"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Friday, February 29, 2008
Mary Pitt: "The one truth that must be faced"

Dave Lindorff: "A Manchurian Candidate in the White House?"
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Mohammed Omer: "Mideast: No lovers got these flowers"

Now appearing at Discomfit magazine a real friend of mine who is also struggling for recognition and work. He is now working hard to give us these stories "from the ground" in Rafah, Palestine. A young photojournalist and writer he has sent me this post. Someday we will meet and drink tea. Mohammed, sorry about the delay in the post, keep'em coming! Read his latest from Valentine's Day here.
Still no justice for October 2000 killings, Electronic Intifada, 26 February 2008
Coming soon to a place near you in America!
ENERGY: Investors Warned Against Coal-Fired Power Plants
ENERGY: Investors Warned Against Coal-Fired Power Plants
David Kirby: "The Other Secret Bush Court?"

Next: Innovation Tools & Trends - BusinessWeek
The 2008 TED conference began a couple days ago and here is a blog by Helen Walters about this elite of the "intelligensia" who are looking at the world of "technology, entertainment and design" from "40,000 feet" and a $6,000 entry membership fee. The corporate sponsors alone make me question the whole affair, but nevertheless - I am fascinated at the herd mentality. Read more at BusinessWeek
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Award winning: "Food Chain Radio!!"
A regular source of valuable information for all small farmers and thinking consumers of food. I discovered this website several months ago and hope many of you will bookmark it. Enjoy this particular episode. A question for the day to the Kansas farmers, "Why aren't we getting more involved, and is corn that important?" Title link above will take you to their web's front page, below a download from a recent show on Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) now traveling, again, through congress this year. COOL has been around for over four years, but never enforced. Listen in and find out why.
Show #576: COOL is Coming! - 09-02-2008 (8.48 MB)

Guests: Tom Buis, President, National Farmers Union
Subject: Imagine the surprise when it was revealed that a Taster’s Choice selection for best frozen spinach came from China! And so we ask, “Should manufacturers be forced to reveal a food’s source?”
Topics include a look at who is responsible for the safety of food; why Congress passed the Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling law in 2002; and how industry has prevented the enactment of COOL for the past six years.
Howard Zinn: "Election Madness" | The Progressive Magazine since 1909

Paul Craig Roberts: Lies and Spies
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Jeremy Scahill | The Real Story Behind Kosovo's Independence
Saturday, February 23, 2008
CIA Newest Campus Goes Green Birdseye
So says my ten-year old son today as we discussed the principle of universiality and the ancient history of the Golden Rule. He in many respects is coming of intellectual age, as so many older Americans are, that the torture and extrajudicial imprisonment of prisoners leads to what so many before us have called the 'heart of darkness'. Behold the "greening" of the palaces, while the masses are left to our own primitive devices.
CIA Newest Campus Goes Green Birdseye
Friday, February 22, 2008
Busting little rich Billy Kristol's crystal balls
Mary Pitt: "Sounds of a lifetime"
Kale Baldock: "Book Review - Imperial life in the Emerald City"
Dave Lindorff: "McCain and the lobbyist - Missing the Miss"
As George Stephanopoulos claimed on ABC, the importance of the story depends upon whether McCain is shown to have had a "relationship" with the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman.
But really, who cares whether they were shacking up on the campaign trail? ..." Read more.Smart readers send us news, too!
For the first time since 1967 ambulances could not travel on the road but this time it was due to drastic shortage in fuel supplies. In Rafah, the day before yesterday when some Israeli army units filtered into border areas of Rafah, clashes took place between them and Palestinian militants in the area, ambulances did not work and dead Palestinians and other injured one were moved from the scene on donkey cars and bicycles! Director of Abu Yousul al-Najjar hospital in Rafah said that the quantities of fuel that the government allocates for the hospital are small and barely sufficient to sustain the needs of the hospital building and other necessary needs!
Department of English
Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Al-Azhar University of Gaza
Jason Miller: "Meat's meat ,so let's eat"
--Derrick Jensen
"Canine. It’s what’s for dinner.
We pride ourselves on our devotion to the principle of equality here in the United States, so it’s time to put our values where our mouths are, so to speak. Pigs, chickens, cows, and the like already endure abject suffering so we can consume their flesh, so it is only fair that we include “man’s best friend.” How could they better prove their deep loyalty to us than by sacrificing their lives to feed us? .." [Excerpt ends] Read more from this fine Kansas writer, editor and publisher.
The REAL News: Turkey invades Iraq
IRAQ: In Tatters Beneath a Surge of Claims
Survivors Come Face-to Face with Massacre Leader from Peru in US courts
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
Truthdig - Amy Goodman: "Lessons of the Chesapeake Sweep"
Military Religious Freedom Foundation February Newsletter, Out Now!
Truthdig - Reports - Aboard the Condoleezza Rice
$20 billion arms sales to Mid East: Who benefits?
Everybody knows ... but the Busheviks.
If the Busheviks won't honor subpoenas from Congress, then why do we have to honor subpoenas from the county courthouses? Maybe the whole nation should just stop going to court - start up dueling and joisting as a way to settle disputes. To hell with habeus corpus! You don't say .... why next thing we'll hear about is "controlled drowning" down at the county cop shop. The police were questioning little Johnny so-and-so for stealing a Hershey chocolate bar from the grocery store the other day and... why I didn't know little Johnny was an islamofascist? Did you? Gee, ain't wez gettin' civilized here in the good old U.S. of A.?
This is What A Police State Looks Like
Huckabee to speak in Cayman Islands - Yahoo! News
War criminal's dominatrix bloviates more lies about past lies.
She takes criticism of her "integrity" seriously ... well so do citizens that are fed up with and insulted by the nation's elite and their psychotic spending of taxes toward endless wars ...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Eric Margolis: Europeans see what America cannot
Joe Bageant: Nine Billion Little Feet
Venezuela Threatens to Cut US Oil - CommonDreams.org
Leaving Iraq Will Help Economy
Monday, February 11, 2008
Obama and a Chance for Progressive Change | This Can't Be Happening!
Truthdig - Reports - Kucinich Under Fire
Truthdig: Chris Hedges Reports on "The War Against Tolerance"
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The battle for America has begun.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Salina Artwork

