Saturday, March 24, 2012

War On The People Series begins @ Saturday High Noon

Today on Radio Free Kansas!

Call-in live show with Ann Pritchett and Mark Desetti.

Background article for listener reference: Annie Gowen, Washington Post, 21 Dec. 2011, "In Kansas, Gov. Sam Brownback puts tea party tenets into action with sharp cuts."

Ms. Pritchett is a teacher in the urban core of Kansas City and a veteran political activist.  She is on the board of the Kansas Progressive Caucus and has been witnessing the effects of funding cutbacks in education in both states.

Mark Desetti is the representative for the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) and is intimately aware of the cutbacks in Kansas education.

Take online action & stand up for kids in Kansas with the "End the Madness" petition campaign.

Callers with pertinent questions are welcome during the second hour.

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