From the introduction to the program airing throughout this week on PBS: "For three decades Vice President Dick Cheney conducted a secretive, behind-closed-doors campaign to give the president virtually unlimited wartime power. Finally, in the aftermath of 9/11, the Justice Department and the White House made a number of controversial legal decisions. Orchestrated by Cheney and his lawyer David Addington, the department interpreted executive power in an expansive and extraordinary way, granting President George W. Bush the power to detain, interrogate, torture, wiretap and spy -- without congressional approval or judicial review. Now, as the White House appears ready to ignore subpoenas in the investigations over wiretapping and U.S. attorney firings, FRONTLINE examines the battle over the power of the presidency and Cheney's way of looking at the Constitution. ... "

Explore the Frontline site for gobs of intrigue and slime from the rat bastards in the West Wing. Check out Charlie Savage describing Cheney's "secrecy" which sounds more like the activity of an organized crime boss setting up a shakedown syndicate. The lawyers [consiglieri] detail their solemn-like "duties" for the Bushevikis. Savage writes: "Vice President Cheney is an extremely secretive public official. He's talked a lot about the need for preserving candid advice and for not having people prying into affairs that are properly for the president and his men alone. He even said that he himself doesn't write things down, doesn't use e-mail, because he doesn't want to even raise the possibility of a situation in which his actions could someday be exposed, which would then constrain what he wants to do now. ..."
And the stories about the lawyers, the lawyers - yah gotta watch this show. Or ...
Read more and watch on-line.
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