Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton, John McCain and the "Stupid" Vote | This Can't Be Happening!

image hat tip: Pat Condell


I'm looking through the window of the mud shack to learn what this smart guy is writing about.
He wrote the book with Barbara Olshansky "The Case for Impeachment" and collected over 1500 people to dump their Democrat Party membership in protest of it's leadership stonewalling throwing President Bush out of office.

Dave Lindorff is hitting home with how stupid many faux "conservatives" in Kansas are. They have been fooled by elitest scumsuckers in the central banks and transnational corporate CEOs. And all it took was the Holy Bible and the Grand Old Flag.

90% of Kansas conservatives don't even know where the word "republican" came from. Republicans were chopping off the heads of royalty less than two hundred years ago. Hated large governments with huge armies and rioted against monopoly capitalism. Forget all that, suck ass with anybody pounding the pulpits for the Pentagon, endless wars for energy resources and empire. FORGET HISTORY, trash brained amnesiacs!

Where are the Republicans now? "Stupid" is too polite of a word to use, but read his article anyway.
Here's an excerpt from Dave's latest: "I want to be clear here from the start: there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Stupidity is a lack of intelligence. But even here, there are subsets. Some ignorance results from a lack of access to knowledge, while some is the result of a laziness or unwillingness to learn. Some stupidity is the result of some genetic or nutritional deficiency or perhaps of some abuse or lack of care or attention during early childhood, while some is the result of mental laziness or a willful desire not to think. ..." Read more at: This Can't Be Happening!
Why? Because it is happening! And Dave is coming to Blue Barn Radio very soon!

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