Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Joe Bageant: Nine Billion Little Feet

From his island hut at Hopkins Village, Belize: [Excerpt] "The din of squealing, laughing children is the background white noise of the Third World. In Belize, as in most of the Third World, 45% of all people are under the age of 16. About a dozen of that 45% swarm around me as I cut my toenails under the mango tree. A few are picking on the mangy, quarreling dogs but the majority are drawn in close, giving advice about how to cut gnarly, old man type toenails: "Saw dem off wid a file" seems to be the consensus. ..." continue with: "Nine Billion Little Feet"

1 comment:

ex-mormon missionary said...

This is a really great article. Btw the author died about a year ago, unfortunately