"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Blue Tide Rising: Smells like Animal House, reads like GOP scandal sheet!
Despite more pop-ups than a cheap skin flick, one gets the feeling that BlueTideRising is the genius spawn from some Animal House bunch of KU radical democrats. Okay, okay they are stuck on the Democratic Party at the grassroots level, or more likely on the rump of a braying mule, but I like'em - whoever they are. They present some pretty damning background on the local brats in the state legislature and - they do make for some fun reading, regularly. Worth the bookmark: BlueTideRising the comments are good, too.
"Terrorphobia" - John Mueller - The American Interest Magazine
The American Conservative: “Message Force Multipliers” and the Handmaidens of Hell
Mary Pitt: "My pastor is holier than yours"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Truthdig - Reports - Hope for Corporate America
Like he said, "Mission Accomplished."
"We're still winning! I think?"
Autonomy begins with food and fuel, as American as homemade apple pie!
The new "energy - centric" world is cascading upon all of us. The "new" economics of hunger, well reported at a recent Truthout post is up! Read it here. And, in case you missed it, Stan Cox's latest on the "greenwashing" of corporations - read it here. And if you can't read, then download an audio file off a great reading and interpretation of Michael T. Klare's latest on "Oil Rules" listen in to the first hour here as an "unwelcome guest."
Truthdig - A/V Booth - Syria: Nukes or Peace?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
McCain campaign gets almost 80% off on Homewood gathering space, plus free labor from Homewood Jail inmates - al.com
Dr. Chalmers Johnson: "Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke" : Information Clearing House - ICH
Saturday, April 26, 2008
"The Revolution starts Now!"
Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats - New York Times
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders
Friday, April 25, 2008
The aftermath of Pennsylvania ....
Clinton Courted Racists in the Pennsylvania Primary | This Can't Be Happening!
Mary Pitt: "A Liberal View of the News"
MEDIA ALERT! Military Religious Freedom Foundation on this coming CBS Sunday Morning.
Watch MRFF Coverage on 'CBS News Sunday Morning' this weekend.
Featured will be coverage of MRFF, Mikey Weinstein, Key MRFF Client and Co-Plaintiff Jeremy Hall, and Constantine's Sword.
Click here for schedules and stations for viewing.
War on Hunga | Truth Spring
Tomgram: Steve Fraser, The Two Gilded Ages
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Food rationing across NYC?
Could it be me, or does this rumor have legs?
Irregular Times "News Unfit for Print" - Loren Davis Ministries and the Obama Slurs by JClifford
- Some of the wacko allegations:
- Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim
- Barack Obama is part of a secret conspiracy to complete the agenda of the September 11 attacks
- Barack Obama and his family in Kenya are a socialist political powerhouse behind the recent violence there.
Yes it is definitely time to read more Irregular Times .
Irregular Times "News Unfit for Print" - Obama is a Communist Poet and His Name Is Frank by Mother Davis
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
David Barstow: "Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand" - New York Times
Those military analysts you see on television yakking their asses off about what weapon is best and where those troops move - you know the ones everybody but Aunt Sally swears by. Well they're press pimp daddies for the Bush Pentagon war-spin machine. You can't trust any of the rat bastards, even the fatherly types. NYT reporter David Barstow sued and got his hands on 8000 internal documents, including emails. This journalistic muck is so hot it's steaming fresh - four readers have forwarded this, and one insisted I have his copy of the NYT. It's that hot!

