"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Friday, May 30, 2008
It Will Take a Lot More Than Gardening to Fix Our Food System - CommonDreams.org
Vincent Bugliosi | Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette
Truth Spring: "Bomb Haters, Unite!"
Consortium News: "McClellan Suggests Plame Cover-up" by Jason Leopold
Talk is Cheap, Even with Enemies, and By the Way, Rivals Aren't Enemies | This Can't Be Happening!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
US Economy: The Worst Is Yet to Come
Truthdig: "Where Is the Outrage?"
Read more at Truthdig
John Bolton Escapes Citizen’s Arrest at Hay Festival - CommonDreams.org
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nepal ready to abolish monarchy
As Border Efforts Grow, Corruption Is on the Rise - NYTimes.com
Other things you could have blown $6 trillion on
Iraq Vet Who Wrote About His PTSD Kills Self, Brother
On Memorial Day: Press Coverage Probes Suicides
t r u t h o u t | No Room on the Wall
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Political Scene: The Fall of Conservatism: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Wake Up, America. We're Driving Toward Disaster. - washingtonpost.com
Cindy Sheehan: An Uphill Battle
Oil: A Global Crisis - CommonDreams.org
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Greg Palast: Obama's Secret War Profiteering Tax | OurFuture.org
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Bill Kauffman: The Candidates from Nowhere
Friday, May 23, 2008
Book TV - Swim Against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow
C-span 2: "Memorial Day - Book TV Exclusive"
Matt Taibbi, contributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine, explores the political landscape of post-9/11 America in "The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire."
From C-span's description: "Mr. Taibbi presents his thoughts on the war in Iraq, the machinations of Congress, the 9/11 truth movement and his time as a church goer. Matt Taibbi discusses his book with David Corn, Washington bureau chief for Mother Jones magazine. Following the taping of After Words, Matt Taibbi and David Corn took questions from the audience at Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington, DC."
Book Review: "Bill Kauffman's 'Ain't My America' - by Doug Bandow"
Here comes a book that every Kansan who loves old fashioned republicanism should have on their book shelves. Less of the Mission Hills, Ks. variety, which ver

Well, here comes Bill Kauffman's new book "Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle-American Anti-Imperialism" to remind ma, pa, grandma and Aunt Sally what has been forgotten of the "isolationists" - I love it!
Bandow begins the book review with: "American politicians routinely chatter about peace while inaugurating war. Indeed, despite the bitter partisan wrangling over Iraq, war has more often united than divided Washington's establishment. Today, despite the ongoing debacle in Iraq, Republicans and Democrats compete to breathe more and hotter fire against Iran. It is Democrat Hillary Clinton who threatens to "obliterate" that nation if it attacks not America, but a far distant allied state, one already nuclear-armed and well able to defend itself. Both of the dominant political parties are war parties. ..."
Read the rest because it ain't our America anymore, Kansans! Let's take it back!
Can't read anymore? Listen to an Anti-war Radio interview with the book's author, Bill Kauffman here.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
March to War in Lebanon? - by Ron Paul
This too is Obama's fault?
While every racist in the country crawls from under their consumption-soaked, NASCAR reality tee vee radiated brain fart over Obama. Gender-obsessed Bush-lite Hillary supporters, included. Here is a courageous speech from the floor of the U. S. House of Representatives by a "non-interventionist" Republican, of all people. And not one goddamnable ass-kissing Bushevik or go with the flow dead fish Democrat in Kansas is listening, reading or thinking anymore. Read it now!
VHeadline Venezuela News: Nikolas Kosloff: US Military Bases in South America ... controversy Over Guajira
Left Brain Kansas: You gotta watch this from beginning to end...
t r u t h o u t | John Cusack's War
WOW! ... t r u t h o u t ... BLOOMS!
For His Treatment of Children in the `War on Terror,' Bush is a War Criminal | This Can't Be Happening!
Dave Lindorff begins with: "Surely nothing that President Bush has done in his two wretched terms of office—not the invasion and destruction of Iraq, not the overturning of the five-centuries-old tradition of habeas corpus, not his authorization and encouragement of torture, not his campaign of domestic spying—nothing, can compare in its ugliness to his approval, as commander in chief, of the imprisoning of over 2500 children. ..." Read it and think!
Energy Watchdog Warns Of Oil-Production Crunch - WSJ.com
Roslyn Zinn, 85; Blended Social Activism With The Arts
Another Johnson County Bushevik sucking up to wealth and power, dumps official duties.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Guns or Gas? At least they didn't mix God in it, yet.
Dr. Bill Roy: "The Only Way to Express Our Grief?"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Oil Drum | Hirsch on CNBC: Peak oil problem "as massive as one can possibly imagine"
I remember well the hecklers here in Jefferson county, Kansas when I distributed the Flyer over two years ago with "peak oil" warnings plastered all over it - a couple scoffed and threw them in the trash - daring me to argue with them. Nope, just get along little doggie on to the next drop-off.
Also a T. Boone Pickens follow-up after this video, click here.
Monday, May 19, 2008
It's right to rebel!

