Monday, September 10, 2012

Candace Chellew - Hodge: "Not God's Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U. S. Military" @ Religion Dispatches

Weinstein knew the anguish of his son firsthand, having been threatened and harassed himself over his religion back in 1973 while he himself was a cadet at the Academy.

He founded the MRFF to defend the religious liberty of every service member, fighting not only against anti-Semitism, but to protect who have felt pressured to accept a radical form of Christianity—and to find justice for those who have been assaulted or marginalized within the ranks for resisting the proselytizing.

Don’t get Weinstein wrong. He’s no bleeding heart liberal. He’s a registered Republican, and he worked as the Assistant General Counsel to the White House office of Administration under Ronald Reagan. He has a long history with the military and has seen both his sons, and a daughter-in-law go through the Academy.

The payback for his work with MRFF has come in the form of about a dozen death threats each week, vandalism of his home and other property, poisoned pets and a fairly steady stream of hate mail.

Weinstein recently took some time to talk to me about his work. ...
Read more at Religion Dispatches.

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