Beginning February 29, 2008
Priti Cox, artist
Acrylic Gouache, medium
McCune Paper Company Bldg.
254 N. Santa Fe
Salina, Kansas
Dr. Bill Roy: "The Religionists' Party of the United States"
Mary Pitt: "Debunking the health care bugaboo"
South Carolina Idgits to invade Berkeley, Ca.?
A reader forwards the uttterances of the dumbed down followers of South Carolina's US Senator Jim Demint as they organize another American fascist fundraising blitz for "Christian" preacher Don Wildmon's cult. Since Berkeley, Ca. city government declared Marine recruiters out of the city limits a howling tongue talking bunch of redneck nutcases have been beating the bars at the local beer holes and sliding off their stools, pissing their pants to stumble into the streets blathering in protest. I know many of them in nearby Potterville, Ks. The oil companies and advertising firms in New York just love it when the Podunks git tah killin' each other. It's the perfect "economic stimulus package" for the country as it sinks into Depression - "bribe one half of the poor to kill off the other half." Jesus said so, they believe it, amen - now let's go kill our neighbors and steal their land.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Mike Whitney: "The Bush Bust of '08: “It's all downhill from here, folks” "
Rethinking The World - The Sixth Extinction: And Then There Were None
Nikolas Kozloff: Hugo Chávez's Coca
The Archdruid Report: Blame it on Gilgamesh
Big Oil's Victory in Venezuela
Thursday, February 07, 2008
10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
To Hell With the Chief! | This Can't Be Happening!
Memories ... t r u t h o u t - Economic 'Armageddon' Predicted
Pressing Issues: Peggy's turn to cry
NBC concurs after complex Dem delegate formula - Mike Allen - Politico.com
The Obama camp now projects topping Clinton by 13 delegates, 847 to 834."
Kansas Rural Center - Newsletter
The Hindu Business Line : Cable cut: Bloggers smell conspiracy
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Ecoshock News: Capitalist Despair & the Climate Crisis
Last week's show of EcoShock had great ear candy. All you James Howard Kunstler fans out there, listen up, he's talking as broadcast 02/Feb/08. A full one hour lecture by the rascal and it is hilarious and thought provoking. Part two with the Q -n- A is scheduled for next week. Jimbo is coming along in his analysis since his book "The Long Emergency" and has recently landed a resident scholar job at a Canadian college. You'll have to listen to the show to know, but suffice it to say that it's a safe bet he'll soon have another email address to swamp since he dumped the last one. Did I tell you that Kunstler's new fiction novel "World Made by Hand" will be out in a month or so?
The Raw Story | Teen charged with possessing weapon of mass destruction: Easter egg
Energy Policy: "Ice Melt Acceleration"
3rd FLAG Undersea Cable Cut, Now Between UAE and Oman
Spencer Museum of Art | Current Exhibitions | Reframing Society: Russian Constructivist Photography

