A regular source of valuable information for all small farmers and thinking consumers of food. I discovered this website several months ago and hope many of you will bookmark it. Enjoy this particular episode. A question for the day to the Kansas farmers, "Why aren't we getting more involved, and is corn that important?" Title link above will take you to their web's front page, below a download from a recent show on Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) now traveling, again, through congress this year. COOL has been around for over four years, but never enforced. Listen in and find out why.
Show #576: COOL is Coming! - 09-02-2008 (8.48 MB)

Guests: Tom Buis, President, National Farmers Union
Subject: Imagine the surprise when it was revealed that a Taster’s Choice selection for best frozen spinach came from China! And so we ask, “Should manufacturers be forced to reveal a food’s source?”
Topics include a look at who is responsible for the safety of food; why Congress passed the Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling law in 2002; and how industry has prevented the enactment of COOL for the past six years.
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