I read portions from my buddy's copy this afternoon on Blue Barn radio. This is a revised second web edition with corrections cited below the fold as forwarded by another reader. The Nation also commented on the Pentagon memos which referred to the grandpa generals appearing on televsion as "message force multipliers" and "surrogates" for war. A neverending revolving door from M$M studios to the Pentagon meetings, to hundred million dollar military contracts. A Public Radio International broadcast on a NPR affiliate also referred to the same article today during an interview. Hey, it's tough getting the news out here in Kansas. Just follow those gawddamn links. Here's a portion of Barstow's original. [excerpt] "Those business relationships are hardly ever disclosed to the viewers, and sometimes not even to the networks themselves. But collectively, the men on the plane and several dozen other military analysts represent more than 150 military contractors either as lobbyists, senior executives, board members or consultants. The companies include defense heavyweights, but also scores of smaller companies, all part of a vast assemblage of contractors scrambling for hundreds of billions in military business generated by the administration’s war on terror. It is a furious competition, one in which inside information and easy access to senior officials are highly prized. ..." Read more
Stan Cox: The Political Economics of Greenwashing
Dr. Bill Roy: "Giving Back to Topeka"
Hillary Clinton's Monstrous Threat | This Can't Be Happening!
Pay Up or Risk Long Battle, Obama Told - CommonDreams.org
Monday, April 21, 2008
Alexander Cockburn:McCain, What Really Happened When He Was a POW?
IOL: Black consciousness pioneer dies
Read more about Aime Cesaire
House of Rep Candidate Cindy Sheehan: "Bringing down the curtain on catastrophic conservatism"
You missed it in Kansas. Try again.
ABC News: 'Constantine's Sword' Angers Catholics
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Swamp: Obama's Allentowngate? Laptops missing
Progressive radio talk show hosts fall-out at Seattle, Wa
Randi Rhodes suspended, leaves Air America after calling Hillary a "whore" off the job.
Funerals and Abortions - CommonDreams.org
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Across Globe, Empty Bellies Bring Rising Anger - New York Times
What We're About- by Justin Raimondo
Democracy Now! | Maoist Rebels Win Majority in Nepalese Assembly
Jon Stewart: "Blessed Week Ever"
Sowing Disaster: Why We Need a New Farm Bill - CommonDreams.org
University Crowd Cheers Sheehan - CommonDreams.org
Farooq Sulehria: A Himalayan Surprise
America's allies in Iraq under pressure as civil war breaks out among Sunni - The Independent
Friday, April 18, 2008
Kansas.com | 04/18/2008 | Sebelius vetoes second coal-plant bill
"Net metering" where homes, farms and villages can generate wind, solar electricity and sell it back to the Big Energy and Big Coal isn't even in the works at this point. The legislators shoving this through are too much up the asses of those powers - they don't trust us as usual. Read it, weep, then get mad as hell!
James Petras: " Venezuela: Democracy, Socialism and Imperialism"

From the Introduction of this extensively sourced article by James Petras: [Excerpt] "Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez remains the world’s leading secular, democratically elected political leader who has consistently and publicly opposed imperialist wars in the Middle East, attacked extra-territorial intervention and US and European Union complicity in kidnapping and torture. Venezuela plays the major role in sharply reducing the price of oil for the poorest countries in the Caribbean region and Central America, thus substantially aiding them in their balance of payments, without attaching any ‘strings’ to this vital assistance. Venezuela has been in the forefront in supporting free elections and opposing human right abuses in the Middle East, Latin America and South Asia by pro-US client regimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Colombia. ..."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
In Praise of Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground | This Can't Be Happening!
Ray McGovern | Antiwar Radio with Charles Goyette
Subprime Bailouts in Germany: Taxpayers Forced to Cover Risk of Banks' Folly - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
West Wing: The Madness of Ben Bernanke - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Consortiumnews: "The Weather Underground 'Theme' "
Truthdig - Reports - The Man Who Would Be Bush
Michel Husson: A Structural Crisis of Capitalism
[Excerpt] "This system of "vases communicants" can no longer operate because of the ruin of millions of households and because of the drop in the dollar. The dollar has never been so weak and unstable and interest rates are no longer attractive, to the point that capital inflows will cease, if they haven't already. The great unknown, then, is what the alternative model will be. It ought to challenge the unbelievable inequalities in income that exist in the United States. All the last few years' increase in growth has, in fact, been seized by a very narrow social stratum and the average salary has barely increased. To move to a regime of more balanced growth, the highest incomes would have to be pruned. Will the next government want or be able to implement a New Deal that would preclude having the great mass of employees pay for high finance's mistakes?..." Read:
Michel Husson: A Structural Crisis of Capitalism
THE EXILE - Who Won Iraq's "Decisive" Battle? - By Gary Brecher - The War Nerd
The $3 Trillion Shopping Spree
Thanks to Counterpunch for the first source. Watch: The $3 Trillion Shopping Spree
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
DEVELOPMENT: Global Hot Spots of Hunger Set to Explode
Dallas VA closes psychiatric wing after 4th patient kills himself | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News
Feds Use Phone Bills to Get Journo's Sources on NSA Spy Program | Threat Level from Wired.com
What would Dr. Chalmers Johnson say about this? | Nick Turse: "The Military-Leisure Golf Complex"
Just in time for Dr. Chalmers Johnson this afternoon beginning around 4pm today at Blue Barn Radio! Johnson wrote about "military Keynesianism" over two years ago. Mr. Turse is at the tee-off ready for a big drive into the back nine, but he's following in Dr. Johnson's divets.
Read The Military-Leisure Golf Complex by Nick Turse then consider listening and participating in a discussion with Dr. Johnson this afternoon beginning just after the news at 3pm Central Time. 646 - 716-8652
Joe Bageant: Media Sh*t Storms and Heartland Reality
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Neo con rat bastards ... going nuts "on air."
In case you missed it, National Security hack, Stephen Hadley losing his geographical cookies on ABC Sunday talk shop. Why? Nepal had elections last week - and guess what? A revolutionary party of Maoists effectively took over the country, in democratic elections - Hadley has visibly started worrying confusing Nepal with Tibet. LOL!
In case you missed it. Mary Pitt: "Why Americans are bitter"
Stacey Warde: " Fascism Is Creepy"

