Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Democrat Leaders have the Wall Street crapola all over their hands too!

Independent is best! Turn off the cable television, turn on the internet and radio!

Fox News long denigrated as a man hole cover on the sewer of Republican elitist slime and conservative idiocy, must be feeling the pinch. Here is a commentary by John Gibson about the second tier of Democrat Party corruption in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac companies, note the reporter making the commentary uses Opensecrets for the source. You can too! Check out how the campaign crapola is spread about as it relates to the "bailout" here.

Wealthy, still in Heaven and untouchable ... on TV!

Here is another pertinent report:

Note that this Fox News report (below) is confined to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapse, not the top tier distressed houses; Bear Sterns, JP Morgan or the insurance giant AIG. We may expect the usual touting of McCain and Bush as some crystal ball seers from Fox News, but overlooking the obvious, that both political parties' leadership levels were deeply involved is wrong. Overlooking this elephant in the room, that fortune making from both elitest political parties in the toxic sewer of greed and unregulated "instruments" has propelled the collapse still qualifies Fox News as the wealthy's propaganda cannon.

Why do I keep advising readers to save some money and disconnect their "cable" network television? The internet is best - you don't have all the wasted time searching for independent news, or rot gut, rush to the bottom "entertainment."

How Fox News reads the "split" for Obama!
Note the white haired lady in the background of the next video, below, slapping her laughing partner's raised arm down as the single McCain supporter in the diner. The laughter in the background is appropriate based on the blatant BS the reporter is spreading out to the viewers. You can share in the laughter, too!

My compliments to the Dear Readers for the forwards contained in this post.
You'll enjoy newspapers again, too!

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