Friday, January 25, 2008

Radio KAIOS Scott Horton, Anti-war Radio - two interviews not to be missed!

A busy week
Anti-War Radio
and Radio KAOS Austin, Texas
“It’s the messianic thing that gets me …” Anti-war Radio host, Scott Horton can be heard commenting to former CIA counter-terrorism officer, Philip Giraldi, on the Bush/Cheney juggernaut. Mr. Giraldi mentioned Darth Dick’s latest bitch-fest echoing through the hallways of the Pentagon, claiming that high officers in the JCS and the State Department are “traitors” for not jumping on the bomb Iran express. The interview includes an eye-opening discussion about the revelations of FBI whistle blower Sibel Edmonds. Must listening is here. If Cheney is not steering the Smirking Chimp as much as before then how is an aerial bombardment on Iran going to happen?

While you’re at it consider another great interview by Scott with Dr. Chalmers Johnson concerning the rising tide of systemic bankruptcy (what others are calling an "economic tsunami") for the American empire. The interview cites some startling economic figures concerning the transnational corporate combines responsible for the hollowing out and, according to many of us, the decline and fall of the country. Chalmers mentions it could lead to a revolution. Hear it here.

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