Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guns sales surge after Obama's election - CNN.com

July 4th, 2008 mass re-enlistment ceremony at Saddam Hussein's Al Faw Palace, Iraq. Nowhere to go after the withdrawals begin?
Imperial leader for the U. S. empire, Gen. Petraus, administers and leads in reciting the consitutional oath. A Department of Treasury declared "panic" and Paulson's fraudulant, corrupt theft staged as an "economic rescue" means less jobs stateside, corporate financed flight and more misery for citizens "at the bottom."

The Empire's engineered Depression, will 'bring the Wars home'! The coming 'third world' United States of America.
The hysteria among the social-reactionaries as a result of the elections is but one disturbing indication of their insecurity after the long decades of fear-dominated propaganda by anti-democratic media monopolies. The swindling Wall Street banksters, corrupt military contractors and "Old South" racists are gearing up for violent reaction against their perceptions of government intrusion. The gun sales are just the tip of the iceberg.
Read the report at: CNN.com

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