Monday, December 06, 2010

Dave Lindorff: "Support Wikileaks and Julian Assange" @ This Can't Be Happening!

WikiLeaks is under concerted attack from the US government.

It is increasingly clear that the "rape" charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are trumped-up affairs resulting from pressure by the US government and intelligence agencies on Swedish authorities. The main allegation of rape is being made by a Swedish woman, Anna Ardin, who admits she had consensual sex with Assange, but claims he failed to halt their love-making when a condom allegedly failed. Calling such a situation "rape"--if it even happened--makes a mockery of the term.

The idea of an international arrest warrant through Interpol on such a thin charge is an insult to all the victims of real rape whose cases in the US and elsewhere around the world are regularly left unprosecuted. In addition, the woman making the allegation has a connection to anti-Castro organizations and a brother in Swedish intelligence who was a liason in Washington to US intelligence services, raising further questions about the whole "incident." A second woman's charges against Assange are even more specious...

For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF in ThisCantBeHappening!, the new independent, online alternative newspaper, please go to:

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