Friday, July 18, 2008

Bring the Troops home NOW! Send them to Detroit and DC!

American electric gearheads talk of running juice back into the grid?

"Neil Young for President!"

Last night the rock musician Neil Young was on the PBS Charlie Rose Show and commented that the energy wars are "going to go on for a long time." Young supports ending the war and impeaching Bush, click his name above for some ear candy while reading the rest of this post.

Young qualified the statement with a discussion about his new project Linc Volt. An effort by him and a team of engineers involved in SAE Energy, including Johnathan Goodwin, Wichita, Ks. to produce a hybrid vehicle out of his old 1960 Lincoln convertible that runs on biodiesel and electricity.

Young at one point revealed in the discussion that his dream was to provide a way for people to still have their large cars and at some point use them to generate electricity to sell back into the grid. The old Lincoln has already been on a test run and almost crashed due to pilot error. Cornucopian dreams that only the wealthy can have? Well check out the links provided and you might be surprised.

As the vid above clearly illustrates electric vehicles are already on the road right now, it's just a matter of getting people to jump into and buy them. List priced at just a little over $10,000 for the little car above, with a 60 mile per charge drive range, it does seem perfect for daily small commutes within a city.

Made and imported on demand from China the batteries are "lithium-ion phosphate" no mention of the pollution involved in making the batteries ... for now.

Rich boys and their toys may offer more than the touchie feelie political campaigns for the sheeple.

The politicians and their damnable "Dr. Phil" moments, make fools of us, but by de-militarizing our national budget - making immediate troop withdrawals and base closures abroad, one big part of Al Gore's Apollo energy mission could be quickly realized in Detroit, instead of worker lay-offs and pension cutbacks for retirees.

Tell the politicians to quit kissing those million dollar wide Chickenhawk asses in "the military-industrial complex."

Take their gawd damn missile, jet and Humvee tank factories from them with the U. S. armed forces and make affordable electric cars to start off on decentralizing energy production and building local autonomy.

The former Enron board member and congressman, Phil Gramm got it wrong with his recent bitching slur, "A nation of whiners!"

We have a nation of whining corporate ass kissers who claim to be our "leaders!"

Are you one of them? Psssssssssssst, do something,

Do I hear, "Neil Young for President?"

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