Left Brain Kansas is a new blog shaping up about Kansas politics that wants to be smarter than the usual Democrat or Republican cheerleading squads that seem to dominant the local blogosphere. Aren't you tired of being treated like an idiot?

Sometimes when reading the Dems' blogs, I get all drippy and sentimental - crying over the keyboard, shorting out the circuits, sobbing over lost loves to a Willie Nelson song. The Dems keep trying to claim the mantle of the grassroots, just like the anti-choice, 'love it or leave it' Christian Empire wingnuts now controlling the Republican Party in Kansas.
"Left" is more than being a "Democrat" and in Kansas it certainly doesn't mean being "smart." Just look at how they gushed over former KSAG Paul Morrison, and how quickly they dropped him into the garbage bucket. Unlike Kansas Republicans who stubbornly cling to the snickering weasel, JoCo county attorney Phill Kline, even to the point of giving him that cherry job. Ever seen a super-nova explode in front of your face? Watch what's happening to the Republican Party in Kansas - it's happening all over the country.
Here's a listing of the state legislators voting on the Holcomb coal-electric plants, courtesy Left Brain Kansas - those voting "yes" were trying to override the governor's veto. Check where your legislator is on the list. If he/she is on the list voting "yes" consider talking trash on them at the coffee bars and be sure to tell'em you want them out of office.
Republicans voting yes: Aurand, Beamer, Bethell, Bowers, Brown, Brunk, Burgess, Carlson, Colyer, Craft, Crum, Dahl, Donohoe, Faber, Fund, George, Goico, Gordon, Grange, Hayzlett, Hill, Carl Holmes, Mitch Holmes, Horst, Huebert, Humerickhouse, Johnson, Kelley, Kelsey, Kiegerl, King, Kinzer, Knox, Landwehr, Light, Mast, Masterson, McLeland, Merrick, Jim Morrison, Moxley, Myers, Neufeld, Olson, O'Neal, Otto, Owens, Patton, Peck, Powell, Powers, Proehl, Rhoades, Roth, Schroeder, Schwartz, Shultz, Siegfreid, Sloan, Swanson, Tafanelli, Vickrey, Watkins, Whitham, Wilk, William Wolf and Yoder.
Republicans voting no: Colloton, Hodge, Huntington, Metsker, Judy Morrison, Pottorff, Quigley, Spalding, Swenson, Kay Wolf and
Democrats voting yes: Feuerborn, Gatewood, Grant, Hawk, Lukert, McKinney, Palmer, Pauls, Peterson, Phelps, Ruff, Wetta and Williams.
Democrats voting no: Ballard, Burroughs, Carlin, Crow, Davis, Dillmore, Faust-Goudeau, Flaharty, Flora, Frownfelter, Garcia, Goyle, Henderson, Henry, Holland, Kuether, Lane, Loganbill, Long, Mah, McCray-Miller, McLachlan, Menghini, Neighbor, Rardin, Ruiz, Sawyer, Storm, Svaty, Tietze, Treaster, Trimmer, Ward and Winn.
Also love means never having to say we're sorry about stopping the upcoming construction of a biological weapons lab being porked over for Manhattan, KS. Another shady "bi-partisan" blood deal under the "Tell'em it means MORE JOBS" tag! Aren't you tired of being treated like some short-sighted selfish fool grabbing at every shiny trinket waved before our faces?
The historical "breadbasket of the world" looks now to the world as a dumbass ethanol corn crowd for global famine. Talk about stupid is as stupid does, both parties went hog wild over that one - and sold it in a red, white and blue package as "our" part in the phony Global War on Terror! And all those $100,000 tractor farmers agreed and humbly took their subsidy checks. Breaking the Big Energy monopolies in Kansas is going to take some real grassroot guts and brains - qualities that are sorely lacking in the bi-partisan leadership in Topeka, Ks.
Energy autonomy begins with every home, farm, village and community - generating electricity with abundant Kansas solar and wind and selling it back to the utility companies. It is going to end with all of us being "off the grid" sooner rather than later - and producing and promoting local food sources. All of us, better get to work!

The elected officials in Topeka and Washington think we are blind, deaf and dumb!
Left Brain Kansas is a new blog shaping up about Kansas politics that wants to be smarter than the usual Democrat or Republican cheerleading squads that seem to dominant the local blogosphere. Aren't you tired of being treated like an idiot?

