Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tom Klammer's Soundcloud Audio: RETIRED SENIOR C.I.A. ANALYST RAY McGOVERN ON SEN. PAT ROBERTS (KS-R) @ Tell Somebody Radio

Sen. Pat Roberts, "A Congenital Liar" - Retired Ambassador Joe Wilson
  From the Soundcloud audio summary by Tom Klammer: 

"Pat Roberts wants Kansas voters to grant him another six years in the Senate, but finds himself facing a surprisingly close race against an Independent. With control of the Senate in play, and almost all of the media coverage and political ads on the Kansas Senate race focused on other issues, I thought it might be a good idea for Kansas voters to hear about Roberts’ role as Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence in covering up and corrupting fraudulent intelligence leading up to the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Former CIA analyst, presidential daily briefer, and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) co-founder Ray McGovern has some information to share about Senator Roberts. I recorded this phone conversation with him on October 15, 2014. A slightly shortened version of it was also broadcast on 90.1 FM KKFI in Kansas City as a segment of my weekly public affairs radio show on October 16, and podcasted at" 

The audio is about 44 min. and well worth the listen, share it with your friends and neighbors. Click here, to listen free.

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