Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Conservative Propaganda Salvo Revealed

A Reader writes:
The first article below is a good piece of propaganda analysis.  Some of the comments offer interesting suggestions, too. 

Joe Brewer | Ending the Hidden Agenda Behind Tax Cuts (Truthout Perspective, 17 Feb 09) Joe Brewer for Truthout: "It's time to tell the truth about tax cuts. This phrase dominates political discourse and is coughed out every time a conservative public figure opens his mouth. It is treated like the basis of sound reasoning, yet no one points out what should be obvious - that 'tax relief' and 'tax cuts' are just code words for destroying the capacity of government to serve the public." 
There are several links in the article worth following up in their own right.  I'll confine myself to calling attention here to just one:  Brewer's succinct article "Calling Out the Conservative Lies on Stimulus" (CommonDreams, 5 Feb 09), at  It comments directly on the "conservative" ("con"?) assault on public education, and includes a link to a much broader discussion of issues that have been systematically obscured by Con disxourse.
Sara Mead | The Case for Building Schools & Sara Mead, The Washington Independent (28 Jan 09): "New investments in school construction and modernization are a natural fit for the stimulus package."

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