Thursday, October 18, 2007

Daily Kos: Batshit Crazy D.A. sues Planned Parenthood of Kansas

Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline is not crazy, but wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer's hard dollars attacking women wanting access to all forms of birth control. He is carrying out the religious and political will of the Kansas Christian Taliban. Terrorists when out of office, Holier-than-thou thugs when in office. Paul Morrison where is law enforcement when you need them? Kline has abused elected offices since coming into power, Morrison is not carrying out his sworn oaths, he is not pursuing who in Kline's offices leaked private medical records to the media and how Kline illegally got those records. Morrison is quite simply a Republican political opportunist in Democrat clothing. Any Democrat braying for current Attorney General Paul Morrison job performance is a stubborn impotent jackass. Read how Daily Kos, the so-called radicals of the Democrats War Party describe Phill.

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