They hate us for our freedoms?"
Juan Crow: The Deep South's New Second-Class Citizens | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Protest Camps Form Against American Military Bases in Japan and Italy
Kelpie Wilson | Peak Oil and Politicians
Robert Parry: "The Bushes and Hitler's Appeasement"
Long ago in my hometown, LeRoy, Ks., nearly every year around this time - as the school year closed and summer vacation began I would spend long afternoons and evenings with my paternal grandmother. She and I would talk about life in LeRoy during her, now distant and largely forgotten past in the town.
She by her own words came, "from the wrong side of the railroad tracks" meaning
She was one of the few women who wore pants on Main Street, played in one of the first women's high school basketball teams during the twenties and made her own way. Reclusive, opinionated and fiercely independent I always enjoyed questioning her of life in her early days. Once when sitting in the shade sipping ice tea she described life during the Great Depression and one comment she made rings true today.
She said, "Mike, we knew it was coming long before it happened. Those business men in New York City jumping out of the windows and killing themselves and the market crashing, really was just a date to mark on your calender. We knew it was coming a long time before that happened. Poor people could tell because food was getting harder and harder to come by, long before the bankers started yelling about it."
I think we are again in similar times. We just haven't seen the big shots taking the big leaps, yet.
While President George W. Bush was traveling around the Middle East this last week; defending an illegally nuclear armed Israel, while begging for an attack on Iran (always good for our bloodsoaked military-industrial economy), begging for oil production spikes with the Saudis royals (what an amnesiac Republican, sucking ass with monarchs ), and scolding a loyal despot (we've sold Eygpt arms for decades) about democracy - I note that we have a propaganda soaked imperialist war before the onset of this "Great Depression." It took a five year world war to claw our way out of the first "Great Depression" and now in contradiction, we've had a six year and counting phony "Global War on Terror" bankrupting us into a new Great Depression.
And now the great investigative journalist Robert Parry reminds us with:
"The irony of George W. Bush going before the Knesset and mocking the late Sen. William Borah for expressing surprise at Adolf Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland is that Bush’s own family played a much bigger role assisting the Nazis. If Borah, an isolationist Republican from Idaho, sounded naïve saying 'Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided,' then what should be said about Bush’s grandfather and other members of his family providing banking and industrial assistance to the Nazis as they built their war machine in the 1930s? ..."
And what can be said about Cheney, the Neocons and the Big Energy cabal today?
Read more of Parry's shade tree lesson in history at: Consortiumnews.com
Holy Warriors in the U.S. military?
Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before it’s too late?
With McCain on hand, knives won't cut it at massive NRA gunfest
Keep reading
Tehran Times : Iran busts CIA terror network
Asia Times Online :: Gareth Porter: "U.S. plot to nail Iran backfires"
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Official Site for War, Inc - In Theaters May 23!
Revolution Radio Playlist for Blue Barn Radio 18/May/08
New shows updated regularly at the title link and they have an email at: musicagainstcapitalism@gmail.com
16. Rapaces - Un système d'esclaves et de boss
17. Lila Downs - El Bracero Fracasado
18. Asian Dub Foundation - Naxalite
19. Subversivos - A internacional ("L'Internationale" Portuguese version)
20. Lamb Of God - Boot Scraper
21. Purgjen - Rabotejshen = Digradejshen
22. P.O.W.E.R. - Class War
23. L'Internationale
24. Afrika - Revolution
25. Blind Pigs - Capitalist Myth
26. Jeunesse Apatride - À ma révolution
27. Commandantes - Die Internationale ("L'Internationale" German version)
28. Randy - Proletarian hop
29. Z.E.N. - Abba oa Jeon Tae-il
30. Kalash de la Sombra - State and Revolution
This is the second hour of the special May 1st International Workers Day broadcast. I'll play hour three before the month is up. Many thanks to them for this segment - and go to their site and check out all the downloads available for the clicking. Go to Revolution Radio Now!
Want Cheaper Gas and Oil? End the Damned Wars! | This Can't Be Happening!
Dave Lindorff writes: "Americans are in a panic over rising gas and heating oil prices, and with reason. For months, the price of a barrel of crude oil has been rising steadily, hitting a record $127 yesterday. Analysts keep getting trotted out on TV and in print, attributing the dramatic price rise to everything from “peak oil”—the idea that producing countries have reached their peak of productive capacity, and that the only direction for oil supplies looking forward is down, while demand continues to rise—to increasing demand in China and India, to supply bottlenecks, to specific news events, like a pipeline break in Nigeria, or a closed refinery in California. ..." Read the rest because It's Happening!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 05/16/2008 | Bush visit to Israel revives talk of a strike on Iran
Chasing Utopia, Family Imagines No Possessions - CommonDreams.org
Friday, May 16, 2008
True Majority "Don't Bomb Iran"
What Michael Pollan Hasn't Told You About Food
Stan Cox: Big Brother Close Up
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hillary Clinton, John McCain and the "Stupid" Vote | This Can't Be Happening!
He wrote the book with Barbara Olshansky "The Case for Impeachment" and collected over 1500 people to dump their Democrat Party membership in protest of it's leadership stonewalling throwing President Bush out of office.
Dave Lindorff is hitting home with how stupid many faux "conservatives" in Kansas are. They have been fooled by elitest scumsuckers in the central banks and transnational corporate CEOs. And all it took was the Holy Bible and the Grand Old Flag.
90% of Kansas conservatives don't even know where the word "republican" came from. Republicans were chopping off the heads of royalty less than two hundred years ago. Hated large governments with huge armies and rioted against monopoly capitalism. Forget all that, suck ass with anybody pounding the pulpits for the Pentagon, endless wars for energy resources and empire. FORGET HISTORY, trash brained amnesiacs!
Where are the Republicans now? "Stupid" is too polite of a word to use, but read his article anyway.
Paul Craig Roberts: How Empires Fall
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Grow up, act like an adult ... with Pat Condell
Survey: Gulf Between Democracy in Theory and Practice - by Jim Lobe
The civilizing effect of democracy and resistance is about to get a big worldwide shot in the arm with energy resource depletion and the economic colla