February 2 – May 18, 2008
Following the aftermath of the October Revolution of 1917, Constructivism emerged from within the Russian avant-garde both as an artistic practice and as a term expressing a belief in the birth of a new relationship between the artist and society. In their formally innovative photographs incorporating high or low vantage points, oblique angles, and dramatic diagonal compositions Alexander Rodchenko, Boris Ignatovich, and Georgy Zelma strove to revolutionize their countryman’s visual thinking. These photographers managed to capture through their lenses a changing way of life in the post-revolutionary era. This exhibition of photographs, selected from the Spencer’s permanent collection, seeks to explore how the Constructivist movement—armed with the mission of reinventing Russian society—successfully created images that were strongly rooted in design while reflecting the distinctive characteristics of Soviet life.
This exhibition is organized by Spencer Museum of Art Photography Intern Ellen Raimond in conjunction with the exhibition El Lissitzky: Futurist Portfolios.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Greenback's days in Iran numbered
Middle East Internet Blackouts Spur Geopolitical Suspicions
Three Internet Cables Slashed in a Week: Has Iran lost all Internet Connectivity?
George Bush delivers the Horse's Head by Mike Whitney
Click the title line above and read.
Letter from a Farmer to Kunstler.com
[Excerpt] "... The first reaction to the power emergency took the form of a rush for candles, refilling of gas bottles and the purchasing of generators (if you could get them). Then the complacency set it, business learnt to sit through power outages, retail shops were forced to close their doors for a few hours a day. There was and is a shortage of food supplies, food went bad in the fridges and had to been thrown away. It was kind of charming in a strange kind of way, to eat dinner by candle light and forgo the ‘soapies’ on TV. Traffic lights were out over a large number of suburbs and delays in getting to business meetings became the norm. The schools are unable to teach a full day’s lesson. The internet service providers and the mobile phone companies’ frequently have service delays or are just plain ‘off line’. The battery runs out on your laptop and that’s the days productive work is over until the power is back on…Patients in ICU or undergoing operations, as the power grid went down, were at risk of and did, die. ..."
Get used to it and count those potholes. Read about how South Africa has already entered a "premature Long Emergency" Letter from a Farmer to Kunstler.com
George Monbiot: "The tipping point of global warming"
Bemidji Pioneer | Letter: Religious fanatics abound in Kansas, attack doctor
A Republican, busts the Big Repubs and Pelosi ... a must watch, for all Americans!
How much information do you need to support busting these people? This guy worked for the Department of Justice under Reagan - he's a strict conservative constitutional lawyer, had a first hand drafting into the Clinton impeachment articles. How much information do you need before you support immediate impeachment hearings? He is the first guy to lay this out so clearly and plainly about the Big Dems, by name - Pelosi and why she and other Big Dems are actually complicit in this Big Lie to Americans. It's less than ten minutes fer Chrissakes, you endure more commercials to watch crapola cable television, please watch it and psssssst .... do something!
Amazing analysis of Bush's SOTU ...
An Intelligent and candid talk from "Hanoi Jane's" first ex-husband.
Most everybody out here in NE Kansas love to hate this guy, but he is talking very clearly about the future war policy of the US elites. I encourage you to watch this; Democrat, Republican or Independent - it's that important. A replay of the murderous death-squad solution of "Central America" in the 80s, or Operation Phoenix and the self -annihilation of the "native" populations - it's ugly and very truthful.
Super Bowl, Super Tuesday ... What's the difference?
While the nation's Attention Deficit population is hypnotized on such amusements like the War Parties' presidential political horse races, or most recently The Super Bowl, the most effective attention getter for our imperialist nation of advertisement saturated amnesiacs will be the crushing and grinding down of their economy.
I will tell you what Klare is too professional to write, that a silent and inevitable downward spiral from recession and energy fuel price disparities to further and more prolonged financial crisis is already taking place.
