Friday, May 11, 2012

Jessica Pielko: "Are Kansas Officials Enabling Operation Rescue Terror Campaigns?" @ Care 2

" ... But If Operation Rescue does have any documents from Central Family Medicine, they were stolen, said the clinic’s attorney, Cheryl Pilate. 'This is about trespass and theft,' Pilate said. 'This has nothing to do with the sanctity of records or with protecting women. They are trying to frighten women away from having an abortion.'

Pilate said the clinic reported to police and the FBI on Monday about an apparent break-in at its trash bin. The bin is kept locked and papers dumped in it are shredded, she said. Pilate said the Operation Rescue allegations are part of a national strategy by anti-abortion groups to obtain and further their cause with the abuse of clinic papers.

'This was a locked Dumpster on private property,' Pilate said. “They (Operation Rescue) have in their possession stolen property.' ... "

Read more at Care 2's web site.

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