US confession: Weapons were not made in Iran after all | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
Gary Leupp: Why All of Our Efforts Won't Stop an Attack on Iran
Keep reading
Monday, May 12, 2008
Blast kills Gaza teacher in front of her children - Middle East, World - The Independent
Independent News Analyst Eric Margolis - TODAY!
Truthdig - Reports - Taking a Stand Against War
New Statesman - Noam Chomsky on 1968
John Bellamy Foster: "The Financialization of Capital and the Crisis" - Monthly Review -
Full Service Medical Adoption Agency
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Feminist Peace Network » Arise Then Women Of This Day!
Mother’s Day 2008: Peaceful Idealism v. Political Pragmatism by Cindy Sheehan
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil
At the summons of war,
Let women now leave all that may be left of home
For a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
Whereby the great human family can live in peace…
(From Julia Ward Howe’s 1870 Mother’s Day Proclamation)
Keep reading
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tomgram: Michael Klare, America Out of Gas
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
The American Conservative » War With Iran Might Be Closer Than You Think
Friday, May 09, 2008
"Bunker Hill" Premier this weekend at Liberty Hall, Lawrence, Ks.
Now appearing at Brave New Film!
Wind Energy in the News | FSRN (download, 4 mins)
Binoy Kampmark: Food Riots are Coming to the U.S.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
U.S. lease of Waterloo fairgrounds raises questions | DesMoinesRegister.com
Grassroot blogging - a dirty slog, but somebody must do it in Kansas!
Who says you can't take apart a Republican demagogue one sentence at a time? A new blog that's just starting out for the 4th district called, Doo Dah Blue, is ripping on a certain Wichita state senator, and I can't help but wonder how many she's gonna fool with this red, white and blue line of misinformation! Not Doo Dah Blue, worth a bookmark and a following.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Left Brain Kansas: "Loving Democrats means never having to say you're sorry?"
Left Brain Kansas is a new blog shaping up about Kansas politics that wants to be smarter than the usual Democrat or Republican cheerleading squads that seem to dominant the local blogosphere. Aren't you tired of being treated like an idiot?