Source: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Oil Rules!
Media Matters - AP scrubbed Hadley's reportedly mistaken reference to "Nepal"

The Raw Story | NYT: Retailer bankruptcies set to prompt thousands of store closings
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Finding Voters `Bitter and Frustrated,' Obama is Sounding Like Nader | This Can't Be Happening!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sharon Smith: Let Them Eat Ethanol!
Friday, April 11, 2008
T.G.I.F. Intelligence Brief
A Republican is not a Bushevik.
And Grandpa McCain is a Bushevik. The Republicans have discarded their history for big pocketbooks, have betrayed the sovereignty of a constitutional republic for "entangling alliances with foreign" countries, committed high treason in service to the "military industrial complex" and violated the constitutional prohibition of such by establishing a religion i. e. "Christian Dominionism" over other religions in the country. They missed the freedom bus with Ron Paul.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hillary Clinton: The Wal-Mart Videos | The Center for Public Integrity | Investigative Journalism in the Public Interest

When you talk, for years, like a conservative union-busting duck, quack like a sweat shop liberal venture capitalist, dress-up like a gun - toting militarist - people begin thinking you are a duck. But she's really just a piece of dried up capitalist soaked toast.

Ray McGovern: "Yoo's on first?"

More Wal-Mart vids just keep pouring out! Hillary's Waterloo!
Truthdig - Reports - Everything His President Wants to Hear
Iraq Me! The General has no clothes ... hold, hold!
Local Lenexa video firm gets axed by Wal-Mart, releases gotcha clips!
This just in, from a Flyer reader, a Huff Post article describes:
According to the Wall Street Journal, a video treasure trove of Wal-Mart execs caught in unguarded moments is being floated around for sale by Flagler Productions. The Kansas-based company was originally hired by the corporate giant in the 1970s to film corporate sales meetings and other company functions. However....
The videos, thousands of them spanning three decades, are in the library of a production company in Lenexa, Kan. Flagler Productions Inc. was hired on a handshake deal by Wal-Mart in the 1970s to produce and film corporate sales meetings and other company events. ...
Adding from the original WSJ piece (linked above):
The video library might have remained under wraps if a new Wal-Mart executive hadn't decided to hire another company to stage a musical production for its 2006 stockholders' meeting. The decision sharply curbed Flagler's role. Wal-Mart dumped Flagler altogether as a producer in late 2006, nine days after Mr. Flagler sold the company for an undisclosed sum to two employees, Mary Lyn Villanueva and Gregory A. Pierce. The current owners say Wal-Mart accounted for more than 90% of Flagler's revenue. The company's bank called in a loan, and the pair dismissed their 16-person work force, Ms. Villanueva says. Flagler offered to sell the whole video archive to Wal-Mart for several million dollars, Ms. Villanueva says, although she won't disclose the exact price. Wal-Mart countered with an offer of $500,000, arguing the footage wouldn't be of interest elsewhere, the two owners say.
Oh yeah? Well it is now, baby! (click the link, heh, heh!)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
WaPo: "Labor Trouble Brews at Marshals Service"
Barbara Ehrenreich | Truckers Protest, the Resistance Begins
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
A Deficit of Leadership. The greatest onus is on the Bush administration and the Fed. But can we trust those who got it so wrong to put things right?
Remember: They Are Liars
New York Times Explains Winter Soldier Blackout
$120 billion net profits have to go somewhere, not to you at the Kansas gas pumps.

