Long ago in my hometown, LeRoy, Ks., nearly every year around this time - as the school year closed and summer vacation began I would spend long afternoons and evenings with my paternal grandmother. She and I would talk about life in LeRoy during her, now distant and largely forgotten past in the town.
She by her own words came, "from the wrong side of the railroad tracks" meaning
She was one of the few women who wore pants on Main Street, played in one of the first women's high school basketball teams during the twenties and made her own way. Reclusive, opinionated and fiercely independent I always enjoyed questioning her of life in her early days. Once when sitting in the shade sipping ice tea she described life during the Great Depression and one comment she made rings true today.
She said, "Mike, we knew it was coming long before it happened. Those business men in New York City jumping out of the windows and killing themselves and the market crashing, really was just a date to mark on your calender. We knew it was coming a long time before that happened. Poor people could tell because food was getting harder and harder to come by, long before the bankers started yelling about it."
I think we are again in similar times. We just haven't seen the big shots taking the big leaps, yet.
While President George W. Bush was traveling around the Middle East this last week; defending an illegally nuclear armed Israel, while begging for an attack on Iran (always good for our bloodsoaked military-industrial economy), begging for oil production spikes with the Saudis royals (what an amnesiac Republican, sucking ass with monarchs ), and scolding a loyal despot (we've sold Eygpt arms for decades) about democracy - I note that we have a propaganda soaked imperialist war before the onset of this "Great Depression." It took a five year world war to claw our way out of the first "Great Depression" and now in contradiction, we've had a six year and counting phony "Global War on Terror" bankrupting us into a new Great Depression.
And now the great investigative journalist Robert Parry reminds us with:
"The irony of George W. Bush going before the Knesset and mocking the late Sen. William Borah for expressing surprise at Adolf Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland is that Bush’s own family played a much bigger role assisting the Nazis. If Borah, an isolationist Republican from Idaho, sounded naïve saying 'Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided,' then what should be said about Bush’s grandfather and other members of his family providing banking and industrial assistance to the Nazis as they built their war machine in the 1930s? ..."
And what can be said about Cheney, the Neocons and the Big Energy cabal today?
Read more of Parry's shade tree lesson in history at:
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