Sometimes when reading the Dems' blogs, I get all drippy and sentimental - crying over the keyboard, shorting out the circuits, sobbing over lost loves to a Willie Nelson song. The Dems keep trying to claim the mantle of the grassroots, just like the anti-choice, 'love it or leave it' Christian Empire wingnuts now controlling the Republican Party in Kansas.
"Left" is more than being a "Democrat" and in Kansas it certainly doesn't mean being "smart." Just look at how they gushed over former KSAG Paul Morrison, and how quickly they dropped him into the garbage bucket. Unlike Kansas Republicans who stubbornly cling to the snickering weasel, JoCo county attorney Phill Kline, even to the point of giving him that cherry job. Ever seen a super-nova explode in front of your face? Watch what's happening to the Republican Party in Kansas - it's happening all over the country.
Here's a listing of the state legislators voting on the Holcomb coal-electric plants, courtesy Left Brain Kansas - those voting "yes" were trying to override the governor's veto. Check where your legislator is on the list. If he/she is on the list voting "yes" consider talking trash on them at the coffee bars and be sure to tell'em you want them out of office.
Republicans voting yes: Aurand, Beamer, Bethell, Bowers, Brown, Brunk, Burgess, Carlson, Colyer, Craft, Crum, Dahl, Donohoe, Faber, Fund, George, Goico, Gordon, Grange, Hayzlett, Hill, Carl Holmes, Mitch Holmes, Horst, Huebert, Humerickhouse, Johnson, Kelley, Kelsey, Kiegerl, King, Kinzer, Knox, Landwehr, Light, Mast, Masterson, McLeland, Merrick, Jim Morrison, Moxley, Myers, Neufeld, Olson, O'Neal, Otto, Owens, Patton, Peck, Powell, Powers, Proehl, Rhoades, Roth, Schroeder, Schwartz, Shultz, Siegfreid, Sloan, Swanson, Tafanelli, Vickrey, Watkins, Whitham, Wilk, William Wolf and Yoder.
Republicans voting no: Colloton, Hodge, Huntington, Metsker, Judy Morrison, Pottorff, Quigley, Spalding, Swenson, Kay Wolf and

Democrats voting yes: Feuerborn, Gatewood, Grant, Hawk, Lukert, McKinney, Palmer, Pauls, Peterson, Phelps, Ruff, Wetta and Williams.
Democrats voting no: Ballard, Burroughs, Carlin, Crow, Davis, Dillmore, Faust-Goudeau, Flaharty, Flora, Frownfelter, Garcia, Goyle, Henderson, Henry, Holland, Kuether, Lane, Loganbill, Long, Mah, McCray-Miller, McLachlan, Menghini, Neighbor, Rardin, Ruiz, Sawyer, Storm, Svaty, Tietze, Treaster, Trimmer, Ward and Winn.
Also love means never having to say we're sorry about stopping the upcoming construction of a biological weapons lab being porked over for Manhattan, KS. Another shady "bi-partisan" blood deal under the "Tell'em it means MORE JOBS" tag! Aren't you tired of being treated like some short-sighted selfish fool grabbing at every shiny trinket waved before our faces?
The historical "breadbasket of the world" looks now to the world as a dumbass ethanol corn crowd for global famine. Talk about stupid is as stupid does, both parties went hog wild over that one - and sold it in a red, white and blue package as "our" part in the phony Global War on Terror! And all those $100,000 tractor farmers agreed and humbly took their subsidy checks. Breaking the Big Energy monopolies in Kansas is going to take some real grassroot guts and brains - qualities that are sorely lacking in the bi-partisan leadership in Topeka, Ks.
Energy autonomy begins with every home, farm, village and community - generating electricity with abundant Kansas solar and wind and selling it back to the utility companies. It is going to end with all of us being "off the grid" sooner rather than later - and producing and promoting local food sources. All of us, better get to work!

The elected officials in Topeka and Washington think we are blind, deaf and dumb!
Check in frequently at Left Brain Kansas and make'em work. Tell'em "thank you" for providing the list above.
TV News Blackout on Pentagon Pundits
Marie-Beatrice Baudet | Six Crises That Jostle the World
» Beyond Problems: Into Brainstorming Creative Solutions for Change
Monday, May 05, 2008
"This project was the FIRST in the United States rejected solely on the threat of CO2 and climate change concerns. Look at little old Kansas leading the way. We have one person to thank for this and that is our Governor, Kathleen Sebelius. .."
That's Daily Kos gushing over Sebelius, pissing on grassroots actions, just Democrats there - pumping the guv for vice - president. Here's how they described the determined work of politically diverse environmental and rural farm constituents from the grassroots:
Mary Pitt: "The Goldwater Girl and Other Changelings"

Sunday, May 04, 2008
International Workers' Day - West Coast Longshore Union 1-day Strike!