The Idiot Factor: Todd Tiahrt's folly: As with most Republicans Tiahrt said global warming is a myth
Dr. Bill Roy: "Those Wealthy Kansans Rank"
Kansas Rural Center's latest calender of local events
The Emerging Surveillance State - by Ron Paul
"... In communist East Germany , one in every 100 citizens was an informer for the dreaded secret police, the Stasi. They either volunteered or were compelled by their government to spy on their customers, their neighbors, their families, and their friends. When we think of the evil of totalitarianism, such networks of state spies are usually what comes to mind. Yet, with modern technology, what once took tens of thousands of informants can now be achieved by a few companies being coerced by the government to allow it to listen in to our communications. This surveillance is un-American. ..."
Read the latest by Ron Paul
Monday, April 07, 2008
Us Alone Can do it! Join the poster campaign to impeach the rat bastards!

Radio Ecoshock: "Thomas Homer-Dixon and more"
Electric Politics | EP Podcast: Bleeding The Hyperpower Dry
Informed Comment: 5 US Troops Die in Iraq; Heavy Fighting in Sadr City Kills 22, Wounds 78; Blockade Threatens Humanitarian Crisis
Listen to the General on Iraq (No, not Petraeus!) | This Can't Be Happening!
Hell on the scroll - Info Clearinghouse has a volatile line-up. Start with Mike Whitney's "Fed Up"
Thursday, April 03, 2008
April 2, 2008: THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR COAL - A Long Year in the Life of the U.S. Coal Industry
Below Media Radar: The Next American Civil War (Everyday Citizen)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Truthdig - Reports - Torture’s Poet Laureate
Kelpie Wilson | Dance of the Oil Fairies
The Raw Story | Mukasey hints US had attack warning before 9/11
The REAL News: "Who won the Battle of Basra?"
The End of Empire? - by Howard Zinn and Tom Engelhardt
Mary Pitt: "Just tell us what you really think"
With this week's PBS broadcast of the "Retirement Revolution" (click the link to watch the show) a virtual tidal wave is shaping up "with time on our side." The first part of the show, demonstrates some very important historical lessons that most have forgotten about where Social Security came from and what being poor meant for a generation that is largely dead now. I encourage readers who might have missed this program to check it out.
Now Mary Pitt, a fellow Kansan and a woman who has always offered great columns to the Flyer calls out, "just tell us what you really think" to our presidential candidates. Great struggles lie ahead for all of us, great tasks cry out to be done in the very near future and more wars for empire must be stopped, if only to repair, re conceive and regroup the damaged goods America has become after so much "free market" looting. [Excerpt] "As we watch and listen to the candidates for President, we find ourselves befuddled by what they say from week to week. ..." Read more.
ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 to Protest War
This is the first time in decades that an American union has decided to undertake industrial action against a U.S. war. It is doubly important that this mobilization of labor’s power is to take place on May Day, the international workers day, which is not honored in the U.S.
Read more about the ILWU actionPaul Craig Roberts: "Another American War Crime in the Making"
Charley Reese: "Bad Times Coming"
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The "Alabama Connection" forwards some justice from Wal-Mart

Fed eyes Nordic-style nationalisation of US banks - Telegraph

[Excerpt] "Norway ensured that shareholders of insolvent lenders received nothing and the senior management was entirely purged. Two of the country's top four banks - Christiania Bank and Fokus - were seized by force majeure. "We were determined not to get caught in the game we've seen with Bear Stearns where shareholders make money out of the rescue," said one Norwegian adviser. ..." Read more ... the joke's on us.
Should We Fight for South Ossetia? - by Pat Buchanan
Remember Phill Kline? Surprise he's caught in a lie, again?
Bush's "Defining Moments"- In Iraq, and Back Home in D.C. | This Can't Be Happening!
Kansas Rural Center's latest - Action Alert
Kansas Rural Center