Fire Up the Rooster Booster Rocket!
Today’s “Saturday High Noon” on Radio Free Kansas.Call-in live show with guests, local news and a roundup of state political news.
This just in from the Kansas Democratic Party:
“Gov. Brownback is going on a misinformation tour next week to drum up support for raising the sales tax on working Kansans. The Kansas House has threatened to cut $29 million in higher education funding and now Brownback is using that cut to scare people into supporting the "worst tax plan in America." That's why the governor is calling his visits a higher education tour - to increase sympathy for his horrible tax plan. But no amount of deception can cover up the reality: he needs to raise our sales taxes by nearly $250 million per year to pay for the reckless tax breaks he gave away last year to billionaires and big business.
Here's the full list of his tour stops: April 22 - Wichita State University, Butler Community College; April 23 – Washburn University/Washburn Institute of Technology; April 24 – Pittsburg State University; April 25 – University of Kansas School of Medicine, KCKCC; April 26 – Emporia State University; May 6 – Kansas State University
The Kansas Democratic Party will provide more information about the events as it becomes public so Kansas Democrats who believe in good schools and a fair system can come out and let Governor Brownback know he's not fooling anyone.”
Articles of Possible Interest: Brownback and his Koch bots in the state legislature legalizes the War on Women, outlaws federal gun laws and has his cornpone tax "revolution" called the "worst in the country."
There is a great sucking noise coming from Kansas over by that hog trough. Do they know? Click here.
Today's guest to discuss national events the writers from This Can't Be Happening online newspaper.
A time and date specific link to today’s
Radio Free Kansas
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