Sometimes when reading the Dems' blogs, I get all drippy and sentimental - crying over the keyboard, shorting out the circuits, sobbing over lost loves to a Willie Nelson song. The Dems keep trying to claim the mantle of the grassroots, just like the anti-choice, 'love it or leave it' Christian Empire wingnuts now controlling the Republican Party in Kansas.
"Left" is more than being a "Democrat" and in Kansas it certainly doesn't mean being "smart." Just look at how they gushed over former KSAG Paul Morrison, and how quickly they dropped him into the garbage bucket. Unlike Kansas Republicans who stubbornly cling to the snickering weasel, JoCo county attorney Phill Kline, even to the point of giving him that cherry job. Ever seen a super-nova explode in front of your face? Watch what's happening to the Republican Party in Kansas - it's happening all over the country.
Here's a listing of the state legislators voting on the Holcomb coal-electric plants, courtesy Left Brain Kansas - those voting "yes" were trying to override the governor's veto. Check where your legislator is on the list. If he/she is on the list voting "yes" consider talking trash on them at the coffee bars and be sure to tell'em you want them out of office.
Republicans voting yes: Aurand, Beamer, Bethell, Bowers, Brown, Brunk, Burgess, Carlson, Colyer, Craft, Crum, Dahl, Donohoe, Faber, Fund, George, Goico, Gordon, Grange, Hayzlett, Hill, Carl Holmes, Mitch Holmes, Horst, Huebert, Humerickhouse, Johnson, Kelley, Kelsey, Kiegerl, King, Kinzer, Knox, Landwehr, Light, Mast, Masterson, McLeland, Merrick, Jim Morrison, Moxley, Myers, Neufeld, Olson, O'Neal, Otto, Owens, Patton, Peck, Powell, Powers, Proehl, Rhoades, Roth, Schroeder, Schwartz, Shultz, Siegfreid, Sloan, Swanson, Tafanelli, Vickrey, Watkins, Whitham, Wilk, William Wolf and Yoder.
Republicans voting no: Colloton, Hodge, Huntington, Metsker, Judy Morrison, Pottorff, Quigley, Spalding, Swenson, Kay Wolf and

Democrats voting yes: Feuerborn, Gatewood, Grant, Hawk, Lukert, McKinney, Palmer, Pauls, Peterson, Phelps, Ruff, Wetta and Williams.
Democrats voting no: Ballard, Burroughs, Carlin, Crow, Davis, Dillmore, Faust-Goudeau, Flaharty, Flora, Frownfelter, Garcia, Goyle, Henderson, Henry, Holland, Kuether, Lane, Loganbill, Long, Mah, McCray-Miller, McLachlan, Menghini, Neighbor, Rardin, Ruiz, Sawyer, Storm, Svaty, Tietze, Treaster, Trimmer, Ward and Winn.
Also love means never having to say we're sorry about stopping the upcoming construction of a biological weapons lab being porked over for Manhattan, KS. Another shady "bi-partisan" blood deal under the "Tell'em it means MORE JOBS" tag! Aren't you tired of being treated like some short-sighted selfish fool grabbing at every shiny trinket waved before our faces?
The historical "breadbasket of the world" looks now to the world as a dumbass ethanol corn crowd for global famine. Talk about stupid is as stupid does, both parties went hog wild over that one - and sold it in a red, white and blue package as "our" part in the phony Global War on Terror! And all those $100,000 tractor farmers agreed and humbly took their subsidy checks. Breaking the Big Energy monopolies in Kansas is going to take some real grassroot guts and brains - qualities that are sorely lacking in the bi-partisan leadership in Topeka, Ks.
Energy autonomy begins with every home, farm, village and community - generating electricity with abundant Kansas solar and wind and selling it back to the utility companies. It is going to end with all of us being "off the grid" sooner rather than later - and producing and promoting local food sources. All of us, better get to work!

The elected officials in Topeka and Washington think we are blind, deaf and dumb!
Turn on them! Bite their corrupt war-mongering hands, help yourself and the neighbors - pull the government jack boot off each neck. Stand up, read their tax hiking lips and bust'em in the nose, tell them we do not need their bloody governments!
Never forget this ancient creed! The governments need our blood, sweat and tears, and all our sons and daughters blood, sweat and tears, more than we need them. We need to fight tooth and claw to reclaim that historical high ground, again!
Check in frequently at Left Brain Kansas and make'em work. Tell'em "thank you" for providing the list above.
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