Saturday, January 05, 2008

Patrice Greanville: "Redeeming the dismal science:

[Excerpt] "... In America, an empire on the move for at least a century now, and one of the most income-polarized nations in the developed world, the ideological stranglehold has allowed the US ruling class not only to make a mess of domestic policy, but the freedom to engage with relative impunity in constant and murderous meddling in the affairs of other nations, as the case of Vietnam a generation ago, and Iraq today, so eloquently confirm. And while at the “micro level” commercial propaganda (i.e., advertising) may induce us only to switch from one brand of detergent to another, a fairly innocuous act, at the “macro level” of class or systemic propaganda the effects are far more ominous, since the latter seeks to influence not only the direction but the very nature of the society we inhabit. ..."

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