Sunday, April 21, 2019


Well, some Independents might be helpfully affected by the Mueller Report:

Republican group will run ad on Fox News urging GOP to hold Trump accountable: 'No Exoneration, Definitely Obstruction.'  BY CHRISTINA ZHAO

Newsweek | ON 4/18/19 AT 7:26 PM EDT

But good luck trying to convince the general audience at Fox. Here's the reaction of the core of the core (well, maybe a fringe of the core, since it constitutes only a minority of the general cultists):

QANON conspiracy accounts are ‘gloating’ over Mueller Report, despite internal  dissent

Newsweek| ON 4/18/19 AT 7:07 PM EDT

An excerpt:
Believers fuse a number of mainstream Republican talking points with conspiratorial and absurdist elements, creating a nebulous and adaptable theory.

An especially gratifying excerpt:  View added: "Honestly, their biggest problem is with Trump saying 'I'm f***ed. They can't imagine Trump expressing weakness."

On Fareed Zakaria's GPS today (Sunday, 21 April 2019) there was a discussion between Lawrence Tribe of Harvard Law School and Robert Bennett, who represented Bill Clinton during the Ken Starr investigation. The Mueller Report has convinced Tribe (formerly against impeachment) that impeachment is now essential in order to protect the Constitution. Bennett argued that "sometimes it is necessary to rise above principle," pointing to the same considerations that disincline Nancy Pelosi and Stenny Hoyer to impeach, that is, the likelihood that the Senate will not convict, enhancing Trump's prospects for re-election. Tribe replied that it is essential to put Senators on record -- I assume not only for history but to expose those up for re-election who decline to convict.

Given my shaky confidence in the probity of key elements of the voting public (see this interactive map), the prospect of unseating incumbent senators who vote against conviction strikes me as fairly speculative. A better strategy might be to (yes) hold Congressional investigations that highlight the testimony of witnesses featured in the Special Prosecutor's inquiry into collaboration with Russian interference and obstruction of justice, but to stress other investigations into the effect of his tax "reform," the threat to social security, the need for affordable & reliable health care, with a view to making clear the scope of his corruption in pursuit of personal advantage and the welfare of the ultra-rich -- themes which should be the ones that candidates for the nomination should focus upon.

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