Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl, Super Tuesday ... What's the difference?

Commenting on:
Michael T. Klare's
"How Oil Burst the American Bubble"


While the nation's Attention Deficit population is hypnotized on such amusements like the War Parties' presidential political horse races, or most recently The Super Bowl, the most effective attention getter for our imperialist nation of advertisement saturated amnesiacs will be the crushing and grinding down of their economy.

I will tell you what Klare is too professional to write, that a silent and inevitable downward spiral from recession and energy fuel price disparities to further and more prolonged financial crisis is already taking place.

The country is already in "recession" no matter how guarded the media pundits and "experts" avoid use of such a fearsome word. This too, like peak oil, will be more accurately viewed "in the rear view mirror." Barring another national emergency, the much fear-filled audiences to our paranoic leaders complete with their penchant for martial law, hidden prison camps and secret government it's now a safe bet that by next year this time we'll all look back and wonder how we could have been so stupid and so selfish?

Can dumb get dumbed down any more? You betcha! Anything's possible in the Good Old much a feared U. S. A.! All those hope-filled Democrats for a long anticipated "Change" might get surprised with Bush addressing Congress the day after he bombs Iran, or say Syria, or Pakistan and declares a fear-filled national emergency to a country full of terrorized citizens, scared standing in their shit filled boots and piss stained pants, hoarding every gas tank and can available as he suspends the 2008 elections unless and until the Busheviks decide it's safe!

The next ninety or so days will either be marked by yet another military catastrophe in Iran or say, Pakistan which will push the economy over the brink and into free fall, or continued energy price increases which will assuredly pull us arrogantly, fitfully into realizing that a hybrid of the last Great Depression is around us.

The current administration and congress are already honing a record busting deficit budget, allowing over $400 bln (that's excluding the costs of the continued occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan) in the red. Read Klare's latest and be sure to follow his embedded links contained within the article, it might help the hyperindividualized American readers to "grow up."

It's over, get over it - do not hesitate to agitate your neighbors, your civic leaders, your local business people, in short every home, neighborhood, village to get as energy autonomous as possible - including local food production. Learn from your ancestors that survived the Great Depression of the last century, their food storage techniques, their food growing techniques using little if any petroleum energy ... the world we live in, is going to get very small, very quickly.

At the very least, for the cheapest of home budgets - start finding, purchasing a small solar panel system that will charge a few car batteries to charge still more small rechargeable battery powered home appliances, laptop computers, lamps and a small refrigerator. Make it a home project to start on - right now, before Spring comes and the energy independent food garden takes up you and yours precious time.

Oh did I forget to mention that a socialistic economic and political revolution would help the country? Of course that is distant remote possibility, alright it's impossible. How about an honest bunch of national leaders ready to initiate a huge national industrialized energy independence movement? How about a massive diversion of spending from military expenditures toward national energy autonomy? Is it too much to hope for Boeing in Wichita, Ks., or GM in Detroit to crank out home energy autonomy survival kits, or thousands of electric vehicles and railroad engines, instead of jet bombers and tanks? Think WWII, then hopefully, think again.

Would that soften the landing? Maybe, but that would be way too much to hope for from the country's people - too rational of a life-style change for the everyday "normal" hyperindividualized American citizen.

Well, I tried, once again. Gotta quit all that "hope" and "change" talk so well advertised nowadays. Super Bowl, Super Tuesday ... what's the difference?

While you are silently cussing me for writing the above, please read: Michael T. Klare | How Oil Burst the American Bubble

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