A reader forwards this great slide show of the anti-war demonstrations surrounding the strike action by west coast dock workers. Democracy Now! interviews union official - war, economy, racism and impeachment are the issues!
Where the May Day music came from on Blue Barn Radio!
1. Táng Cháo - Yīngtènàxióngnài'ěr ("L'Internationale" Chinese version)
2. The Strike - Shots Heard 'Round The World
3. Boysetsfire - The Force Majeure
4. Blue Scholars - Proletariat Blues
5. Al-lumumiyeh ("L'Internationale" Arabic version)

6. The (International) Noise Conspiracy - Communist Moon
7. The Kieran Ridge Band - Laborer's Blues
8. Kadena - Welga
9. Maxx Klaxon - Internationale 2000 ("L'Internationale" new English version)
10. Red Shadow (The Economics Rock & Roll Band) - Understanding Marx
11. Four Letter Words - Kill My Boss
12. The Coup - 5 Million Ways to Kill a C.E.O.
13. System Of A Down - P.L.U.C.K.
14. Tetsuya Daiku - Intonasyonaalu ("L'Internationale" Japanese version)
15. Claudes Claudes - Mao Mao
Don't click this link until you've got your speakers ready.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
FAIR: M$Media 'mission accomplished' moment - 'The Final Word Is Hooray!'
Dave Lindorff: "The Bush Family Latin Real Estate Investment - the getaway that got away?"
Lindorff writes: "Back in late 2006, it was widely reported in the Latin American media that President Bush, or perhaps his old man, had bought a 100,000-acre farm in a remote area of Paraguay. What struck people at the time was the choice of country. Paraguay, of course, has gained a certain Club Med status among the world's villains and criminal elements as the place to go when the law's on your tail. The country, ruled for six decades by the dictatorial and fascist Colorado Party of Gen. Alfredo Stroesser, an almost cartoon charicature of a Latin American dictator, has no extradition treaty with any nation. ..." Keep reading!
Dr. Bill Blum: "Anti - Empire Report, May 1, 2008"

Dockworkers take May Day off, idling all West Coast ports - Los Angeles Times
Friday, May 02, 2008
Question: "What are greenwashers?"
Michael Hudson: "The Fed Sinks the Dollar"
Former head economist for the Kucinich campaign and pathbreaking analyst on FIRE (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate)

Too Much: A Commentary on Excess and Inequality
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Mike Whitney: "Global Famine? Blame the Fed"
Dr. Chalmers Johnson: "Teaching Imperialism 101" or "How to make the eagles scream."
Read the latest from Dr. Johnson, a book review of a book about the Rand Corporation. Got it? Well here's a video above for those too busy to stop and smell the coffee this morning. You know who you are, too lazy and stupid to think for yourselves - way, way out here in Jesus country. Take the time, smell the roses and have a cup of coffee, watch the video.
Did you ask? Well, here's my favorite quote from this article:
"Albert Wohlstetter was born and raised in Manhattan and studied mathematics at the City College of New York and Columbia University. Like many others of that generation, he was very much on the left and, according to research by Abella, was briefly a member of a communist splinter group, the League for a Revolutionary Workers Party. He avoided being ruined in later years by Senator Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover's FBI because, as Daniel Ellsberg told Abella, the evidence had disappeared. In 1934, the leader of the group was moving the Party's records to new offices and had rented a horse-drawn cart to do so. At a Manhattan intersection, the horse died, and the leader promptly fled the scene, leaving all the records to be picked up and disposed of by the New York City sanitation department. .."
Additional and pertinent to Dr. Johnson's latest!
A "Quote of the Week" from the Peak Oil Study newsletter:
"Our candid advice to the oil majors is that they should not waste their time repairing any lines as we will continue to sabotage them. We have time on our side and there is so much to be destroyed." - Nigerian militant spokesman Jomo Gbomo
And before I forget it, another short primer (50min.) video, below, for the dysfunctionally retired as still more homework for this coming weekend. Just in case you missed it a couple years ago. And in Kansas, you did.
You'll learn some surprising facts about the history of the "Military Petroleum Complex" as well as a refresher on "blowback" and 9/11.
Oh yes, and maybe memory loss is setting in, but before I forget, back to reading Teaching Imperialism 101 at Tom's Dispatch!
Now do your homework, fellow readers - send the link along to those relatives and friends who "just don't get it" and to those you still love and care about. I must take a break and get involved in some serious garden and poultry issues here at our tiny farm. Until Saturday late night at Blue Barn Radio, ciao, and have a great May Day, the old forgotten International Workers' Day! Remember?