Thursday, May 16, 2013

michael --
To get a better perspective, it's often necessary to take a step back. Whether it's the history of mobile data caps, Fox News take on Tesla, the failure of austerity, or diversity in the news, perspective matters.
John Whitehouse
Twitter: @existentialfish

Diversity And The News

According to a new Media Matters analysis, cable news guests are overwhelmingly white and male. We crunched the numbers from April on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC and put the results into 13 charts.

ESPN Tries To Cash In

ESPN is reportedly in discussions to pay a wireless carrier to get around customer access limitations that the carrier put in place - even though the carriers said the caps were put there because of stress on their network. Simon Maloy explains how the data caps are really there to boost profits for mobile providers.

Jonathan Karl's Increasingly Bad Week

"At best, it's extremely sloppy." "Inaccurate." "Highly problematic ethically." That's how journalism veterans and media ethicists described ABC's Jonathan Karl's reporting on Benghazi to Media Matters' investigative reporter Joe Strupp. Karl claimed he was reporting on emails from the Obama administration on Benghazi - but as it turns out when the emails later leaked and his story collapsed, he was just reporting summaries.

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