Good for Karzai, by standing up, even a little bit to the Busheviks, when pointing out yesterday of Afghanistan's relationship with Iran as being "very, very good, very, very close relations ... We will continue to have good relations with Iran."
Leave it to American Main $tream Media to shove this into the background and down the memory hole. The simple fact is the Bushevik Regime is profiteering off the whole war and Karzai is dealing with the disasterous reality of imperialist war. American readers should regularly check out the "foreign press" to have a reality check about their country. The Australian also highlighted the true interests of the U. S. with this: "The US position was reiterated yesterday by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as she defended the US decision to sell tens of billions of dollars in arms to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states to thwart Iranian ambitions. 'I don't think anybody doubts that Iran constitutes a major challenge, security challenge, to our friends, our allies, and therefore to our interests in the Gulf region,' Dr Rice said."
It's all about war profiteering and controlling the region's oil, not one whit about controlling terrorism. Now when will the leaders of the Democrats (all those 'dead populists' are crying in their graves) and old time small government isolationist Republicans (what's left of them) stand up to the Busheviks and fully support impeaching every rotten lying stonewalling bastard in the corrupt administration?
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