Friday, July 18, 2008

Could you get away with not showing up for court?

Send the U. S. Marshals after some real trash ... arrest Karl Rove

They call themselves the 'Law and Order' crowd, my ass ...

In all my years of tracking down idiots with a failure to appear (F.T.A.) for civil and criminal courts as a private detective in Kansas and Missouri, serving subpoenas and court summons, I have never seen such a blatant "screw you" allowed to happen.

Karl Rove should be hunted down like a common dead beat street pimp and hauled into the nearest county jail and held without bond for transport to DC to appear before congress.

Where's a good cop when you need'em? Give me the papers and some "go money" and I'll bring him in - for free! What a bunch a lazy, chickensh*t cops we have sitting in courts now days. I can hear the officers now, "oh he's a big shot - can't touch him!"

Bullsh*t! Bust the Big Shots, too! Especially the big 'uns, damn it!

Come on boys, it'll be fun!

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