Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Lessons of Endless War

A Reader has passed along this notice from the above link: "Andrew Bacevich will discuss his new book -- and the limits of American power in the Bush era -- for a full hour on "Bill Moyers Journal," Friday, August 15th. Don't miss it. ..." It will be better than listening to more supernationalistic guttral chants of "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A." at the international Olympics in totalitarian China. Read more advanced studies at: The Lessons of Endless War

1 comment:

SJ Otto said...

It's been good to hear from you. Looks like your blog is doing very well. I finnally got mine on Lefty blogs.

As for the Rural People's Movement, I'm beginning to wonder of some of these groups are just FBI traps, to pull in new revolutionaries and lead them astray. They are the most exreemist group I've ever read. They even support Pol Pot's four year revolution.

They seem a bit much. I remember the FBI did that to the new left as much as they could.

Well, keep up the good work. You reall have a good set up. I also have a Myspace page, which I sometimes link to my poliltical blog, but I seem to get more readers who like artistic writings, which I usually put on the counter culter blog.

Steve Out