The country is already in "recession" no matter how guarded the media pundits and "experts" avoid use of such a fearsome word. This too, like peak oil, will be more accurately viewed "in the rear view mirror." Barring another national emergency, the much fear-filled audiences to our paranoic leaders complete with their penchant for martial law, hidden prison camps and secret government it's now a safe bet that by next year this time we'll all look back and wonder how we could have been so stupid and so selfish?
Can dumb get dumbed down any more? You betcha! Anything's possible in the Good Old much a feared U. S. A.! All those hope-filled Democrats for a long anticipated "Change" might get surprised with Bush addressing Congress the day after he bombs Iran, or say Syria, or Pakistan and declares a fear-filled national emergency to a country full of terrorized citizens, scared standing in their shit filled boots and piss stained pants, hoarding every gas tank and can available as he suspends the 2008 elections unless and until the Busheviks decide it's safe!
The next ninety or so days will either be marked by yet another military catastrophe in Iran or say, Pakistan which will push the economy over the brink and into free fall, or continued energy price increases which will assuredly pull us arrogantly, fitfully into realizing that a hybrid of the last Great Depression is around us.
The current administration and congress are already honing a record busting deficit budget, allowing over $400 bln (that's excluding the costs of the continued occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan) in the red. Read Klare's latest and be sure to follow his embedded links contained within the article, it might help the hyperindividualized American readers to "grow up."
It's over, get over it - do not hesitate to agitate your neighbors, your civic leaders, your local business people, in short every home, neighborhood, village to get as energy autonomous as possible - including local food production. Learn from your ancestors that survived the Great Depression of the last century, their food storage techniques, their food growing techniques using little if any petroleum energy ... the world we live in, is going to get very small, very quickly.
At the very least, for the cheapest of home budgets - start finding, purchasing a small solar panel system that will charge a few car batteries to charge still more small rechargeable battery powered home appliances, laptop computers, lamps and a small refrigerator. Make it a home project to start on - right now, before Spring comes and the energy independent food garden takes up you and yours precious time.
Oh did I forget to mention that a socialistic economic and political revolution would help the country? Of course that is distant remote possibility, alright it's impossible. How about an honest bunch of national leaders ready to initiate a huge national industrialized energy independence movement? How about a massive diversion of spending from military expenditures toward national energy autonomy? Is it too much to hope for Boeing in Wichita, Ks., or GM in Detroit to crank out home energy autonomy survival kits, or thousands of electric vehicles and railroad engines, instead of jet bombers and tanks? Think WWII, then hopefully, think again.
Would that soften the landing? Maybe, but that would be way too much to hope for from the country's people - too rational of a life-style change for the everyday "normal" hyperindividualized American citizen.
Well, I tried, once again. Gotta quit all that "hope" and "change" talk so well advertised nowadays. Super Bowl, Super Tuesday ... what's the difference?
While you are silently cussing me for writing the above, please read: Michael T. Klare | How Oil Burst the American Bubble
Alexander Cockburn: Hot Democratic Properties
Wars Dwarf Warming in US Budget
The Raw Story | Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian facility bombed by Israel was not nuclear
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Naomi Klein: "Disowned by the Ownership Society"
The Real McCain
Yes Siree, we're gonna need Grandpa ... be jiggety, by Gawd!
Mary Pitt: "Sitting Out the Election"
Dr. Bill Roy: "Federally funded 'faith-based initiatives' not helping the old fashioned American way."
Friday, February 01, 2008
Democracy Now! | The Democrats & Suharto: Bill Clinton & Richard Holbrooke Questioned on Their Support for Brutal Indonesian Dictatorship
Dave Lindorff: "Capitol Crime of the Century: Time for Congress to Stand Up | This Can't Be Happening!"
While President George W. Bush was standing before the members of Congress on January 28 laying out his plans, such as they are, for the final year of his second term in the White House, he was also seriously and perhaps fatally undermining the authority of Congress with a new signing statement, attached to the latest National Defense Authorization Act, in which he declared that he would simply violate or fail to comply with four provisions. ..." Read, This Can't Be Happening!