was so shocked, a reference they said was so “unexpected”, and one which they thought was a “misleading reference”, that when posting to the BBC’s website, they deleted any name, including Hamza Bin-Laden, son of Osama. When confronted with their censorship, and after taking nearly three days to formulate an answer, the BBC, in a rare moment of humility, admitted their mistake and promised to restore the original footage, uncut. ..." Read more

It’s My Party: I’ll Taser if I Want To (Taser Sale Party in Pheonix, AZ)

Need a mental pick-me-up? Click the link above.

Asia Times Online :: "Back to business in Pakistan"

If Osama Bin Ladin is dead, then who is sending the tapes? Read more

9-11 Cover-Up, Treason and The Bomb | This Can't Be Happening!

When I linked it and wrote "Uh, oh she's talking." I knew a mess was starting to hit the fan, yet couldn't quite articulate enough to put it on the screen. Well, I don't have to because someone who writes better did!
Dave Lindorff did it. He put it all into an understandable pack of words 'fer yer' enjoyment. Read it and let's dump these rotten bums .... quick!

[Excerpt] "... If a new article just published Saturday in the Times of London based upon information provided by US government whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, is correct, we have not only solid evidence of prior knowledge of 9-11 by high up US government officials, but evidence of treasonous activity by many of those same officials involving efforts to provide US nuclear secrets to America’s enemies, even including Al Qaeda.

The story also casts a chilling light on the so-called “accidental” flight of six nuclear-armed cruise missiles aboard an errant B-52 that flew last Aug. 30 from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Shreveport, Louisiana. ..." Read it all at This Can't Be Happening!

Ron Paul's "Revolution" supporters rally against Fox Censorshiip in N. H.

Kucinich and Paul are both refusing to be ground into oblivion by the Main $tream Media - staged "debates."

Israel to brief King George on options for Iran strike

Mad King George II travels to the Holy Lands on a cowboy vision quest for the next war. Jesus will talk to him. Democrat leaders are in the choir as "liberal imperialists" with AIPAC and the neocons in the American Enterprise Institute all howling hosannas as Iranian provocations fill the corporate pig media. Another Armageddon film at eleven. Read the latest excuse for an Iran strike

Consortium News: "Reagan's Bargain / Charlie Wilson's War

Peter W. Dickson writes of the blind eye toward history the new Tom Hanks movie's take on the Pakistanis nuclear bomb programme. Read more » Dori Smith interviews Singer Melissa Etheridge on ABC’s Exclusion of her favorite candidate Dennis Kucinich from Debate

Nine minute preview of story in production, listen in as Kansas musician raises Hell.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

George McGovern | Why I Believe Bush Must Go

And yes that's "go" as in impeachment. [Excerpt] "... Impeachment, quite simply, is the procedure written into the Constitution to deal with presidents who violate the Constitution and the laws of the land. It is also a way to signal to the American people and the world that some of us feel strongly enough about the present drift of our country to support the impeachment of the false prophets who have led us astray. This, I believe, is the rightful course for an American patriot. ..." Read more.

Dahr Jamail: "The myth of sectarianism, The policy is divide to rule"

Saturday, January 05, 2008

For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

Uh oh, she's talkin'!

The "Surge" is working.

Hat tip to Tom and Information Clearing House (ICH) for this one. Iraqi soldier “Caesar” killed three American soldiers because they kicked and beat a pregnant woman

The Last Empire: China's Pollution Problem Goes Global

Deng's quip post Gang of Four - "white cat, black cat it doesn't matter as long as it catches the mice." America, our empire - economically hollowed out of manufacturing industries, allowed to exist by huge foreign currency exchanges is in big trouble. Mother Jones reporter, Jacques Leslie sends along a blockbuster article. Great sidebar listing chrono of farm protests in the last couple years and a fearsome narrative of driving through China's outrageou highway system. Read it here . Kudos to Ayla for the forward.

The hot BBC vid: "Bhutto, 'OBL murdered'"

Truthdig - Interviews - Scott Ritter on War With Iran

A critical two to three months ahead? [Excerpt] "... The Truthdig columnist (and WMD expert) warns that war with Iran could be inevitable, despite the National Intelligence Estimate report that says Iran dismantled its nuclear program in 2003. Bush, Ritter argues, doesn’t let facts get in the way of what he wants. Listen to this interview. ..." Truthdig transcript here

Kucinich Files Lawsuit After Party Denies Him Place on Ballot

Excerpt] "(AP) Austin, TX - Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, along with supporter Willie Nelson, have filed a lawsuit to get Kucinich on the ballot in Texas after they say the Texas Democratic Party rejected his application. ..." Read more.

Patrice Greanville: "Redeeming the dismal science:

[Excerpt] "... In America, an empire on the move for at least a century now, and one of the most income-polarized nations in the developed world, the ideological stranglehold has allowed the US ruling class not only to make a mess of domestic policy, but the freedom to engage with relative impunity in constant and murderous meddling in the affairs of other nations, as the case of Vietnam a generation ago, and Iraq today, so eloquently confirm. And while at the “micro level” commercial propaganda (i.e., advertising) may induce us only to switch from one brand of detergent to another, a fairly innocuous act, at the “macro level” of class or systemic propaganda the effects are far more ominous, since the latter seeks to influence not only the direction but the very nature of the society we inhabit. ..."

Great "on-the-ground" reporter writes in...

Jonathan Cook writes from Nazarath, Palestine: "... I have been working on two books: the first, "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations", is published this month; and the second, "Disappearing Palestine", is due out in late summer. To find out more about my books, please click here:

He also informs us that there are three new articles on his website.
To read them and other posts, click on the link:

Paul Craig Roberts: "Thinking for yourself is now a crime"

[Excerpt] "... This bill is a boon for nasty people. That SOB who stole your girlfriend, that hussy who stole your boyfriend, the gun owner next door--just report them to Homeland Security as holders of extreme beliefs. Homeland Security needs suspects, so they are not going to check. Under the new regime, accusation is evidence. Moreover, “our” elected representatives will never admit that they voted for a bill and created an “Extremist Belief Commission” for which there is neither need nor constitutional basis.

That boss who harasses you for coming late to work--he’s a good candidate to be reported; so is that minority employee that you can’t fire for any normal reason. So is the husband of that good-looking woman you have been unable to seduce. Every kind of quarrel and jealousy can now be settled with a phone call to Homeland Security. ..." Read more.

Dave Lindorff: "Clinton's Embarrassing Flop in Iowa Exposes Dem Leaders' Folly"

The rebellion begins in Iowa. Dave writes: "... The real message of the Iowa caucus yesterday was that the long-operative Clintonian/Democratic Leadership Council assumption that the independent or unaffiliated voter bloc is composed of conservative-leaning, dim-witted and easily manipulated people has got it all wrong. ..." Read more.